friendship the 2nd period 教案

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《friendship the 2nd period 教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《friendship the 2nd period 教案(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Friendshipthe Second Period 教案从容说课This period focuses on vocabulary, which is like the bricks we need to build a house. Without mastering a certain words or phrases, we cant communicate with other people, correctly express our thoughts and avoid misunderstanding each other. The purpose is to

2、let students choose proper words or phrases when talking to people according to knowledge theyve learned, 三维目标1Knowledge:words/phrases:upset, ignore, loose, cheat, Netherlands, German, dare, thunder, entirely, feeling, crazy, trust, indoors, calm down, be concerned about, walk the dog, go through, h

3、ide away, set down a series of, on purpose, face to face sentence structures:There was a time when, It was the first time that, before, I wonder if. 2Ability:(1)Use these words, phrases and sentence structures freely, (2)Use them in real situations properly, 3Emotion:Train students perseverance and

4、patience by remembering new words, phrases and sentence structures, 教学重点Grasp new words, phrases and sentence structures, 教学难点How to make this class lively and interesting so that students are willing to learn, 教具准备a project, a blackboard教学过程Step 1T:In the last period, we read the passage “Annes bes

5、t friend” and had a discussion about friends and friendship, All these include some useful and important words and phrases you have learnt in this unit, Now lets review them, I want you to make up sentences using the new words, A competition is designed for you to see which group can make sentences

6、as many as possible, Accuracy should be noticed, Are you clear?Ss:Yes, 1be concerned aboutS1:A large number of students are concerned about the marks in the examination for admission to college, 2upsetS1:It was careless of you to upset a bottle of ink, S2:We succeeded in upsetting the enemys plan, S

7、3:The food I ate yesterday upset my stomach, 3ignoreS1:We students shouldnt ignore what our teachers say, 4calmS1:Soldiers remained calm in face of cruel enemies, 5walk the dogS1:I like walking the dog in the park near to my house, 6looseS1:Mary is wearing loose clothing today, 7cheatS1:That shopkee

8、per cheats his customer, S2:Dont you consider it wrong to cheat in examinations?S3:These sheets Ive bought are a cheat; theyre too short for the bed, 8shareS1:They shared the cake between them, S2:Friends should share the joys and sorrows, S3:She and Reid shared the same tastes and interests, T:Note

9、 the phrases:(1)share in:We shared in the fun, (2)share with:Please share your newspaper with me, 9feelingS1:It was a delightful feeling, S2:This feeling seems to be natural, 10set down:S1:Set down your heavy bags and take a rest, S2:I will set down the story as it was told to me, 11outdoorsS1:Is it

10、 cold outdoors?S2:We spend much of our time outdoors, 12crazyS1:The young are crazy about pop music, 13on purposeS1:Ive come on purpose to speak to you, 14dareS1:He dares to behave like that in my house!S2:How dare you ask me such a question?15thunderS1:After the lightning came the thunder, 16entire

11、lyS1:He had almost entirely forgotten what he had done, Step 2T:Which team did the best in this activity? Congratulations! Now, open your books, turn to Page 4 and look at “Learning about Language”, Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases you have learnt in this unit, You are given six minutes

12、 to do it, Read first, and then fill in it according to the meaning of each sentence, Is that clear?Ss:Yes, T:OK, First do it by yourself, Then discuss them in pairs, After a while, Ill ask some students to read the words, (Teacher goes among the students and the students begin to do it, After a whi

13、le, teacher checks their answers, )Step 3T:Do you have any trouble understanding the passage?S1:Its difficult for me to understand the phrase “go without” in warming up, T:It means without having (nothing to eat), e, g, The poor boy often had to go without supper, S2:In Paragraph One, whats the mean

14、ing of “go through”?T:Here it means experience or suffer. It has several meanings, Please guess its different meanings in different sentences, (1)Id like to have you go through the book, (2)Mother went through the drawer looking for the sweater, (3)Ive gone through too much money this week, (4)She w

15、ent through one hardship after another, (5)The law has now gone through, Ss:检查; 翻找; 用完; 经历(困难, 痛苦等); 通过S3:What does the sentence “She and her family hid away for two years before they were discovered” mean?T:Who can explain it?S4: 她和她的家人藏了两年才被发现。T:You are clever. Any other question?S5:In the sentences “I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound, ”, whats the function of “when”? How can we understand “could never have kept me spellbound”T:When, , , is an attributi



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