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1、Nelson Mandela -A Modern Hero,Jay Chow,Yaoming,林浩 (救灾小英雄) 男,9岁半 汶川县映秀镇渔子溪小学学生 在汶川大地震发生的那一刻,9岁的林浩临危不惧,他爬出废墟后并没有逃离,而是再次钻到废墟里开始救助自己的同学。他艰难地把两名同学背出了废墟,自己也受了伤。他的班上共有10人被救,其中两个是他救的。,被问到为什么要这么做时,林浩说:“我是班长。如果其他同学都没有了,要你这个班长有什么用呢?” 6月27日,林浩被授予“抗震救灾英雄少年”的称号。 8月8日北京奥运会开幕式上,中国代表团旗手姚明的身旁走着另外一位小“旗手”来自四川地震灾区汶川县映秀小

2、学的学生林浩,他的头上,还有地震带来的伤痕。,人物背景 都江堰光亚学校的教师范美忠在地震发生那一刻,弃学生于不顾第一个跑出教室,所幸学生安然无事。之后,他“洋洋自得”地在天涯论坛上发表了一篇那一刻地动山摇的帖子,而且在文章最后表白:“在这种生死抉择的瞬间,,只有为了我的女儿我才可能考虑牺牲自我,其他的人,哪怕是我的母亲,在这种情况下我也不会管的。” 此文一出,引来一片哗然,大部分网友骂毕业于北京大学历史系的他是地震中“最无耻教师”,应该除名,并讥讽他为“范跑跑”。少部分网友则认为这是他的自由,不应该开除。,学校校长卿光亚承受着外界巨大压力,在是否开除“范跑跑”的问题上,仍没有做出最终决定,只是

3、让他停课在家。,Do you always do your own home work?,Do you ask for help when you think it necessary?,Do you help others with their work if they ask you?,Do you get on well with your classmates?,Are you willing to do public service work without pay?,What kind of person are you?,Your friend needs bus fare ho

4、me but you want to buy something to eat? Would you refuse to help?,Are you active in school activities?,Do you have hobbies?,Do you easily lose heart when you are in trouble?,Do you often help old people or little children when they need help?,Is he a great person?,In my opinion,Who can be called a

5、great person?,I think ,To my understanding,A great person is someone who is devoted to helping others.,I feel that,Discussion,What qualities do you think a great person should have?,qualities of the great people,determined,brave,confident,warm-hearted,responsible,selfless,honest,broad-and-open minde

6、d,generous,kind,easy-going,hard-working,devoted,helpful,independent,How can we tell if an important person is a great person?,Most of the great people are also important people. But important people may not also be great people. Now look at the information about six men. And find out who is not a gr

7、eat person? Give you reason for your decision.,Divide the whole class into several groups and discuss it.,William Tyndale (1484-1536) Priest and scholar; translated the Bible into Modern English.,William Tyndale believes that the Bible should be able to be read by everyone. So he made it his lifes w

8、ork to translate the Bible from ancient Greek and Hebrew into easily readable English for the people of his time. But he was caught and put into prison and died for this ideas and beliefs.,After his death, the Bible was published in English and 80% of it was the work of William Tyndale.,Norman Bethu

9、ne A Canadian; fought against the German Nazis and Japanese invaders during World War II; worked as a doctor and saved many Chinese soldiers.,Norman Bethune was a Canadian, a Communist, and also a doctor. He supported the Chinese and went to help their army as a doctor and to train other doctors. He

10、 invented mobile field hospital units. Unfortunately, he got blood poisoning while working in China and died there.,Sun Yat-sen He founded the first Republic in China in 1911 after many years fighting; he strongly believed in the three principles: nationalism; peoples rights; peoples livelihood,Sun

11、Yat-sen (November 12, 1866 - March 12, 1925) was a Chinese revolutionary leader and statesman, the founder of the Kuomintang and the first provisional president of the Republic of China.,In the 1930s he was posthumously given the title “Father of the Nation” (国父 Guf), which is currently used in Taiw

12、an. In the mainland, he is commonly referred to as the “forthgoer” (革命的先行者) and is mentioned by name in the preamble to the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China.,Mahatma Gandhi He gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way.,Mohandas

13、 Gandhi was educated in the United Kingdom and received a law degree from University College in London. After he was admitted to the British bar, he practiced law in Bombay (now Mumbai) , India, and later in Durban, South Africa.,While in South Africa, he was treated as a member of an inferior race,

14、 which spurred him into his lifelong quest to achieve civil rights for all races.,Nelson Mandela He fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years. He helped the black people to get the same rights as white people.,Nelson Mandela was elected the first black President in South Africa

15、in 1994.,For the first time ever, South Africans all races are citizens. The vote came on April 26, 1994.,The victory celebration was the sweet one for Nelson Mandela. Just days later, the Africans government of F. W. de Klerk handed the rings over to victorious African National Congress.,Neil Armst

16、rong American pilot, astronaut; the first person to walk on the moon “Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”,Neil Armstrong was the first man ever to walk on the moon. He was a pilot in the American Air Forces and later joined the astronaut program. He was chosen to be the first man to walk on the moon.,Great person:,Important person:,Plays an important role in some field, organization or great events.,Has a great idea; always helps others; unsel


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