教材试题 unit 5 (workbook) reading task

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1、Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors(Workbook)READING TASKA GREAT ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERY IN THE 20th CENTURYThis was one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. Its find was as dramatic and exciting as the discovery itself. Here is the story. The first hintThe first hint tha

2、t led to the discovery of the tomb of King Tutankhamun was on November 4th, 1922. Howard Carter, the excavator, noted in his diary:“At about 10 am I discovered underneath the first hut the first step of the entrance to the tombIt seemed like a staircase(楼梯) to a tomb of the type of the 18th Dynasty

3、but nothing more could be discovered till the rubbish was cleared away.The next day Carter and his team removed the rubbish from the staircase to find the remains of a doorway that was still fastened. This was very significant as it was clearly a tomb of somebody important, and it had not been robbe

4、d. He noticed some of the wall had fallen away and when he looked inside, he saw a corridor completely filled with stones and rubbish. On November 26th, 1922 Carters colleagues from England came to see what he had found. They started to remove the rubbish from the corridor. The findWhen Carter got t

5、o the second sealed doorway, he made a small hole to see what was inside that room or passageway (antechamber a room in front of an important room) and put a candle inside to get a better view. Everyone with him waited eagerly. He widened the hole and let the others look inside too. In his diary he

6、describes their astonishment at the marvelous (绝妙的) collection of treasures. They included: two strange black statues of the king, wearing gold shoes and carrying royal insignia (徽章); gold chairs decorated with the heads of animals and gods; beautifully painted boxes:flowers; vases decorated with so

7、me beautiful flower designs; strange black boxes; white chests; a golden seat for the Pharaoh(法老) and lastly a cart made of gold. Their first impression was of a room filled with treasure from another civilization. They felt amazement, shock and surprise, and they couldnt help asking themselves, “Wa

8、s it a collection hidden from thieves or the doorway to a Pharaohs tomb?”The tombOn February 17th of the next year they eventually came to what all archaeologists dream of an unopened tomb of an Egyptian Pharaoh. The room or burial chamber with the kings body contained boxes of all shapes and sizes.

9、 One held the kings body and had his name on it, so they knew whose tomb it was. When it was examined, it was found that the body had been turned into a mummy (木乃伊) and placed within three boxes, one inside the other. One of the boxes was made of pure gold. Another smaller box beside the Pharaohs bo

10、dy held the four jars containing the liver, lungs, stomach and intestines(肠) of the Pharaoh. In all there were more than 6,000 objects found in the tomb. Carter described the sight as “one that was greater than any other and one we never dreamed of seeing. We were astonished by the beauty and refine

11、ment of the art displayed by the objects which was greater than we could have imagined.” 1 Now act as an archaeologist and record all the goods that were found apart from the Pharaohs coffins. ObjectMaterialColourDecorationBoxesBeautifully painted2 Try and work out the answers to these questions. 1

12、How did they know whose tomb it was?2 Why do you think they thought these things came from another civilization?3 Why did Carter get excited when he noticed the door to the tomb was still fastened?3 An important task of archaeologists is to secure the site from thieves, In pairs, think of what you w

13、ould do if you were Howard Carter. Write down the first three things you would do to protect the site. Now your teacher will take the role of the chairperson, and the class, divided in groups, will take the roles of concerned archaeologists. Each group should put forward their ideas and Iet the rest

14、 of the class discuss them. When the class discussion is over, vote on the best ideas for securing and protecting the site.Answer key for Exercise 1:ObjectMaterialColourDecoration Two Statues/BlackWearing gold shoes and carrying royal insignia ChairsGoldGoldenWith heads of animals and gods Boxes/Bea

15、utifully painted Flowers/ Vases/With beautiful flower designs Boxes/Black/ Chests/White/ Seat/Golden/ CartGoldGolden/Answer key for Exercise 2:l They read his name on a black box. 2 Because they were so strange and wonderful more wonderful than anyone could imagine. 3 Because it meant that the tomb had not been opened by thieves. Suggested answers to Exercise 3:1 I would have to lock the tomb securely so that thieves could not steal the finds. 2 I would ha



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