七年级英语下册 unit 5 why do you like pandas period 1教案 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、在学生就要走出校门的时候,班级工作仍要坚持德育先行,继续重视对学生进行爱国主义教育、集体主义教育、行为规范等的教育,认真落实学校、学工处的各项工作要求Unit5 Why do you like pandas?The First PeriodLeaning aims:Master and use1.Lets see the lions2.Why do you want see them?1. 3.Because theyre inter_Guide OneRead aloud and recite the following sentences.1.Lets see the lions2.Why

2、 do you want see them?3.Because theyre interGuide TwoMake conversations about the other animals in 1a.Guide ThreeListen to the tape ,finish1b .And read after the material.Class exercises1.lets_this afternoon.A. to play basketball B.play basketball C.play the basketball2. _do you like zhang Ziyi? Because she looks beautiful.A. what B. How C. Why 3. Lions_scary.A.is kind of B.are kind of C.are kinds of配合各任课老师,激发学生的学习兴趣,挖掘他们的学习动力,在学生中培养苦学精神,发扬拼搏精神,形成以勤学为荣的班风;充分利用学校开展的“不比基础比进步,不比聪明比勤奋”以及具有储能特色的“当月之星”的评选活动,积极探索素质教育的新途径


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