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1、,Why is the temperature so low in Quebec?,Winter festival in Quebec,Bonhomme,canoe race,snowboarding,dog-sled race,ice sculpture,Answer the following questions.,1. Why do you think that dogs are used to pull sleds in cold climates? Dogs are used in cold climates because they can run on top of the sn

2、ow, which horses cannot/because they have very thick fur which keeps them warm. They are also very strong/do not eat grass and grain as horses and cattle do/ can be fed on meat/do not eat too much.,Task 1,2. Which activity at the Quebec Carnival do you think would be the most fun? Why? 3. Which acti

3、vity at the Carnival do you think would be the most dangerous? Why ? Probably the canoe race through the ice would be the most dangerous.,4. If you could go to the Quebec Carnival, what would you do and see? Why? 5. If you had to draw a poster for the Carnival, what things would you put on poster? 6

4、. What would you wear if you went to the Carnival? Name three things. I would wear a thick/warm coat/ jacket/hat/ gloves,Compare what you know about Harbin with Quebec.,ice sculptures,ice sculptures,Snowboarding competitions, canoe races, dog-sled races,Snow sculptures, skiing, skating and other act

5、ivities just for fun, but not part of the festival,Para1: the introduction of the surroundings in Quebec The temperature:_ The windows:_ The snow:_ The music and lights:_,32 degrees below freezing,are covered with steam,covers the streets and is pilled up,continue,Task 2,Para1: Our feet: _ Our noses

6、: _,freezing,red,Para2-7,activities,snowboarding competition,canoe race,dog-sled race,admire the ice sculptures,go to the snow palace/ dance,Para8 Finally, we sit down in our caf to _ and to _.,warm up,plan tomorrow,Whats the meaning of overlook in para 3 ? A. look too much B. ignore C. have a view

7、of (a place) from above,2. Whats the meaning of igloo in para 6 ? A. caf B. restaurant C. hotel D. ice house,Task3,A Tip: While you guess the meaning of a new word in a sentence, you must pay attention to the sentence itself or to the context.,Eg: Apple trees may grow as tall as 12metres and they gr

8、ow best in areas that have cold winters. Although no fruit is yielded during the winter, this cold period is good for the tree. The underlined world “ yielded” most probably means _. A. sold B. bought C. improved D. produced,3. Which of the sentence can be replaced by the following one? According to

9、 the music of a band, you can dance and the musicians in the band wear heavy clothes and even some of the musical instruments have thick coverings to protect them form freezing when they are played outside.,You can dance outside to the music of a band, who are all dressed in heavy clothes even some

10、of their instruments are dressed up for winter. (para 7),Task 4,Writing Task,写记叙文时,我们应交待清楚时间、地点、人物、事件、原因和结果六要素。写人时,要注意介绍人物的身世、经历和事迹等;叙事时,要写清楚事情发生与发展的过程以及事情发生的前因后果等。 可以用以下六个步骤来完成记叙文的写作,即:列出要点、确定中心、组织逻辑、准备语言、扩点成句、连句成篇。,(选自2008年高考英语天津卷) 假设2008年2月12日是你父亲的生日,下面三幅图描绘的是你给父亲买完礼物后乘坐地铁回家时经历的一件事。请根据图示,用英语写一篇日记

11、记叙这件事,并谈谈自己的感受。 注意:1. 词数不少于100; 2. 可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:地铁(列车) subway train,一、列出要点 1. 时间:2008年2月12日 2. 地点:在回家的地铁上 3. 人物:“我”和老奶奶 4. 事件:给爸爸买生日礼物;地铁上让座,5. 过程: a. 买完礼物,想着父亲的喜悦,坐地铁回家; b. 老奶奶上车,拎着行李,无处可坐; c. “我”经过思想斗争,最后给老奶奶让座。 二、确定中心 主要通过叙述给老奶奶让座的过程,使“我”的思想认识有了提高。,三、组织逻辑 根据中心思想,重点应该是“老奶奶找座”,“我的思想斗争并让座”,“

12、所感所想”。文章可以将“为父亲买礼物”与“善行即礼物”首尾相呼应;以事件发展的过程为主线,既写实又写虚,适当补充细节,如动作、环境、心理等。,四、准备语言 Picture 1: buy sb. sth., by subway back home, seated, imagine, surprised and happy . Picture 2: old and tired, no seat left, helpless, weigh, hesitate, doubt . Picture 3: hesitation, give seat to, thankful, grateful, smile .,五、扩点成句、连句成篇 准备工作做好之后,就可扩点成句、连句成篇了。注意要有意识地使用一些连接词或过渡词,如meanwhile, however, nevertheless, besides, still等。,


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