高考英语大一轮复习 unit 4 pygmalion课堂达标 新人教版选修

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1、为深入贯彻落实党的十九大精神和习近平总书记的重要指示精神,保障人民安居乐业、社会安定有序、国家长治久安、进一步巩固党的执政基础,束城镇深入贯彻全市扫黑除恶会议精神,强化措施,深入扎实开展扫黑除恶专项斗争Unit 4 Pygmalion .单句语法填空1They were abroad during the months when we were carrying out the investigation, or they would _have_come_(come) to our help.2Clearly and thoughtfully _written_(write), the bo

2、ok inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.3If Mr.Dewey _had_been_(be) present, he would have offered any possible assistance to the people there.4We are at your service.Dont hesitate _to_turn_(turn) to us if you have any further problems.5If we _had_booked_(book) a table

3、earlier, we wouldnt be standing here in a queue.6That was the terrible thing about wolves.You could never tell where they were because they were always _in_ disguise.7The man was condemned to be shot because he passed himself _off_ as the president and caused a great loss.8The 2010 World Expo in Sha

4、nghai is superior _to_ any other fair held this year.9Chongqing and Wuhan are among the most important cities in China in terms _of_ their size and population.10When you turn on a transistorized radio the sound comes on immediately;when you turn it off, it fades _out_ gradually.完成句子1Although this ki

5、nd of refrigerator is packed perfectly, _in_terms_of_(就而言) the quality, only _a_handful_of_(少量的)products are satisfying.2He helped me a lot and I gave him a musical box _in_return_(作为回报)3He _passed_himself_off_as_(冒充成) an experienced mechanician in order to obtain this job.4They fear that passion to

6、wards traditional Chinese holidays, _in_particular_(特别) among young people, will slowly _fade_out_(消失/渐淡)5People all _condemned_the_man_(指责这个男人) because he _robbed_the_old_man_of_(抢劫了这个老人) his little fortune last night.6一般来说,人们都反对以财富划分人的言论。_Generally_speaking_, people all object to the remark that p

7、eople _are_classified_ by fortune.7目前,我们公司人事部需要有能力和工作经验的人。(“with短语”作定语)Currently, the personnel in our company is _in_need_of_ the persons _with_working_competence_and_experience_.8面对越来越激烈的竞争,年轻人学会抓住机遇和利用好机遇是很重要的。(过去分词短语作状语;be ofn.)_Faced_with_ more and more fierce competition, it _is_of_great_impor

8、tance_ for the young people to learn to seize the chance and take good advantage of it.9每次打电话给我,他说的话都会让我吃惊。Every time he called me up, his words left me _in_amazement_.10直到两年前我才认识了这位才华横溢的教授。It was not until two years ago that I _made_the_acquaintance_of_ this brilliant professor.单句改错1Now there are m

9、any young men in our society dreaming of making fortune without hard work._making后加a_2General speaking, there are two factors contributing to my decision._GeneralGenerally_3Out of everybodys expectation, she didnt hesitate accept the job._hesitate后加to_4We have been on good term with our neighbors fo

10、r all these years._termterms_5How are they getting on with their work?All goes well as planning._planningplanned_6For convenience, we may classify the students by four groups._byinto_.语篇填空George Bernard Shaw was interested in the way people spoke.He argued that he was never _mistaken_(mistake) about

11、 a persons status.Generally speaking, he thought that _lower_(low) class people betrayed themselves with their remarks _whenever_ they spoke, and that he could classify peoples social position _after_ only a few minutes observation.However, he never put_himself_ to the test like Henry Higgins _and_

12、tried to pass someone of the lower class off as _an_ authentic member of the upper class.Higgins thought that a superior social position was more _dependent_(depend) on grammar and pronunciation than on a persons fortune.Actually _his_ view was only accepted by a handful of his followers.These peopl

13、e never realized that ideas _would_form_(form) the plot for one of Bernard Shaws most famous and classic plays!.话题写作用本单元所学知识完成下列句子,并按照逻辑连成短文。1We all hope to _make_the_acquaintance_of_some people.我们都想结识一些人。2They can _share_our_joys_as_well_as_sorrows_.他们可以分享我们的喜乐忧伤。3True friends should respect, help

14、and _care_for_each_other_.真正的朋友应该互相尊重,互相帮助,相互关心。4_A_handful_of_people will _pass_them_off_as_your_good_friends_.一小部分人冒充你的好朋友。5My neighbour _showed_in_a stranger who said he was one of my sisters friends and he was_in_great_need_of_help_.我的邻居领进来一个陌生人,他说他是我姐的朋友,他急需帮助。6When I told my sister about the m

15、an, she looked at me _in_surprise/in_amazement_and said she did not know him at all.当我告诉我姐时,她吃惊地看着我说她根本不认识他。7we must be careful_not_to_be_cheated_.我们应当小心不要被骗。组篇公式:用定语从句合并句1、句2;适当加入连接词。答案:We all hope to make the acquaintance of people who can share our joys as well as sorrows.As a matter of fact, true friends should respect, help and care for each other.However, a handful of people will pass them off as your good friends.The other day, my neighbour showed in a stranger who said he was one of my s



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