河南省新乡三中2018-2019学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷 word版含答案

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1、2018-2019学年新乡市第三中学高一上学期月考(英语) 9.19一、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共30.0分)Living ones life is really like driving on a highway. First, to make good driving, the driver must carefully (1)the condition of his car, just as he cares for his (2)for a good life. Second, once he enters into the highway, he must (3)some rul

2、es for his own safety. It can also be said that he must obey some (4)of society when living as an adult. For example, on the highway, he is required to (5)a continuous speed which can be (6)his continuous activities through his life. Neither driving nor living must be taken at too high a speed (7)at

3、 too slow a speed. If he drives too(8) , the police will give him a ticket, just as he will be (9)when he breaks the law. If he acts too conservatively (保守地), he will be (10)an out-of-date person interrupting the others driving at the proper (11) . Third, when he wants to change lanes, he must pay c

4、areful (12)to every direction of his car. It is sometimes dangerous to change the way of life (13)he can be sure of completion (圆满) by doing so. He should not make any unnecessary changing of lanes which gives him only (14). Finally, he must(15)where he is now by recognizing some (16)appearing now a

5、nd then. If he takes the wrong turning, he must (17)to the right path as soon as he can. But he may thus (18)time and energy both on the road and in life. (19)the whole, driving on a highway and living ones life are both hard work. But if he is careful and serious enough, (20)will provide him much p

6、leasure.1. A. driveB. examineC. seeD. admire2. A. moneyB. timeC. appearanceD. health3. A. developB. breakC. followD. hear4. A. rulesB. newsC. relationsD. problem s5. A. changeB. produceC. keepD. increase6. A. comparing withB. compared withC. comparing toD. compared as7. A. orB. norC. eitherD. and8.

7、A. fastB. slowlyC. informallyD. angrily9. A. taughtB. praisedC. punishedD. checked10. A. saidB. changedC. calledD. treated11. A. costB. distanceC. timeD. speed12. A. noticeB. attentionC. careD. order13. A. soB. ifC. unlessD. when14. A. safetyB. dangerC. deathD. freedom15. A. liveB. enterC. goD. disc

8、over16. A. mountainsB. roadsC. picturesD. signs17. A. returnB. turnC. lookD. go18. A. giveB. earnC. loseD. find19. A. InB. OnC. ForD. As20. A. heB. itC. theyD. you二、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)AThanks to the huge success of Harry Potter, many teenagers dream about living in an ancient castle (城堡). These dr

9、eams may include beautiful silk dresses, delicious food, servants and of course, magic. However, real life in an English castle was not easy. With thick stonewalls and high towers, castles were built for defense. So they were not good places to live in. In medieval times, castles must have been nois

10、y and smelly places. Horses, cattle, chickens and sheep walked free, blacksmiths (铁匠) did ironwork, soldiers practiced sword (剑) fights, and children of all ages played around them. Castles did not have central heating; the only heat came from the fireplace. Even in summer the castle was cool. Peopl

11、e living in the castles had to use blankets to keep warm while at work. Life during the Middle Ages began at sunrise. Servants lit the fire, swept the floor and cooked the morning meal. The mid-morning meal was the main meal of the day and often included three or four courses (一道菜). After dinner, ev

12、eryone continued his or her work. The owner of the castle, the lord, sometimes took his guests hunting or shooting. His wife, the lady, spent much of the day watching the maids (女仆) work, as well as people working in the kitchen. She also kept an eye on the weavers and embroiderers who made clothes

13、for the family. Supper was simple and eaten late, just before bedtime. You may find some old magic books in a castle as Harry Potter once did. Read them before you go to bed, because when you fall asleep the magic of castle life may appear before your eyes.21. For what purpose were the castles built

14、 in England?A. To raise poultry (家禽) and livestock (家畜).B. To provide a working place for blacksmiths.C. To defend the city or country against enemies.D. To provide a place for teenagers to learn magic.22. Why were the ancient castles noisy?A. Because soldiers practiced sword fights there.B. Because

15、 blacksmiths did ironwork there.C. Because children of all ages played around them.D. All of the above.23. We can infer that the writer_.A. wants teens to drop the dream of living in a castleB. wants to change our unrealistic ideas about castlesC. blames Harry Potter for misleading people about life in a castleD. doesnt like the life in ancient castles24. The main idea of this passage is _.A. what real life was like in an ancie



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