教材文本 unit 1 reading and writing 的习题

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1、Unit 1 Breaking recordsReading and writing1 Read the profiles from a sports magazine and complete the summary of each Sportspersons (Guinness) record(s). 1 WHO: WHEN: _ 3 WHO: _WHERE: _ WHEN: _WHAT: _ WHERE: _ WHAT: _ 2 WHO: _ WHEN: _ 4 WHO: _ WHERE: _ WHEN: _ WHAT: _ WHERE: _ WHAT: _2 Read the prof

2、iles and answer the questions below. 1 Who is the youngest athlete?2 Who retired from their sport and then made a comeback?3 Who has trained in another profession?4 Who do you think is the most courageous of the four sportspeople? Give reasons. 5 What qualities do you think these sportspeople need t

3、o be successful?3 Which quote below do you think belongs to which sportsperson?1 I am swimming for peace, friendship and clean waters. _ 2 Id like to think that I was a role model, that people see my sport and say “Wow, Id like to try that”. _3 I used to ride my bike to make a living. Now I just wan

4、t to live so that I can ride. _4 I call it a one-second art. It requires you to fully display the beauty of the sport in only a second. _4 Write a profile for a magazine about a person who has broken a record. Use the guide below and the profiles on pages 7 and 8 as models. Name: Date of Birth: Coun

5、ty: Achievements:Answer key for Exercise 1: 1 WHO: Lance Armstrong WHEN: 1999. 2003 WHERE: France WHAT: fastest average speed, Tour de France(five times)2 WHO: Michellie Jones WHEN: 1992. 1993 WHERE: (not stated) WHAT: International Triathlon Union World Champion3 WHO: Fu Mingxia WHEN: 1991. 1992, 1

6、996, 2000 WHERE: Australia, Barcelona(Spain), Atlanta(America), Sydney(Australia) WHAT: youngest female to win the womens world title for platform diving; youngest Olympic diving champion of all time; first woman in Olympic diving history to win four gold medals4 WHO: Martin Strel WHEN: 2000, 2001,

7、2002, 2003, 2004 WHERE: the Danube River in Europe; the Mississippi River in USA: the Parana River in South America; the Changjiang River in China WHAT: first person to swim the entire length of the Danube River; longest time for non-stop swimming; swimming the greatest distance; first man to swim t

8、he length of the Parana River; swimming the length of the dangerous Changjiang RiverSuggested answers to Exercise 2: 1 Fu Mingxia. 2 Lance Armstrong, Fu Mingxia3 Lance Armstrong, Michellie Jones, Martin Strel4 Lance Armstrong, because he overcame cancer and then had he courage to return to racing. 5 Courage, determination, ambition, vision, passion, focus, concentration, belief in himselfherself, perseverance, etc. Answer key for Exercise 3: 1 Martin Strel 2 Michellie Jones3 Lance Armstrong4 Fu MingxiaSuggested answers to Exercise 4: Answers may vary.


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