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1、一岗双责落实还不到位。受事务性工作影响,对分管单位一岗双责常常落实在安排部署上、口头要求上,实际督导、检查的少,指导、推进、检查还不到位。Unit 2 What is happiness to you科目: 英语 主备人: 备课日期: 课 题M6 Unit 2 Reading 第 3 课时计划上课日期:教学目标1. Have students read the text and find the important language points in it;2. Have students grasp the usage of the language points.教学重难点Have st

2、udents remember the language points and use them to do exercises.教学流程内容板书关键点拨加工润色Step1: Greetings.Step2: Language points in the reading text.1. The search for happiness (P18标题) 找寻快乐search sb/sp 在搜查, 在搜索 search some place for sth. 在某地搜寻某物search for sth /sb 搜寻以找到某人或某物警察搜查他的身体,寻找那丢失的钱包. The police sear

3、ched him for the lost wallet. The enemy searched the mountain for the wounded. 敌人搜山寻找伤员。They searched for_ (寻找)the lost child everywhere. search n. 搜查,搜索in search of/ in ones search for/ in the search for They went out _in search of /in their search for/ in the search for(寻找)a cheap hotel. 2. To tho

4、se who have been injured or struggle with a physical disability, happiness can simply mean a day without pain or just being alive. (P18 Line 4 )1) injure vt 伤害,损害 injury n.用于指人体如手、臂、腿等部位受伤。用于物指损坏、损害。He injured_(injure) his left leg while playing football.Dishonesty injured a business. 欺骗有损生意。the inj

5、ured 指受伤的人get injured The injured _were (be) taken to the nearest hospital.He got slightly/seriously/badly injured in the fight. 他在打斗中伤的很轻/重比较: 1 hurt vt. 使受伤; 伤害 尤其指肉体,精神或心灵上的伤害,含较强烈的“疼痛”之意, 指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly,slightly,seriously等连用;但如果指精神上的创伤,只能说very much/rather/deeply hurt。vi.疼痛My feet hurt when

6、 I walk.2 harm 常用于口语,一般只作及物动词,表示“对有害,损害”。其名词也为harm,只能用作不可数名词,意为“伤害,损害”。 wound常指在战争、暴力或灾害中受伤,也可指精神上的创伤。其名词仍为wound,指战斗中刀或枪的创伤、伤口。injure主要指在事故中受伤, 其名词为injury,可指平时的大小创伤或伤害,还可指事故中的伤害。用wound, harm, hurt, injure的正确形式填空: Dont harm your eyes by reading in dim light. The bullet wound him in the shoulder.She w

7、as badly injured in the car accident. The criticism has hurt him deeply and he still feels sad now. The head injury healed(愈合) slowly.2) struggle (P18 Line 4) vi 挣扎 n. 打斗,搏斗,斗争,努力struggle with与打架, 与斗争struggle for为而斗争 struggle through挣扎着度过 struggle to do挣扎/奋力做某事 The two boys are struggling with each

8、other. We struggled through the crowd. The two leaders are struggling for power. The thief struggled to escape (逃跑), but failed. After a long struggle, she gained control of the business. 经过长期努力,她在业务上已经能够应付自如。a life-and-death struggle 生死斗争 3) disability (P18 Line 4) n. 残疾,无能,无力able/unable adj. 能够的,有

9、才干的,能干的/不能的,不会的 enable/disable vt. 使能够/使丧失能力be able to do , enable sb to do ability/disability n. u能力,本领;c才能/ u无能;c残疾disabled adj. 残疾的 the disabled = people with disability 残疾人 The disabled are (be) well looked after in the country.用以上所给单词的正确形式填空:1 His disability prevents him from doing the job.2 As

10、 his disease has disabled him, Hawking has to sit in his famous wheelchair and speak through a computer.3 A very little baby is unable to walk or talk.4 He was disabled _in the war.5 The pass (通行证)enables me to travel half-price on trainsStep3: Homework1. Read the text again and review the language points.2. Use them to do exercises. 教学心得对分管部门的党风廉政建设抓得不够紧,找问题的多,批评教育的少,放松了对分管部门的日常监督、管理和教育。对分管部门干部发现的一些违规违纪小错提醒不够、批评教育不力,监督执纪“四种形态”作用发挥不够


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