高中英语 unit 24 society section warmup lesson 1language points课时作业 北师大版选修

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1、在学生就要走出校门的时候,班级工作仍要坚持德育先行,继续重视对学生进行爱国主义教育、集体主义教育、行为规范等的教育,认真落实学校、学工处的各项工作要求Unit 24 Society Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Language points.单词拼写(根据汉语提示写出单词)1He,a disabled child,is becoming a _(负担) to his mother.答案:burden2We will send you a copy of the agreement for your_(签字)答案:signature3I felt as if there

2、 was a weight on my chest,_(使窒息) me.答案:choking4. The highest quality paper is made mostly from_(破布)答案:rags5She likes to walk around in_ (赤裸的)feet.答案:bare6Every person will have his_ (退休金) when he retires.答案:pension7America doesnt have the_(所有权) of the Pacific.答案:ownership8She is_ (怀孕的) with her firs

3、t child.答案:pregnant.单句语法填空1(上海春招改编) _you take a photo,you should always check the position of the sun.答案:Before2On AIDS Day,the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems referred to_(pay) special attention to.答案:(should) be paid3(湖北高考改编) Clinical evidence_( accumulate),it suggesting t

4、hat the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals.答案:accumulating4Its high time that we students_ (work) even harder at our lessons as the national entrance examination_(come) nearer.答案:worked/should work;is coming5Dinosaurs lived on the ear

5、th tens of millions of years ago,long before humans came _being.答案:into6The mayor had to resign_his position because of his mistake.答案:from7. You are more likely to accomplish _you want if you know how to make necessary_(adjust) in a new environment.答案:what;adjustments8The western area _(abundance)

6、in minerals is becoming the new energy base of our country.答案:abundant9We shouldnt complain about being poormany families are_(badly) off than we are.答案:worse10After he got the deadly disease,he felt he was really _ burden to his family.答案:a11Its a fact that people from_(diversity) cultures often ha

7、ve difficulty _ (understand) each other.答案:diverse;understanding12Please inform me as soon as possible once there is a_(vacantly) position in the branch office.答案:vacant.选词填空pension,resign from,be a burden to,make adjustments,deposit,come into being,voluntary,be abundant i 1.He didnt want to live on

8、 his_.答案: pension2He_some money in a bank every month.答案: deposited3He _a government department last year.答案:resigned from4He didnt want to_ the society.答案:be a burden to5He_to his routine life.答案:made adjustments 6He decided to do some_work for our school and community.答案:voluntary7When did the Gre

9、at Wall_?答案:come into being 8The country_ natural resources.答案:is abundant in.根据汉语提示,选用练习中的句子完成语段训练 汤姆是个善良体贴的人。他说他不想靠退休金生活。因此,他每月都在一家银行存些钱。去年从政府部门退休后,他不想成为社会的负担,因此他决定对自己的生活作出调整。他自愿地为我们学校和社区工作。通过努力他赢得了人们的尊重。参考答案Tom is a kind and considerate person,who said he didnt want to live on his pension.Therefo

10、re,he deposited some money in a bank every month.He resigned from a government department last year.He was unwilling to be a burden to the society,so he decided to made adjustments to his routine life.Now he does voluntary work for our school and community,which has made him win peoples respect by h

11、is effort.阅读理解One British,owner will be offered a genetic replica (复制品) of their dog for free as part of the UK launch of the service,which usually costs 63,000.But scientists warned that owners hoping to create an exact copy of their favorite pet may be disappointed because,like identical twins,the

12、 clone will not be a perfect replica of the first.Although they will share the same genetic code,different conditions in the womb and the environment they are exposed to after birth will change some characteristics,including aspects of the dogs appearance and behavior.Experts also warned that clonin

13、g animals is extremely unreliable,only successfully resulting in a healthy specimen (样本) in one or two of every hundred attempts,and that making the cloning process reliable would be a “major achievement”But South Korean firm Sooam Biotech says it has never failed to produce a clone and will guarant

14、ee its work.The technique involves taking a single skin cell from the original animal and replicating its DNA to create a manmade embryo (胚胎),which is born after two months gestation (孕 育)The company says it has cloned at least 400 dogs around the world,including rescue and police dogs for the South Korean government and dozens of pets for wealthy American owners.The competition,and following creation of Britains first cloned dog,will be filmed and broadcast in a documentary on Channel Four.Sooam Bio


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