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1、,Unit 1 Women of achievement,Unit 1,牵 手 课 堂,Some Great Women,Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity(仁爱传教修女会) in 1948.Through it,she has dedicated her life to helping the poor,the sick and the dying around the world,particularly those in India.She founded the Kalighat Home(临终关怀院) for the d

2、ying and a leper colony(麻风病人隔离区) was established under her guidance.Her selfless work has brought her many awards,including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.,Marie Sklodowska Curie researched into the science of radioactivity(放射性).She is best known for discovering the radioactive elementspolonium and r

3、adium and as the only person to win two Nobel prizes.She did not patent her discoveries but made them available to everyone.She encouraged the use of Xrays for medical treatment.But she was not sufficiently aware of the dangers of radium and died of leukemia brought on by too much contact with radiu

4、m.,Florence Nightingale was the daughter of a wealthy British landowner,William Nightingale.She was born in Florence,Italy,on 12th May,1820.Florence wanted to become a nurse,but it was not considered a proper profession for a young lady at that time.In 1851 Florences father gave her permission to tr

5、ain as a nurse and in 1853 she went to the Crimea to help the soldiers during the war.There she became known as “the lady with the lamp” for the concern she showed to the sick soldiers. Back in England,she started working to improve the training and status of nurses.She is considered a pioneer of nu

6、rsing care.,Song Qingling,also known as Madame Sun Yatsen,was one of the three Song sisters.She married Sun Yatsen in Japan in 1915.In 1939,she founded the China Defense League,which united people with a deep love of peace and justice.It later became the China Welfare Institute,and now focuses on ma

7、ternal(母亲的) and pediatric(儿科的) healthcare,preschool education,afterschool education, and other childrens issues.After New China was founded in 1949,she became the Vice Chairman of the Peoples Republic of China.,Find the name from the above passage for the following information: 1._ is the only perso

8、n to win two Nobel prizes,who discovered the radioactive elementspolonium and radium. 2._concerned herself with welfare projects,leading China Welfare Institute especially for women and children. 3._was called“the lady with the lamp”for the concern she showed to the sick soldiers during the war and

9、regarded as a pioneer of nursing care. 4._set up the Kalighat Home for the Dying and helped to establish a leper colony.,Section Warming Up and Reading,栏目导航,.Read the text and match the main idea with each paragraph. Paragraph 1:( ) A.What Jane discovered about chimps. Paragraph 2:( ) B.How the grou

10、p followed Janes way of studying chimps in the wild. Paragraph 3:( ) C.Janes achievements. Paragraph 4:( ) D.How Jane tries to protect the lives of chimps in their natural habitat.,B,A,D,C,.Scan the text and choose the best answer according to the text. 1.The main idea of the text is_ . A.chimps lif

11、e in the forest B.many wild animals in danger C.Jane Goodalls life in Africa D.Jane Goodalls life in protecting the wildlife 答案:D,2.The first thing the group did in the morning was _. A.watching a family of chimps wake up B.leaving the chimp family sleeping in a tree C.sitting and waiting in the sha

12、de of the trees D.helping people understand how much they behave like humans,答案:A,3.Where did Jane Goodall suggest the chimps be left? A.In the wild. B.In the zoo. C.In cages. D.In Africa.,答案:A,4.The chimps show love in their family by _ each other. A.touching B.feeding C.feeding or cleaning D.feedi

13、ng or touching,答案:C,5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? A.Jane Goodall is the first person to understand chimps behaviour fully. B.Nobody had studied the chimps before Goodall. C.Goodalls duty is to watch chimps wake up in the morning. D.Goodall has been helping the world to unde

14、rstand and respect great women.,答案:A,.Fill in the blanks in the following passage according to the text. Jane Goodall has studied the chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. Nobody before has 1._(full) understood their 2._(behave). Though she didnt study

15、at a university, she was determined 3._(work) with animals. When she arrived at Gombe in 1960, it was unusual for a woman to live in the forest. Only after her mother came to help her for 4._ few months was she allowed to begin her project. She spent many years observing and recording their daily activities, and 5._(watch) them wake up was her first activity of every day. She also discovered 6._ chimps communicate with each other. She has argued for them 7._(leave) in the wild and not used for 8._(advertise). She has set up special places where th


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