高考英语一轮总复习 周周测三 完形填空2 夹叙夹议(一)

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高考英语一轮总复习 周周测三 完形填空2 夹叙夹议(一)_第1页
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《高考英语一轮总复习 周周测三 完形填空2 夹叙夹议(一)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语一轮总复习 周周测三 完形填空2 夹叙夹议(一)(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、一岗双责落实还不到位。受事务性工作影响,对分管单位一岗双责常常落实在安排部署上、口头要求上,实际督导、检查的少,指导、推进、检查还不到位。专练(二)夹叙夹议(一)Cloze 1(2017安徽合肥高三第一次教学质量检测)After stepping out of the international plane, I realized my 10hour sleepy voyage finally came to an end. Sitting on the bus, I was waiting anxiously for it to start. A woman, sitting next to

2、 me, and her daughter both seemed _1_. She told me that her daughter had an upset stomach and would throw up continuously; _2_, the mother had lost her _3_. Apart from a significant amount of money, the purse also had her phone and a phone number of an important _4_, a person she was travelling 90 k

3、ilometers to meet for discussing a _5_ matter which had to be _6_ by tomorrow morning.I handed her my cellphone without _7_ and told her that she could make any call she wanted. I also _8_ a bottle of water I had in my bag to relieve her daughter of her _9_. After making several calls, they finally

4、_10_ to the official! They turned to look at me _11_ and thanked me many times. The woman tried to pay for my _12_, but I jumped to do it before her _13_ I knew she had lost her money.Next morning, I received a call from the mother, saying that they couldnt tell how much my _14_ act touched them. Th

5、ey were so _15_ that they had taken down my number to thank me. I was _16_ to be thanked in this way. I never thought my simple offer _17_ so much in her heart. And I thought of how many opportunities for _18_ we had lost by plugging into cellphones and being disconnected _19_ the reality around uss

6、omething with easy access may make a big _20_ to others. 1A. excited B. relaxed C. unconscious D. uncomfortable2A. besides Bhowever C. therefore D. otherwise3A. phone Baddress C. purse D. luggage4A. accountant Bdoctor C. lawyer D. official5A. simple Bpressing C. political D. financial6A. settled Big

7、nored C. raised D. dropped7A. doubt Bpermission C. question D. hesitation8A. produced Bordered C. bought D. sold9A. fever Bstress C. sickness D. appetite10A. came over B. got throughC. looked up D. turned around11A. doubtfully Bclosely C. anxiously D. gratefully 12A. water Boffer C. ticket D. assist

8、ance13A. since Bif C. while D. although14A. temporary Bgenerous C. cautious D. honest15A. reasonable Bflexible C. considerate D. desperate16A. ashamed Bastonished C. disappointed D. amused17A. weighed Bbalanced C. increased D. ranked18A. courage Bsuccess C. kindness D. justice19A. in Bbeyond C. of D

9、. from20A. promise Bwish C. difference D. gestureCloze 2(2017贵阳监测二)I feel like Im always running around. And life, in its gentle ways, tries to _1_ me down. To stop, look, and listen to the _2_ that surrounds us every day.As I _3_ down the street, late for a meeting again, I _4_ myself behind a woma

10、n in a _5_ going at a pretty normal pace. Not wanting to rush past her in a hurry on a crowded street, I slowed down and stayed _6_ her.When we _7_ at the signal light, I noticed that on the other side of the crosswalk was another woman around the same agealso in a wheelchair.Something really simple

11、, yet deeply beautiful _8_ as they crossed one another. The face of the woman coming towards us changed, from _9_, wornout, and blossomed into a huge honest _10_. Then I looked to the side at the woman next to me, they both _11_ eyes for a minute and smiled wide.In just that brief _12_ of passing ea

12、ch other, they _13_ so much. It reminded me of a nod that two players from the same team might give one another _14_ they pass the ball, or mothers with small babies in recognition of one another. Its this deep _15_ that, “I get you.” We are _16_ through something. I see our similarities and I _17_

13、them.Now, of course if either of them had _18_, they would have noticed a third woman smiling _19_ on seeing their interaction. It completely made my day to _20_ this small, beautiful gesture of truly “seeing” one another. 1A. set B. put C. slow D. drag2A. sound B. beauty C. song D. voice3A. walked B. stepped C. rushed D. went4A. found B. hid C. placed D. sheltered5A. room B. bus C. car D. wheelchair6A. in front of B. beside C. behind D. in the right of7A. talked


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