2012高中英语 unit16 lesson 3 life stories精品教案 北师大版选修6

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1、Lesson 3 Life Stories 教材分析本课是第十六单元第三课。课文讲述的是海伦.凯勒在家庭教师的帮助下学习语言的故事。由于本课是叙述性文体,所以学生在理解篇章方面要遵循时间发展的顺序,着重理解海伦学习单词的过程她是如何突破身体的障碍的,如何学习各种单词的,以及她的切身感受。在理解的过程中通过上下文猜测生词词义。另外,学生还需要掌握一个重要的阅读策略预测。在读前通过看标题、图片、文章的开头来预测文章的内容,了解文章大意。本课计划按两课时进行,第一课时的重点是阅读理解,并能在学完后对故事进行复述;第二课时的重点是处理文中的语言点,强化重点词汇及短语的学习,设置练习恰当地使用新学词汇。

2、讲解同义词、反义词的构词法。Language Power中有关同义词反义词的练习有些可以在教学中选用,有些则可以留作家庭作业。教学内容话题: Life Stories阅读技能:预测词汇:重点词汇:severe, restriction, complex, vivid, straightforward, stubborn, precious, former, apparent, superb, breakthrough相关词汇:outstanding, valuable, precious, obvious, limit, be eager to第一课时First Period教学目标在本课学习

3、结束时,学生能够:1. 使用阅读策略读懂文章并复述故事;2. 在语境中理解本课重点词汇的词义;3. 表达观点:我们能从残迹人身上学到什么。教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP & timeLead-in Step 1 T asks the students to look at the picture and asks whether and what they know about Helen Keller. If Ss response is limited, T can provide the background of Helen Kell

4、er and list her famous saying. PPT 23自然导出本课话题。 激活背景知识,熟悉话题。CW2Pre-readingStep 2 T asks Ss about Helens problems. T may use the following questions: What were her problems? T uses pictures, examples to ask Ss to guess the meaning of the new words.PPT 51.运用语境和图片,围绕话题预教词汇。2.渗透围绕话题组织词汇的词汇学习策略。CW3Step 3

5、T presents reading strategies. T asks Ss to predict what will be talked about in the article based on the title and the picture.PPT 6根据标题和图片预测阅读内容,帮助学生理解课文,培养学生利用背景知识进行阅读的策略。CW2Step 4 Ss predict what will be talked about in the text. PPT 78预测文章内容,激发阅读兴趣。IWPW2While-readingStep 5 Ss read the text quic

6、kly and check their predictions.PPT 9有目的地快速阅读课文,检测预测。IWCW3Step 6 Ss Read and find out the examples of words Helen learned.PPT 101. 整体理解课文,为下面按部分提取信息做准备。2. 通过上下文猜测词义。GW4Step 7 Ss read the text to ll in the table or complete the passage. PPT 11-151提取细节信息。2复现词汇,增加学生接触和使用词汇的机会。PW10Step 8 Ss talk about H

7、elens learning process.内化信息。PW5Post-readingStep 9 Ss answer the questions. Retell the story.PPT 16-17问答和表述课文中的信息。GW7Step 10 Ss work in groups of 4 and do a role-play: Xiao Ming, 15 years old, recently had an accident and lost his left arm. He was in low spirit. Talk with him and try to encourage him

8、 to cheer up using Helen as an example. Encourage Ss to use the information on the handouts. Provide the language that Ss may use while presenting. Im optimistic about As far as I know It seems to me that From my point of view, . T chooses some groups to present their interview in front of the class

9、.PPT 181. 以小组活动的方式, 2. 练习使用新学表达方式。GW7Homework1. Underline some useful expressions in the text.2. Read the article “Three Days to see” and write about your feelings using at least 200 words.第二课时Second Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 掌握课文中的语言点; 2. 掌握近义词反义词。教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP & timeRe

10、visionStep 1T asks Ss if they still remember what they have learnt in the last period, summarizes Ss recalling and then briefly introduces the main objectives for this period.PPT 2 鼓励学生回顾第一课时所学相关内容,加强两个课时之间的联系。GW5Step 2T presents some quotes Helen Keller wrote.PPT 3-8 进一步了解海伦.凯勒,体会语言的魅力。GW5Language

11、StudyStep 3T shows different sentences with new words in.Ss match the words with their definitions.PPT 913在语境中练习使用词汇。WC5Step 4Ss fill in the blanks with the new words. PPT 14-15 学案 I在语境中练习新学词汇,加深理解,增强记忆。IWPW7Step 5Ss finish the synonyms and opposites exercises.学案II 强化猜测词义的策略。PW-WC6Step 6T explains s

12、ome difficult sentences.帮助学生理解长难句。WCIW-PW10Language in useStep 7Ss do the exercises.PPT 16强化所学内容。WC-GW-WC4HomeworkEx 1 P56第一课时学案Pre-reading1. A Brief IntroductionShe was one of the most famous American writers in the twentieth century. When she was 19 months old, she survived a fever but she found s

13、he could no longer see or hear. And she also found it very difficult to speak. However, she grew up and become a world-famous public speaker. While she was still at college, she wrote the famous The Story of My Life.While-reading1. Main idea : The text is about _.A. how Helen Keller learned to play

14、games.B. how Helen Keller communicated with her teacher.C. how Helen Keller learned the words.2. Words: Group 1: _ Group 2: _ _ _(sth. you can touch) (hard to show)3. Table (Object Words) (Phrases only)Word:_doll_WhereAt homeHow she learnedHow she feltWhat happened in the endcould spell the word in _ _Word:_water_WhereHow she learned How she feltWhat happened in the endhad _



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