高三英语二轮复习 语法专项七 情态动词和虚拟语气(三)教学案

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1、一岗双责落实还不到位。受事务性工作影响,对分管单位一岗双责常常落实在安排部署上、口头要求上,实际督导、检查的少,指导、推进、检查还不到位。装订线情态动词和虚拟语气(三)课题 :情态动词和虚拟语气(三)教学目标:通过练习讲评掌握情态动词和虚拟语气的解题技巧.教学重难点:通过练习讲评掌握情态动词和虚拟语气的解题技巧.教学过程集体备课部分(学生活动部分)个性备课部分/学生记录Task 1【自主学习】检查晨读内容Task 2【知识梳理】1.“He _lived well on his good looks ,but instead he chose to thrive(成功)on his talent

2、.”People praised Ning Zetao like this.Ashould have Bmust have Cmight have Dcould have 2. - How is the smog control going on in our capital city? - It couldnt be worse. You _believe Beijing upgraded the smog alert from yellow to orange and then red again yesterday.A. wont B. mustnt C. neednt D. shoul

3、dnt3. We shall hardly please everyone ;nor is it necessary that we _.A need B should C can D may4. - Did you attend the meeting for the experiment project yesterday?- Yes, but I dont think I _because my director was there.A. need have B. needed to C. need to have D. need to5. She would be much healt

4、hier now _with that much that much pressure from work when young.A. had she not burdened herself B. were she not burdenedC. should she not burden herself D. were she not to be burdened6. His way of addressing one hard problem last Friday _give rise to another.A would rather B may well C shall D need

5、7. Roberts new book about space exploration is fantastic. You simply _read it.A. must B. can C. need D. may8.You are welcome to use this area for your baby buggy(童车).However,_ a wheelchair user board the bus ,you are not supposed to use this special area.Awould Bmight Cshould Dcould9. - Do you still

6、 remember when we went to Australia? -I cant remember now but _sometime last winter?Amight it be Bcould it be Ccould it have been Dshould it have been10. We can gain valuable wisdom from mistakes which _to prevent them from happening again.Ashould be avoided Bmight be avoidedCmight have been avoided

7、 Dwould have been avoided11. (2017无锡,33) If I _ preparations for my experiment this afternoon, I _ to see the film last night.A. were not to make, would have gone B. had not made, would go C. were not making, would have gone D. did not make, would go12. (2016浙江15) Had the government and scientists n

8、ot worked together, AIDD-related deaths _ since集体备课部分(学生活动部分)个性备课部分/学生记录装订线their highest in 2005. Ahad not fallen Bwould not fallCdid not fall Dwould not have fallen13. - It was such a difficult examination that a lot of students were unable to finish it on time. - Thats the case. It is hard to acce

9、pt the fact that over 90% of my classmates _. A should fail B should have failed C will fail D may fail14. Turn off the TV, Jack. _ your homework now?A. should you be doing B. shouldnt you be doing C. couldnt you be doing D. will you be doing15. - Will it take me long to get to the Sunshine Hotel? N

10、o, it _ take you long. Its not the rush hour now. A. shouldnt B. shant C. mustnt D. neednt16. - Tom is often late for work, Bob. Tell him he _ answer for it if he continues. A. Shall B. will C. should D. could17. Since there is abundant food in the sea, it is understandable that some of the creature

11、s that evolved on land _ to the sea. A would have returned B could have returned C might have returned D should have returned18. According to the new rules, if a student _ happen to damage something in the campus, he or she _ report it to those concerned immediately. A can; will B shall, should C wi

12、ll, shall D should, shall19. Part of the highway would be temporarily closed _ the heavy fog to continue. A. should B. had C. were D. could20. If our children _ live to see the next century, what change will they see? A. would B. could C. should D. might21. I _ imagine it will take about two hours t

13、o have your pictures developed. - All right. I will come to get them by then. A. would B. can C. must D. should22. I ordered Pizza for dinner. It _ be here any minute now. - Pizza again? We _ pizza every night for a week now! A should, have been having B may, were having C can, had D must, will be having当堂检测: 完成“随堂检测”课后作业: 1.完成“专题能力提升练 七” 2.背诵习语和谚语典故课堂反思/学生总结: 对分管部门的党风廉政建设抓得不够紧,找问题的多,批评教育的少,放松了对分管部门的日常监督、管理和教育。对分管部门干部发现的一些违规违纪小错提醒不够、批评教育不力,监督执纪“四种形态”作用发挥不够


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