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1、,Working the land,Unit 2,Section Using Language,栏目导航,.Scan the text and choose the best answer according to the text. 1.Which statement is WRONG according to the text? A.All crops are organic. B.Recently, the term “organic farming” has gained another meaning. C.All farmers use fertilizers. D.Scienti

2、sts believe some chemical fertilizers are better for people. 答案:D,2.Which is NOT the reason why organic farmers prefer natural waste from animals? A.It can keep the food free from chemicals. B.It can keep the air,soil and water free from chemicals. C.It can kill harmful pests. D.It can make the soil

3、 richer in minerals. 答案:C,3.What is the advantage of using chemical fertilizers? A.Leaving chemicals in the ground for a long time is good for water supply. B.They can get the soil exhausted. C.They can kill helpful bacteria. D.They can kill harmful pest. 答案:D,4.The organic farmers do the followings

4、 EXCEPT_ . A.adding fertilizers which is rich in minerals B.changing crops every two or three years C.planting seeds in different layers of the soil D.planting grass between crops to prevent the soil from being blown away 答案:A,.Read the text carefully and decide whether the following statements are

5、True or False. 1.The main idea of the text is that chemical fertilizer is better than natural fertilizer. ( ) 2.Organic farmers prefer using natural waste from animals. ( ) 3.Farmers often grow the same crops year after year. ( ) 4.Organic farming refers to crops growing with both natural and chemic

6、al fertilizers. ( ) 5.A healthy soil reduces disease and helps crops grow strong and healthy. ( ),F,T,F,F,T,.Read the text carefully and answer the following questions. 1.What is “organic farming”? 答案:Organic farming means growing crops without using any chemicals. 2.What do organic farmers prefer t

7、o use as fertilizer? 答案:The fertilizer that organic farmers prefer is natural waste from animals. 3.Why do organic farmers grow peas or soybeans after corn or wheat? 答案:Farmers grow peas or soybeans after corn or wheat so that peas and beans can put minerals back into the soil,making it rich and hea

8、lthy and ready to grow more wheat or corn.,4.What is the advantage of using natural fertilizer? 答案:It makes the soil richer in minerals and so more fertile, and reduces diseases in crops and help them grow strong and healthy. Besides, it keeps the air, soil and water as well as the food supply free

9、from chemicals. 5.Why are chemical fertilizers so popular in farming today? 答案:They are a great way to stop crop diseases and increase production.,.Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese. 1.It seems a strange name since all crops are organic no matter how they are produced. 答案:这

10、个名字看起来有些奇怪,因为所有的农作物,无论如何生产出来的,都是有机物。,2.They often change the kind of crop in each field every few years, for example, growing corn or wheat and then the next year peas or soybeans. 答案:在同一块地里,他们经常每隔几年就换种农作物,例如种玉米或小麦后来年再改种豌豆或大豆。 3.Some organic farmers prefer planting grass between crops to prevent win

11、d or water from carrying away the soil. 答案:一些有机耕种的农民愿意在庄稼中间种些草来阻挡风或防止水土流失。,Point focus (1)v.将(注意力等)集中于(某事物);使集中于焦点;调节(眼睛、透镜等的)焦距;定的焦点,考点一 单词点击,focus (sth.)on sth.(使某事物)集中(于一点) focus ones attention/mind/efforts on sth. 集中注意力/精力于 concentrate/center/fixon 把集中于,The meetings will focus on the global econ

12、omic recovery. 本次会议将主要关注全球经济复苏问题。 If you focus the suns rays on dry wood with a burningglass, it will start burning. 如果你用取火镜使太阳光线聚焦在干木头上,木头就会燃烧起来。,He finds it hard to focus his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes. 他发现他很难把注意力集中在一件事上超过5分钟。 We need to focus public attention on this issue

13、. 我们需要把公众的注意力聚焦在这件事上。,(2)n.(光,声等的)中心点,源;焦点,焦距;聚焦,调焦或调焦的装置;活动的中心,使人感兴趣的所在(常作单数),the focus of attention关注的焦点 the focus of the argument议论的中心,The focus on my camera isnt working properly. 我的照相机上的调焦装置有毛病。 In tonights programme, our focus is on Germany. 在今天晚上的节目中我们重点介绍德国。,单句语法填空。 (1)_(focus) on this aspec

14、t first will give you a better understanding of how and why things are currently as they are. 解析:句意:首先聚焦在这个方面将使你懂得事情是如何到今天这个层面的,以及为什么它们是这样的。,Focusing,(2)He suggests that we _(focus) on making sure that we have good working relationships and communication so that we dont end up in trouble in the firs

15、t place. 解析:句意:他建议我们应该注意确保我们有好的工作关系和沟通,以使我们不至于一开始就陷入麻烦而终结。 单句改错。 (3)Stay focusingon the conversation, and youll save yourself a lot of potential problems. 解析:句意:关注对话,你就能避免一大堆潜在问题。过去分词作表语,表状态。,(should) focus,focused,Point reduce vt. 减少;减缩;降低,(1) reduce sth.by 把减少了 reduce sth.to 把某物降到 reduce(from)to s

16、th./to doing sth. 使陷入(更坏的)境地;使沦落 (2) be reduced to 沦落到 be reduced to 10% 减少到10% be reduced by 10% 减少了10%,单句语法填空。 (1)The customer said that he would not buy the shirt unless the price_(reduce) to ¥20. (2)These companies have invested in advanced processes that have dramatically improved energy efficiency while _(reduce) pollution and health threats to the workers. 解析:句意:这些公司投资


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