七年级英语下册 unit 1 can you play the guitar习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?,.根据句意及图片提示补全单词。 1.Xiao Fang can . 2.Can you ? 3.Wei Ming can play the . 4.Can they play ? 5.Li Li and Liu Jie can English. .用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6.Can you (dance)?Yes,I can. 7.David wants to join the (swim)club. 8.Jack wants (join)the art club. 9.Sally speaks English very

2、 (good). 10.Lets join the chess club.That sounds (well).,第一课时 Section A(1a2d),draw,dance,guitar,chess,speak,dance,swimming,to join,well,good,.单项选择。 ( )11.My brother can .He wants this afternoon. A.dance;dance B.dance;to dance C.to dance;dancing D.dancing;to dance ( )12.(铜仁中考)Can you play piano? No,I

3、 cant.But I can play basketball. A.the;the B.the;a C.the;/ D.a;the ( )13.(北京中考)Jack, you ride a bike? Yes,l can. A.can B.may C.need D.must ( )14.Tom can English.I can it in English,too. A.speak;speak B.say;speak C.say;say D.speak;say ( )15. you play soccer?Yes,I can. you have a soccer?No,I dont. A.C

4、an;Do B.Do;Can C.Can;Can D.Do;Do,第一课时 Section A(1a2d),B,C,A,D,A,.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 16.我表弟会唱歌。My cousin can . 17.他不会讲汉语。He Chinese. 18.你想参加什么俱乐部? do you want ? 19.这电脑是你的吗?是的。但我不会玩电脑游戏。 Is this computer ? Yes.But I cant computer . 20.我不能去参加他的生日聚会,因为我太忙。 I cant his birthday party because Im too .,第一课时 Sec

5、tion A(1a2d),sing,cant speak,What club to join,yours,play games,go to busy,.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示补全单词。 1.Can you w stories? 2.Michael can t English stories. 3.Alice wants to join the music club for the school (演出). 4.John cant sing (或者) dance. 5.I want to t to Miss Liu. .选择方框中的词并用其适当形式填空。 6.I think these ar

6、e very interesting. 7.He cant play the piano the guitar. 8.Can Tony stories?Yes,he can. 9.The students are to each other now. 10.Tina can speak English she cant speak Chinese.,第二课时Section A(3a3c),rite,ell,show,or,alk,story,or,but,talk,write,stories,or,write,talking,but,.单项选择。 ( )11.Mike can play che

7、ss, he cant play cards. A.and B.but C.or D.so ( )12.Sam cant Chinese stories. A.tell B.speak C.talk D.say ( )13. ? He wants to join the swimming club. A.What can he do B.What club does he want to join C.What does he like D.Where can he swim ( )14.Can you speak English? .But I can speak Chinese. A.Ye

8、s,I can B.No,I can C.No,I cant D.Yes,I cant ( )15.If you want to join the art club,you can Mr.Zhou after class. A.talk about B.tell to C.tell with D.talk to,第二课时Section A(3a3c),B,A,B,C,D,.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 16.你想加入什么俱乐部? club do you want to ? 17.她会讲许多故事。 She can lots of . 18.他会游泳,他想加入游泳俱乐部。 He can and h

9、e wants to join the club. 19.莉莉想和她的朋友谈话。 Lily wants to her friend. 20.李鑫会表演中国功夫。 Li Xin can kung fu.,第二课时Section A(3a3c),What join,tell stories,swim swimming,talk to,do Chinese,一、话题阅读。 完形填空。 Jim,Tom and I are good friends.Tom can sing,dance,swim and play 1 .I can do kungfu! I can play 2 ,too.Jim can

10、 3 stories.He 4 English well.We want to be students for the school 5.After school,we want 6 Mr.Zhang. Maybe(也许)we can be the students 7 school show.Jim wants me to 8 stories for him. He can tell them 9. Tom wants to dance and I want to 10 kungfu. ( )1.A.chess B.the chess C.the soccer ( )2.A.piano B.

11、the piano C.guitar ( )3.A.tell B.to tell C.tells ( )4.A.speak B.talks C.speaks ( )5.A.show B.club C.team ( )6.A.talk B.talk to C.to talk to ( )7.A.on B.for C.in ( )8.A.tell B.write C.talk ( )9.A.good B.bad C.well ( )10.A.tell B.do C.play,Section A 话题阅读与情景交际,A,B,A,C,A,C,B,B,C,B,二、情景交际。 .补全对话。 从方框中选择适

12、当的句子补全对话。(其中有两项 多余) A:Hi,Bob.11 B:I want to join a sports club. A:Great!12 B:Soccer. A:13 B:No,I cant. A:So you can join the soccer club. B:How about you?14 You can join the English club. A:Sounds good.15 B:Then join two clubs,the English club and the art club. A:OK.,Section A 话题阅读与情景交际,B,A.What do

13、you do? B.What club do you want to join? C.But I like to draw,too. D.What sports can you play? E.Can you play soccer? F.You speak English very well. G.Can you play basketball?,D,G,F,C,.填单词,补全对话,每空一词。 A:Here 16 all the clubs. B:17 18 do you want to 19 ? A:I want to join the English club.20 21 you? B:

14、Hmm,I want to join the 22 club.Can you 23 chess? A:No,I 24 like chess.Do you like music? B:Oh,yes.I 25 sing and dance.I like music.,Section A 话题阅读与情景交际,are,What,club,join,How/What,about,chess,play,dont,can,一、情态动词的基本用法 情态动词是表示说话人的语气、情态等的一类词。如:can(能,会)、may(可以),以后我们还将学到must(必须)、should(应该)、would(应该、想要)等

15、。情态动词在运用时有以下三方面的特征: 1.情态动词无主语人称及单复数的变化。 eg:They can play the piano. She can speak a little English. You may watch TV after supper. 2.情态动词在句中运用时,后接动词原形。 eg:The girl can sing English songs. I can play Chinese chess.,第三课时单元语法精讲与精练,单元语法精讲,3.含情态动词的肯定句变为一般疑问句时,将情态动词提到句首,后加“?”;变否定句时,在情态动词后加上“not”即可。 eg:Thi

16、s boy can dance well. Can this boy dance well?(一般疑问句) Yes,he can./ No,he cant. This boy cant dance well.(否定句) 二、情态动词can的用法小结can是情态动词,意为“能;会”,表示某人或某物具备的能力,还可用来提出请求,没有人称和数的变化,后面直接接动词原形。下面来看一下它的具体用法。 1.表示有能力做某事,意为“能;会”。 eg:I can speak English.我会讲英语。 He can play basketball.他会打篮球。 2.表示许可,意为“可以”。 eg:You can sit here.你可以坐在这儿。,第三课时单元语法精讲与精练,单元语法精


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