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1、我带领班子成员及全体职工,积极参加县委、政府和农牧局组织的政治理论学习,同时认真学习业务知识,全面提高了自身素质,增强职工工作积极性,杜绝了纪律松散Unit 11 How was your school trip?第四课时 Section B (3a3c ) & Self Check学习目标:1、重点单词boring 无聊的 interesting令人感兴趣的 great伟大的2、重点词组 take photos照相 buy some gifts买礼物 by bus乘公共汽车 go to the countryside去农村3、重点句式(1)Yesterday we visited the z

2、oo.昨天我们参观了动物园。(2)We went there by bus. 我们坐公共汽车到那儿。(3)We saw a lot of animals and took some photos. 我们看到许多动物并拍了很多照片。(4)It was a great day. 这是愉快的一天。重点难点: 1. 一般过去时的正确使用2. 有关活动的动词短语导学设计:1. It was a boring day. 今天真无聊。【归纳】boring意为“令人感到无聊的”,多修饰事物。bored意为“感到无聊的”,描述人的心理感受。We are bored because the movie is to

3、o boring.我们感到很无聊,因为这场电影太让人感到无聊了。2. The air was so clean.空气是如此清新。【归纳】so修饰clean,意为“如此”,是副词。such意为“如此”,修饰名词,是形容词。常用句型结构有:sothat“如此以至于”。The movie was so boring that I fell asleep soon.这部电影如此无聊,以至于我很快就睡着了。3. 动词过去式 规则动词的过去式的变化规则:【归纳】(1) 直接加-ed。work-worked(2)以不发音的字母e结尾的单词,直接加-d. live-lived hope-hoped(3)以辅音

4、字母+y结尾的, 再加ed。(4) 以元音字母+y结尾的,直接加-ed. enjoy-enjoyed play-played(5)以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后的辅音字母加-ed。stop- stopped plan-planned不规则变化无规律可循,则需牢牢记住。have-had do/does-did are-were am/is-was go-went say-said think-thought teach-taught sit-sat cut-cut知识巩固:. 根据句意及括号内所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. We saw five _ (奶牛) on the farm. 2.

5、 Ann and her sister are _ (摘) pears. 3. The old man likes living in the _ (乡村). 4. Dont _ (担心). We can help you with your English. 5. You cant play with _ (火). . 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. It was _ (sun) yesterday morning. 2. Helen has a _ (love) dog and she likes it very much. 3. _ (lucky), it didnt r

6、ain when I visited the farm. 4. They are (grow) apple and pear trees. 5. There are two (painting) on the wall. . 单项选择1. We learned a lot _ animals in the zoo. A. in B. with C. about D. for 2. I want to know _ to make a model plane. A. who B. whom C. what D. how 3. I _ a student last year but now I _

7、 a teacher. A. am; am B. was; am C. am; was D. was; was4. His uncle is good at farming. He works on a .A. hospital B. bank C. farm D. hotel5. Were you at home _? No, I werent.A. yesterday B. every day C. next Monday D. now6. They cant see _ in the dark.A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothi

8、ng7. Amy helped her grandma _ the cat this morning. A. blow B. feed C. pick D. milk8. All of you, be quiet! I cant _ the teacher. A. watch B. see C. hear D. listen9. How was Tims trip? _. He had a lot of fun.A. It is OK B. He was fine C. It was great D. He had a trip 10. Did he visit the museum last

9、 Sunday? _. He played the piano. A. Yes, he did B. No, he didnt C. Yes, he does D. No, he doesnt. 根据汉语完成句子1. 总之,这是令人兴奋的一天。_ _ _, it was _ _ day.2.老师带他们参观了学校。The teacher _ them _ the school.3. 最后,太阳又出来了。In the end, the sun _ _ again. 4. 你对科学感兴趣吗?Are you _ _ science?5. 我们去钓鱼吧。Lets _ _.参考答案导学设计1.(1) 知识巩固.1. cows 2. picking 3. countryside 4. worry 5. fire. 1. sunny 2. lovely 3. Luckily 4. growing 5. paintings. 1-5 CDBCA 6-10 BBCCB. 1. All in all, an exciting 2. showed, around 3. came out 4. interested in 5. go fishing经过专家组及技术指导员的共同努力,科技入户工作取得了很大的成绩,促进了小麦 产量的大幅提升,农民种粮收益明显提高,得到了广大群众的一致赞许和社会各界的广泛好评。


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