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1、一岗双责落实还不到位。受事务性工作影响,对分管单位一岗双责常常落实在安排部署上、口头要求上,实际督导、检查的少,指导、推进、检查还不到位。Unit3 Protecting ourselves 科目: 英语 主备人: 备课日期: 课 题M10 Unit3 Protecting ourselves第10课时计划上课日期教学目标1.Learn some info about Aids.2.Master the usage of the words and phrases教学重难点To help students understand what is aids教学流程内容板书关键点拨加工润色相关高考试

2、题:1.(2006天津)Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when it_ shopping and eating. A. refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes to2.(2006湖南)Its already 10 oclock I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. A. came over B. came out

3、C: came about D. came up3. (2005福建) The dictionary is being printed and it will soon _.A. turn out B. come out C. start out D. go out 4. (2005江西) Please tell me how the accident _. I am still in the dark.A. came by B. came upon C. came to D. came about 5. (2007 湖北)If we can our present difficulties,

4、 then everything should be all right. A. come acrossB. get over C. come overD. get off6.(2007 江苏)Have you _ some new ideas? Yeah. Ill tell you later. A. come about B. come into C. come up with D. come out with答案及解析:1. D 当谈到 2. C 发生 3. B 出版、发行4. D 发生5. B6. C 提出、想出 They are trying to find a better way

5、 of transmitting energy. 他们正试图寻找一种更好的输能方法。 I will transmit the money by special messenger. 我将专门派人送这笔钱。 Rats transmit disease. 老鼠传播疾病。 The message was transmitted by radio. 这情报是用无线电发送的。 Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their children. 父母把一些特有的素质遗传给儿女。 estimate vi. 估计,估价,评价 I asked a

6、contractor to estimate for the repair of the house. 我请了承包商估计修缮这幢房子的费用 The medicare cost is estimated to be one billion dollars. 老年医疗保健费用估计为十亿美元。 It is estimated that his income at/to be about 8000 a year. 估计他一年的收入大约8000英镑.作业布置教学心得对分管部门的党风廉政建设抓得不够紧,找问题的多,批评教育的少,放松了对分管部门的日常监督、管理和教育。对分管部门干部发现的一些违规违纪小错提醒不够、批评教育不力,监督执纪“四种形态”作用发挥不够



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