高中英语 unit 17 laughter section communication workshop课时作业 北师大版选修

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《高中英语 unit 17 laughter section communication workshop课时作业 北师大版选修》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 unit 17 laughter section communication workshop课时作业 北师大版选修(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、在学生就要走出校门的时候,班级工作仍要坚持德育先行,继续重视对学生进行爱国主义教育、集体主义教育、行为规范等的教育,认真落实学校、学工处的各项工作要求Unit 17 Laughter Section Communication Workshop.语法填空1The department has_(starve) resources.答案:been starved of/for 2Thanks _free education,the poor children in our hometown can go back to school.答案:to3. The living room is clea

2、n and tidy,with a dining table already _(lay) for a meal to be cooked.答案: laid4As we know,the camel is _great help to the Arab.答案:of5The police are very tough _drunk drivers.答案:on 6The best method _(accomplish) this goal is to unite as many sympathetic people as possible with the labour movement its

3、elf.答案:to accomplish.完成句子1难怪“食在广州”家喻户晓。_that “eating in Guangzhou” is widely known.答案:No wonder2由于他的努力,获得了比我们预期的更大的成功。 _,it is more successful than we have expected.答案:Thanks to his efforts3我们正在做的工作非常有价值也非常重要。The work we are doing is_.答案:of great value and significance 4整个下午他都锁着门在房间里工作。All the after

4、noon he worked_.答案:with the door locked 5很多人发现英语越来越有用。Many people found_.答案:English more and more useful.完形填空It was a clear,warm autumn morning.The wind made Kates cheeks_1_up pleasantly as she walked to work.Pale sunlight_2_on the bare branches of the trees,and fallen leaves moved and made a noise

5、round her feet.Her contentment went away,_3_,the moment she reached the office,where she was _4_with angry voices and a lot of quick activities._5_,she asked what was wrong. “We have been _6_over by another company,” someone said,“and theyve fired everyone.” Kates heart_7_.She had refused to believe

6、 office stories of the takeover,but at that moment she felt_8_and afraid.She had no idea what she could do,or where she should go.Very surprised,she didnt even take off her coat,but _9_took away a few of her own things from her desk.Slowly making her way to the park,Kate sat on a bench and looked at

7、 the ducks moving on the river.After thirty years of loyal_10_,she told herself bitterly that she had been put aside.No one would_11_an elderly secretary who knew nothing about computers.Then a familiar voice suddenly_12_her thoughts,“Cheer up,Kateits not the end of the world!” Looking up,she saw he

8、r boss,Mr Thomson.As soon as he _13_about the takeover,he explained,he decided to make another plan,and_14_a small hotel in the south of Spain.“My wife and I need a_15_,” he continued nicely,“and youd be just _16_for the job.”Kate looked at the beautiful colours of the fallen leaves and _17_that thi

9、s was the chance of her dreams.She was happy with the idea of making a new _18_in the later part of her life,and a big_19_was seen on her face.She knew the events of that day would _20_her life forever.语篇解读凯特高高兴兴地去上班,结果发现她的公司已经被另一家公司接管,突然失业的她独自一个人漫步在公园里,老板托马斯未雨绸缪,早就为凯特准备好了一份工作,这一天的风景也随着凯特的经历变幻莫测起来。1

10、A.speedBlightCwarm Dget解析:前文描述了一个秋高气爽的秋日早晨,下文提到凯特愉快地去上班,根据前后情景可以推断秋风吹得她的脸颊熠熠生辉(light up)。答案:B2A.shone BblewCtrembled Dshook解析:本句继续描述自然风景,苍白的阳光照耀着(shine)光秃秃的树枝。tremble使颤抖;shake使摇动,意思表达偏离语境。答案:A3A.therefore BhoweverCmoreover Dotherwise解析:承接上段语意:然而(however),当她到达办公室的时候,她的意气风发随之烟消云散了。此处考查情景的转折。答案:B4A.fol

11、lowed BmetCsatisfied Dfaced解析:在办公室里面,面对(be faced with)她的是嘈杂的愤怒声。跟随(follow)不能准确表达当时的语境。答案:D5A.Inspired BPuzzledCInterested DAmused解析:当凯特走进办公室时,一系列的异常情景,让她感到困惑(puzzled),后文提到她想知道到底发生了什么事情。受鼓舞的(inspired);感兴趣的(interested);娱乐的(amused)不符合语境。 答案:B6A.taken Bgone Cthought Drun解析:根据下文的描述,公司的人都要下岗了,可以推知她们的公司被别的

12、公司接管了(take over)。答案:A7A.jumped BsankCdisappeared Dsurvived解析:根据下一句话,她不愿意相信公司被接管的事实,可知当时她的心情十分沉重(sink)。答案:B8A.stuck BinvolvedClost Dexcited解析:根据下文,她不知道要做什么,要去哪里,可以推知她现在感到迷茫(lost)而又害怕。答案:C9A.nearly BfairlyCsimply Dhardly解析:面对突然的打击,她没有像往常一样脱掉外套,只是(simply)从办公桌上带走了几件个人的物品。答案:C10A.practice BoffferCprocess

13、 Dservice解析:她独自一人走到公园里,想到三十年来对公司忠心耿耿的服务(service),却被无情地抛弃了。答案:D11A.receive BhireCinterview Dphone解析:根据生活常理推断,没有公司愿意雇佣(hire)一个连电脑都一窍不通的老秘书。答案:B12A.left BpushedCsurprised Dinterrupted解析:当凯特独自在公园里惆怅不已的时候,一个熟悉的声音打断了(interrupt)她的思绪。答案:D13A.talked BknewCheard Dcared解析:当老板托马斯先生听说(hear about)公司被接管的时候,他立即决定启动新的生活方案。答案:C14A.designed BexpectedCexchanged Dbought解析:根据语境,托马斯向作者解释了他的解决困局的思路,即在西班牙南部购买了一家旅馆。答案:D15A.guide BdirectorChousekeeper Dactor解析:老板托马斯未雨绸缪,早就制定了另外一条方案,在西班牙的南部购买了一家旅馆,让她做旅馆的管家。答案:C16A.right BpossibleCfamous Dbetter解析:根据托马斯说话时的神情描述,他和他的妻子都很需要凯特这样的管家,相信她非常适合这项工作。答案:A17A.realized B


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