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1、许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、练习、答案) 第六课许国璋英语第二册第六课(一) 课文:1) 课文原文: LIFE AT GATESHEAD HALL It was a cold winter day. The wind had brought dark clouds and heavy rain, so it was impossible to take a walk. Eliza, john and Georgiana were gathered round their mother in the sitting-room. She lay on a sofa by the firesid

2、e, looking perfectly happy with her darlings about her. But she told me not to come near them because I was not a good child. I went to a small room next to the drawing-room. Taking a book from a bookcase, I climbed up into the window-seat. Here I sat behind the curtains and started reading. I was q

3、uite happy until I heard the voice of John Reed. “ Where is she?” he said, calling to his sisters, “ Eliza!Georgiana! Jane is not here.” I was glad that I had drawn the curtains, and I prayed that I should not be discovered. But Eliza was quicker than John. She said at once: “ She is in the window-s

4、eat of course.” I came out immediately. “ What do you want?” I asked. “Say What do you want, Master Reed,” was his reply.” I want you to come here,” he added. And he sat down in an armchair. John Reed was a school-boy of fourteen: four years older than I, for I was only ten. He was big and stout for

5、 his age, with a large face and an unhealthy skin. John had not much love for his mother and sisters, but he really hated me. As I came up to his chair, he spent about three minutes in putting out his tongue at me. Then he hit me suddenly and hard. “ What were you doing behind the curtains?” “ I was

6、 reading.” “ Show me the book.” First he put out his tongue at Jane and hit her hard. A little while later, he knocked her over with a book and grasped her hair and shoulder. I returned to the window and brought the book. “ You have no business to read our books,” John Reed continued. “ You are a de

7、pendent, Mama says. Your father left you no money. You ought to beg, and not live with a gentlemans children. Go and stand by the door.” I did so. I turned round and saw that he was going to throw the book at me; I tried to avoid it, but it was too late. I was knocked over and fell against the door,

8、 striking my head and cutting it badly. The pain was very sharp. “ Wicked, cruel boy!” I said. “ You are like a murderer you are like a slave-driver!” “ What!” he cried. “ What did you say to me? Did you hear her, Eliza and Georgiana? Ill tell Mama. But first “ He ran at me and grasped my hair and m

9、y shoulder. But I was desperate now. I dont know what I did with my hands, but I heard him cry for help. Mrs. Reed came. “ Take her away to the red room and lock her in,” she said. Four hands then quickly carried me upstairs. “For shame!” cried the maid. “ To strike a gentleman, your young master!”

10、“ Master? How is he my master? Am I a servant?” “ you ought to know, miss,” said the nurse, “ that you owe much to Mrs. Reed. She keeps you. If she turns you away, you will have to go to the poor-house.” These words were not new to me; so I did not answer. ( Adapted from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bront

11、e) 2) 课文译文: 盖茨海德庄园生活那是一个寒冷的冬日。风带来了乌云和大雨,所以不可能散步。付然、约翰和Georgiana在客厅里围着他们的母亲。她躺在炉边的沙发上,看着她的宠儿们非常高兴。但她告诉我不要靠近他们,因为我不是个好孩子。我去了客厅旁边的一个小房间。我从书柜里拿了一本书,爬上了窗户的座位。我坐在窗帘后面开始看书。我很高兴,直到我听到约翰里德的声音。“她在哪里?”他对他的姐妹们说:“付然!Georgiana!珍妮不在这里。”我很高兴我拉了窗帘,我祈祷我不被发现。但付然比约翰快。她立刻说:“当然,她坐在靠窗的座位上。”我马上就出来了。“你想要什么?我问。“说你想要什么,里德少爷,”


13、来。疼痛非常剧烈。“邪恶的,残酷的男孩!“我说。“你就像个杀人犯,你就像奴隶贩子!“什么!”他叫道。“你对我说了什么?你听见她了吗,付然和Georgiana?我会告诉妈妈的。但首先“他冲我跑过来,抓住我的头发和肩膀。但我现在绝望了。我不知道我用手做了什么,但我听到他在呼救。列得太太来了。“把她带到红屋子里把她锁起来,”她说。四只手迅速把我抬上楼。“真丢脸!女仆叫道。“打个绅士,你的少爷!”“主人?他是我的主人吗?我是仆人吗?“你应该知道,小姐,”护士说,“你欠列得太太太多了。她保佑你。如果她把你赶走,你就得去那所可怜的房子。”这些话对我来说并不新鲜,所以我没有回答。(改编自夏洛蒂勃朗特的简 爱

14、)(二) DIALOGUE(对话):1) 电视教学片对话: BOOKINGAROOM (reserve a room)A:CanIhelpyou?B:Yes,Idlikearoom,please.A:Singleordouble?B:Single.A:Foronenight?B:No,twonights.A:Withabathorshower?B:Withabathplease.Howmuchistheroom?A: $ 68anight,includingbreakfast.B:CanIpaybycreditcard?A:Yes,ofcourse.Couldyouregister,please?B:Oh,yes.A:Yourroomnumberis403.Haveagoodstay.B:Thankyou. 2) 译文: 订房间A:能为您效劳吗?B:是的,麻烦你,我要订个房间。A:要单人间还是双人间?B:单人间。A:住一个晚上吗?B:不,两个晚上。A:要带浴盆的,还是淋浴的?B:要带浴盆的。房价是多少?A:一个晚上68美元,包括早餐。B:能用信用卡付款吗?A:当然可以。您登一下



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