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1、我带领班子成员及全体职工,积极参加县委、政府和农牧局组织的政治理论学习,同时认真学习业务知识,全面提高了自身素质,增强职工工作积极性,杜绝了纪律松散Unit 1Can you play the guitar?教学课题第一课时Section A (1a-2d)教学目标【知识目标】Important words:guitar,sing,swim,dance,draw,chess,speak,join,club,tell, storyImportant phrases:speak English, play chess, play the guitar,be good at,join the che

2、ss clubImportant sentences:1. Can you swim?Yes,I can./ No,I cant.2.What club do you want to join?I want to join the music club.【能力目标】能够熟练用can表达某人的能力。【情感目标】了解自己特长,不断完善自己,充实自己。教学重难点情态动词can的用法。教学过程Step 1LeadingT:What do they do in the picture?S:They.(见课件)T:Can you/he sing/ swim/ dance.?S:I/He can.T:The

3、re are many clubs.What club do you want to join?(见课件)S:I want to join the music club.Because I can sing.Step 2Listening1.Ask the students to read the conversations in 1b first.2.Ask the students to listen and number the conversations 1-3 in 1b.3.Check the answers.(见课件)4.Ask the students to read the

4、club names in 2a.5.Ask the students to listen to two conversations and circle the clubs they hear.6.Ask one student to show the answers.(见课件)7.Listen again and complete the sentences in 2b.8.Ask three students to show their answers.(见课件)Step 3Make similar conversations 1.Look at 2b and talk about wh

5、at the people can do and the clubs they want to join.2.Show an example.(见课件)教学过程Step 4Role-play 1.Ask the students to read the conversation in 2d,try to find:What can Jane/ Bob do?What club do they want to join?2.Ask the students to fill in the form.(见课件)What can.do?What club does.want to join?BobJa

6、ne3.Ask students to practice the conversation according to the form.4.Ask students to perform the conversation.Step 5Explain several important words and phrases.(见课件)Step 6HomeworkMake a survey about what your friends can do and what club your friends want to join.板书设计Section A(1a-2d)重点单词短语1.play th

7、e guitar/play basketball2.want to do sth.3.join/join in/take part in4.be good at重点句型1.Can you swim?Yes,I can./No,I cant.2.What club do you want to join?I want to join the music club.课堂练习.根据所给单词或中文意思完成句子 1.Can you(说) English well?2.I want to (游泳) in the river.3.Welcome to (加入) the chess club.4.My fri

8、end can tell many interesting(story).5.Mary is good at (draw).Keys:1.speak2.swim3.join4.stories5.drawing.短文填空,每空一词Hi.I am Kate.Here 1.all the clubs.I like to 2.,so I want to join the singing club.I think it is relaxing 3.me.But my friend Mary 4.like singing.She is good 5.speaking English,and she wan

9、ts to join the English club because she wants to help people learn English.Bob wants to join the sports club.And he can play soccer.What 6. Jane? She is good at 7.stories,8.she can join the story telling club.And that sounds fun.Do you want to 9. us? Please call Kitty 10. 178-6609.Keys:1.are2.sing3.for4.doesnt5.at6.about7.telling8.so9.join10.at 教学反思经过专家组及技术指导员的共同努力,科技入户工作取得了很大的成绩,促进了小麦 产量的大幅提升,农民种粮收益明显提高,得到了广大群众的一致赞许和社会各界的广泛好评。



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