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1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,复习课,七年级下册,复习巩固本单元词汇:post, office, post office, police, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, pay, pay phone, near, across, across from等。,01,复习目标,复习句型:1)Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is. Its on Center Street. 2) Are there any resta

2、urants near here? Yes, theres one in front of the post office. 3) Wheres the hotel? Its behind the police station. 4) Go along long Street and its on the right. 5) Turn right at the first crossing.,02,复习语法:There be句型;问路和指路的表达方式。,03,知识梳理,behind 在后面 across 过;穿过 town 镇;市镇 north 北;北方 crossing 十字路口 neigh

3、borhood 街区;街坊 climb 爬 sunshine 阳光 free 免费的 easily 容易地 money 钱,重点单词,1. cross动词 横过;越过 across,介词 横过;穿过 e.g. He has to walk across the river to school. =He has to cross the river to school. 他上学必须穿过一条河。,重点单词讲解,知识梳理,2. spend 花(时间、金钱) (1)spendon sth(名词) 在某事或某物上花费 e.g. I usually spend one hour on my homewor

4、k. 我通常花费一个小时做作业 I spend ten yuan on the book.我花10元买这本书 (2) spend (in) doing 花费做某事 e.g.I usually spend one hour (in) doing my homework. 我通常花费一小时做作业,知识梳理,3.enjoy v.享受;喜爱 enjoyable adj. 高兴的 1)enjoy sth 喜欢某物 2)enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事He enjoys listening to music. 他喜欢听音乐 4.easy 容易的 修饰名词 easily 容易地;轻松地 修饰动词

5、The question is so easy. 这个问题如此简单。 You can get to the library easily. 你很容易就能到达图书馆。,知识梳理,知识梳理,重点短语回顾,post office 邮局 police station 警察 pay phone 付费电话 across from 在的对面 in front of 在前面 go along 沿着走 turn right/ left 向右/左转 spend time 花时间 enjoy reading 喜欢阅读,across from 介词词组, 意为“在的对面”。e.g. We live across fr

6、om the street. 我们住在街道的对面。 在英语中, “在的对面”还可以用其他的短语表示, 例如: 1) The bus stop is on the other side of the river. 汽车站在河对面。 2) The fruit shop is opposite the post office.水果店在邮局对面。,重点短语讲解,知识梳理,2. in front of和in the front of 在的前面 1)in front of 在的前面 强调在某事物范围之外的前面 e.g. There is a bank in front of the hospital. 在

7、医院的前面有一家银行。 2)in the front of 在的前面 强调在某事物范围内的前面 e.g. The teachers desk is in the front of the classroom. 讲台在教室的前面。,知识梳理,重点句型回顾,1. Is there a bank near here? 这附近有银行吗? Yes, there is. Its on Center Street. 是的,有。它在中心街上。 2. Are there any restaurants near here? Yes, theres one in front of the post office.

8、 这附近有餐馆吗?是的,邮局前面有一家。 3. Wheres the hotel? Its behind the police station. 饭店在哪里?它在警察局的后面。,知识梳理,4. There is a restaurant in front of the post office. 在邮局前面有一家餐馆。 5. Go along long Street and its on the right. 沿着长街走,它在右边。 6. Turn right at the first crossing. 在第一个十字路口向右转。 7. I often exercise at the park

9、because I love the clean air and sunshine. 我经常在公园锻炼因为我喜欢那里新鲜的空气和阳光。 8. When I read books, time goes quickly! 当我读书的时候,时光飞逝。,知识梳理,语法讲堂,There be 句型,1. 基本结构:“there be + 主语(名词)+其他”表示“在某地有某人或某物 ” There (there 是引导词,没有词义)be(谓语动词)+sb./sth.(某人/物是主语)+地点(作状语,多为介词短语) eg. There is a bank(可数名词单数) in the neighborho

10、od. There is some salad (不可数名词)on the table。 There are some students (可数名词复数)in the classroom.,2. There be 句型就近一致原则 当主语是几个并列名词时,要根据离be动词最近的一个名词来确定be的形式。 谓语动词be 在人称和数上应以后面的第一个名词保持一致。 e.g. There is a boy and two girls in the room. There are two girls and a boy in the room.,语法讲堂,3. There be 句型的否定句:在be

11、后加not. e.g. There is a post office near hear.There isnt a post office near here. 4. There be 句型的一般疑问句:将be 动词提到句首。肯定回答:Yes,there is /are否定回答:No,there isnt / arent e.g. Is there a post office near here? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. Are there any restaurants near here? Yes, there are. No, there arent

12、. 5. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(组)+be +there +其他 How many students are there in your class? There be 句型与have/has 的区别: There be 句型表示客观存在;have/has 表示主观拥有,语法讲堂,典例精讲,1. Excuse me. Is there a post office near here? Yes, _ is. Go down this street and turn right. A. it B. this C. that D. there,解析:问句Is there?的答语为:Yes, the

13、re is./ No, there isnt.。由空前的Yes,可知,此处填there,故选D。,D,2. There_ two dictionaries on the bookcase. You can use either of them. A. is B. be C. are,解析: “There be+名词+某地”表示“在某地有某物或某人”,be的形式与名词一致,空后的名词dictionaries为复数名词,故选C。,C,典例精讲,3. Excuse me, _? Its next to Wanda Cinema. A. when is the movie on B. what is

14、your mother C. who is the girl under the tree D. where is the nearest bookshop,解析:由答语“它在万达影院隔壁”可知,问句询问位置,故选D。,D,典例精讲,写作指导,本单元以“问路和指路”为话题, 要求学生能尊却描述去某地的路线,在写作过程中要熟练运用there be句型以及表示方位的介词(on, next to, in front of, between, behind, across from等),要准确描述出具体位置。,【习作在线】 根据下面英语和汉语提示和要求写一篇小短文,告诉你的朋友怎样到你家。 假设下星期

15、日是你的生日,你将邀请你的朋友Tom到你家,写一个4060词的便条告诉你的朋友如何到你家,尽可能运用下列提示语: 1. turn right 2. go along Guanghe Street 3. the Heping Street 4. go straight 5. across from 要求:1. 至少5句以上; 2. 时态正确; 3. 书写规范。,要求: 1. 词数: 60个左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数); 2. 字迹工整, 语言流畅, 表达正确, 逻辑清晰。 A Great School Trip Last weekend all the teachers and students of Class 1, Grade 7 visited_ _ _,My home is not very far. You just go out of your home and turn right. Go along Guanghe Street and turn left at the Helping S



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