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1、作业 讲评,学案及情态动词练习,学案语法专题: 110 C C D C A B C D D C 1120 C C A B D C D A A C 2628 B B B,should表示“理当如此;按常理应该是”。 It should be a nice day tomorrow. Every sentence should start with a capital letter. 2. must have done表示对已经发生的事情的判断,“原来、当初肯定如此”。 他昨天肯定没去参加晚会。我们没有见到他。 He couldnt have attended the party, for we

2、didnt see him there.,3. must have done 4. must 表示“规定;要求”。 All passengers must wear seat belts. We must never forget how much we owe to these brave men. 5.can在表示对某事的判断时,用在否定句或疑问句中: What can they be doing now? Where can she have put it? This cant be the right road. He cant have said that.,6.表示植物所具备的 能

3、力。 Even a small personal computer can store vast amounts of information. 7. must have done表肯定判断。 8. might have done表示对于过去发生的事猜测: I might have forgotten to turn the light off, but Im not sure yet. 9. should have done “本应该做而没有做”。 Im sorry, I shouldnt have lost my temper. You should have come earlier.,

4、10. neednt 表示“不必要;也可用 “dont have to”. 11. shall用在第二人称和第三人称时,表示强烈的 “命令、要求、确信;允诺等 ”。 Candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. He is determined that you shall succeed. 12. shouldnt have done 13. dont have to = neednt,14. Shouldnt you be doing sth now? 表示委婉的责备、建议:

5、你现在该做点正事儿了吧? You shouldnt be smoking at this age. 15. may well do sth. = It is fairly likely Your job may well involve travelling. What you said may well be true. 16. 情态动词有时态要求,没有人称变化。 I mustnt play with matches. I shouldnt play with matches.,17. should表“要求、义务、责任”。 You should keep an eye on the matt

6、er. You should be ashamed of yourselves. 18. cant have done,否定判断,某事不可能。 He cant have slept with that noise. 他(那时)睡不着,外面动静太大了。 I cant sleep with that noise. 我(现在)睡不着,外面太吵了。,19. 同第8题,表猜测。 20. can表示客观上的可能性,sometimes ; at times He can be really annoying (at times). London can be very cold in April. 21.

7、虚拟: We cant have arrived if we hadnt taken the car. We cant have the harvest but for the rain. 22. shouldnt have done本不应该做某事。 23. might have done 本可能做某事。,24. 对存在的事,状态表示否定判断: It cant be true. He cant be serious! 25. can表示“能力”或“可能性”。 I dont need any one to help me. I can manage it. I can be back tomor

8、row morning theres an early bus. 26. neednt 没必要。,27. may表示“possibility”。 尽管说起来(可能)不算难,但是还是要仔细做。 28. can 表示客观上的可能性。 sometimes,综合技能答案: II. 听力: 110 C A C A C A B B C B 1120 C A C B A A A C B A II. 完型填空: 110 B C A D D A B A D C 1120 B C A C D D C A A B III. 阅读理解 110 C A B D A C D B B C 1114 B A D D,IV.

9、阅读表达: You will have to change teachers and classrooms during the day but you will get the hang of it. If so / If you have an orientation / During this orientation Get into a new experience and enjoy it.,4. To prepare the new students for middle school To get the new students ready for middle school.

10、 To give some advice on going to middle school 5. 尽管现在的学校在体制上与以前的学校有所不同,但人们没有必要对此表示疑虑。,语法 情态动词答案: 110 A B D D B C B C B D 1120 D C B B D B A D A C 20题A项:must have worked 2130 B B A A B B B C B A 3140 A C A C C A C D D B 4150 D D D A B B A C C D 5160 B B D A D B A A D B 6170 A B C B C D A B D C,7180 B B A A D A C B D B 高考题: 110 C B B A B B C D D A 1120 C D B C C C C A B D 2130 B B B D B B A D B A 3140 A B B B B C D/B C D D 37 题D和B答案都对。,



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