高中英语 unit 4 astronomy the science of the stars section grammar writing课件 新人教版必修

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《高中英语 unit 4 astronomy the science of the stars section grammar writing课件 新人教版必修》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 unit 4 astronomy the science of the stars section grammar writing课件 新人教版必修(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Grammar & Writing,探究语法精要,语法专练 .单句语法填空 1_made all of us happy was that our school football team won the game. 答案: What 2It is exactly_you did that made him angry. 答案: what,3_John will reach here is unknown because of the accident.Maybe two hours later. 答案: When 4_ we lived ten years ago had c

2、hanged so much that I nearly lost my way while visiting there. 答案: Where 5It has been proved_ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life. 答案: that,6_parents say and do has a lifelong influence on their children. 答案: What 7_will take the place of Mr Li

3、 as our new headmaster hasnt been decided. 答案: Who 8Its a pity_ Bob cant take part in the outing because his mother is ill. 答案: that,9It doesnt matter_or not Mary has been to America._ really matters is that she can speak English fluently. 答案: whether;What 10_he was admitted into Beijing University

4、made his teachers and parents happy. 答案: That,.单句改错 1Does that matter if he cant get there on time? _ 答案: thatit 2No matter what he says is always unbelievable. _ 答案: No matter whatWhatever,3This is a fact that English is used widely in the world. _ 答案: ThisIt 4Our team won the game excited every on

5、e of us. _ 答案: 句首加That,Our中的首字母小写 5If she will come to his birthday party is still unknown. _ 答案: IfWhether,6That wont make much difference whether he will join us. _ 答案: ThatIt 7It matters little how a man dies,but that matters much is how he lives. _ 答案: thatwhat 8It is suggested that she sings an

6、 English song for all the guests. _ 答案: sings(should) sing,.语法与写作(根据提示完成句子) 1_(据报道) the murderer was shot to death on the scene. 答案: It is reported that 2_(她生了一个健康的婴儿) made the family very happy. 答案: That she gave birth to a healthy baby,3_(父母是否给他买一台新的iPad) depends on his exam results. 答案: Whether h

7、is parents will buy him a new iPad 4_(那是谁的包) not known at that time. 答案: Who(m) the bag belonged to was 5It remains a mystery_(为什么恐龙突然灭绝了) 答案: why dinosaurs suddenly disappeared,写作能力提升,审题谋篇 1体裁:_ 2话题:_ 3时态:_ 4人称:_ 5结构:_ 答案: 1.解决问题类作文 2.太空旅游 3.一般现在时 4.第一人称 5.开篇,提出失重条件下吃饭和喝水的问题;主体,分析和解决吃饭和喝水的问题;总结,简要评论。,词汇推敲 1地球引力 _ 2漂浮 _ 3面临 _ 4特别地 _ 5解决 _ 答案: 1.gravity 2.float 3.be faced with 4specially 5.solve,谢谢观看!,



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