人教版高中英语必修二unit3 computers 教案5

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1、Unit3 Computers教学目标All of the students will be able to master the basic words ,phrases and sentences and the basic structures of the different passive voice.所有学生能够掌握本单元基本词汇短语句型和不同时态的被动语态的结构 Most of the students will be able to change the words in the different forms and correctly use them 大部分学生能完成词汇

2、不同词性的变形并正确使用 Some students will be able to use the to write a whole passage.教学重点熟练运用单词,短语,句型和被动语态的语法结构并通过积极参与课堂活动来提高能力,学会在考试题中自如应对。学时难点如何通过课堂活动来培养学生在自主学习之后,通过相互学习,相互探讨来提高自己在处理困惑和疑难的能力。教学活动【讲授】Unit 3 Computer教学步骤Teaching Procedures教师活动What T does in class学生活动What Ss do inclass(Ts expectation)设计意图Purp

3、ose of the designStep1.leading in revision(2 minutes)1. Show the first picture with several key word below.2. Show the 2nd picture with several key word below.Teacher asks the questions:Q1:Whats wrong with the car?Q2:What kind of passive voice has been used in the picture?Q3:Whats wrong with the tre

4、es?Q4:What kind of passive voice has been used in the picture?The students answer the question.1)The car will be pulled down by the little boy.2)The future passive voice.3)The trees has been cut down.4) the Present perfect passive voiceTo get a revision of future passive voice and the Present perfec

5、t passive voice.Step2. Lead in(1 minutes)Show the 3nd picture with several key word below.Q5:Whats wrong with the Christmas tree?One student will answer: The Christmas tree is being decorated.To approachGrammar:Present Progressive Passive VoiceStep 3. Review and CheckShow the chart with some key wor

6、ds required to finish the different formsAsk students to read the words and expressions of this unit and finish the chart and submit their problems1. The students write the words down on their students sheet2. one student shows her/his answer on the blackboard and the others can give their problemsT

7、o get the students to know the changes of the different words by themselvesStep 4.observe and conclude(6 charts)Ask students to observe and sum uo the rules of the different forms about words1.The students read the words and talk with other members of their guoups enen the other groups2.To choose on

8、e students to show the rules结论1:表示情感的v到adj的变化规律及两个adj的使用规律结论2:adj到n的变化规律结论3:v到adj的变化规律(两个adj的汉语意思)结论4:所有短语中to+doing规律5:中间的n是短语的关键规律6:加上前缀的词义变化To get the students to get the rules of the words in changes and master them by watching and summeringStep 5 Practice to use IReadingII-Writing1.Ask the stude

9、nts to watch the sentens on the screen and fill the blanks2.Ask the students to write four sentences by using the learned words and phrases1. The students write the structures down on their students sheet2. one student show her/his answer on the blackboardTo get the students to observe and conclude

10、the usage of the target language by themselves.Step6.Observe and concludeIto find sentence patternsIITo find out the difference forms of the different tenses and the finite verbs of the passive voice1. Ask the students to observe and find out the phrases from the sentences1.The students read and fin

11、d out the important pattern and write on their sheets2.To show the sentences patterns to the others句型:so +adjadv +that so+adj+aan+n(s)+that such+aan+adj+n(s)+that so+manymuchlittlefew+n+thatIn order to get the students to get the impirtant sentence patterns hy watchin and considering to master them2

12、.Ask the students to read the passage and find the different structures of the different tenses and the finite verbs1.The students bserve and write the structures on their sheets2.To choose the reporter to showto othersTo get the students master these different structures of the different tenses by

13、working out by themselvesStep 7 Practice to use1.To practise the words and phrases2.To practise the sentence patterns and the grammarAsk the students to look at the practises and finish these sentences with the properforms of the learned knowledge of this lesson1. The students watch and decide the a

14、nswers2. To discuss in groups3. To choose one to showTo get the students to master the knowledge by practisingStep 8 Writing1.The teacher guide the students to write a year-end report under a given situation that the student were the Principle of our school.This year, many things has been done to im

15、prove the environment of our school.1.The students discuss together to ensure the passive voices they need to use in each paragraph2. Writing the passage by themselves3. One student write it on the blackboard.4.Swap their writing in pairs and evaluate the writing by themselves.5. Choose the best one in their groupStudents know how to write a good article according to the given contentsStep 9SummaryAsk the students to summarize what they can do after learning this lesson:



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