八年级英语下册 module 3 journey to space unit 2 we have not found life on any other planets yet导学案 (新版)外研版

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《八年级英语下册 module 3 journey to space unit 2 we have not found life on any other planets yet导学案 (新版)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 module 3 journey to space unit 2 we have not found life on any other planets yet导学案 (新版)外研版(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、我带领班子成员及全体职工,积极参加县委、政府和农牧局组织的政治理论学习,同时认真学习业务知识,全面提高了自身素质,增强职工工作积极性,杜绝了纪律松散课题Module3 Journey to space Unit2 We have not found life on any other planets yet课型Reading and writing 班级 学生姓名使用时间【学习目标】(1)能够正确使用下列单词:none,environment,solar,system,group,galaxy,universe,light,impossible,out,communicate(2)能够理解下列

2、单词和词组:hundreds of millions of,go around,none of, the solar system,billions of,in the universe,It is impossible to imagine,sendto,far enough to ,so many, communicate with.(3)能够理解课文完成相关练习,并能运用现在完成时描述太空旅行计划。【学习重点和难点】(1)正确理解现在完成时的构成。(2)用现在完成时描述太空旅行计划。【学习方法】小组合作、交流讨论【Learning process】Preview 1 Im brillia

3、nt, and I can write the words according to phonetic symbols。(Believing in yourself, you can do it.)phonogramwordChinesephonogramwordChinesennsstmnvarnmntgru:pju:nv:slatmpsblkmju:nkettatsl(r)glksi2 Preview the text and find the following phrases from the text.(Its difficult, so remember to communicat

4、e!)(1) 太阳系_ (7) hundreds of millions of_(2) 被叫做_ (8) in space _(3) 围绕着转_(9) billions of_(4) 没有一个_(10) far enough to_(5) 在宇宙中_(11) so many_(6) 无法想象_(12) communicate with _Cooperative learning【Pre-reading】Work in pairs. Look at the picture and talk about what you know about Chinese spaceships. (Activi

5、ty 1)【While-reading】1.Read the passage and choose the best title for it . (Activity2) 2 Check the true sentences. (Activity3)3 Reading Time【Post-reading】1.Complete the passage with the words and expression in the box.(Activity4)2. Problem solving. Students work in groups of four again, trying to fin

6、d difficulties in the article and discuss together. At the same time, discuss some language points raised by partners. If there is any problem, they may ask the teacher for help. At last share their worksheets with the whole class.NameLanguage pointsDifficultiesSolutions3. Discussion and making a sc

7、ience reportTell students that because of the pollution, the environment on earth is becoming worse and worse. If one day, humans cant live on earth any more, they have to find “a second earth” in space for them to live on, what kind of planet is suitable? Ask students to discuss in groups of four a

8、nd make a report.4. Writing (Activities 5,6)Show students a cartoon picture, asking them to answer the questions first, then use the answers to write the story in the cartoon picture.【Summary】I study, and I summarize.1.I have learnt some new phrases,such as_.2.I have known the Present perfect tense:

9、_【Classroom consolidation】 Complete the word according to the sentence meaning and initial letters or Chinese.1.The sun gives us _ (光) and heat.2The e_ of the small city is very good, so more and more people like to live there.3The sun is at the heart of the solar system and 8 _(行星) go around the su

10、n. 4There is the sun, the moon and the earth in the _ (宇宙).5Scientists havent received any _ (信息)from Mars.6Nothing is i_ if you try your best.7How do you c_ with your parents in everyday life?8The solar system is a small part of our _ (星系)【Homework】用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1It is hard _ (say) who will win th

11、e game.2So far none of us _ (know) the teachers name.3. I _ just _ (hear) the news.Im very happy.4Its _ (possible) for me to be therebefore eight. Its ten to eight now.5Hes sure hes strong enough_ (carry) the heavy box. 6_ (billion) of stars are together with the sun in the Galaxy. 7It took the spac

12、eship a lot of time _ (get) there.8More than one of us_ (be) good at football at the moment. 按要求改写下列句子。(1). I have been to America before.(变成一般疑问句) _(2). have, finished, not, I, homework, my(连词成句) _ (3). She _ the Great Wall twice.(has gone to/has been to )(4). So far, I learned more than 1,000 new

13、words.(改错)(5). I think he will come to your birthday party.(改为否定句) I _ _ _ _ come to your birthday party.完成句子(1)地球是行星,它围绕太阳运转。 The Earth is a planet and it _ the Sun.(2)为什么不把书带回来? _ the book?(3)没有一个学生去过英国。 _ the students _ England.(4)完成今天的作业不容易。 _ todays homework.(5)我刚读过有关火星的书。 I _ books _ Mars.(6)从其他星系到我们这里要花费很多年。It _ many years _ us from other galaxies 单项选择( )1.He was feeling bad. _



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