中考英语复习 第一部分 教材同步复习篇 第8课时 八上 modules 1012试题 外研版

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1、为深入贯彻落实党的十九大精神和习近平总书记的重要指示精神,保障人民安居乐业、社会安定有序、国家长治久安、进一步巩固党的执政基础,束城镇深入贯彻全市扫黑除恶会议精神,强化措施,深入扎实开展扫黑除恶专项斗争第八课时八年级(上)Modules 1012为充分发动群众积极参与到扫黑除恶工作中来,束城镇通过由包片班子成员、包村干部、村书记召开各村群众大会广泛宣传动员、公布全镇扫黑除恶举报电话、邮箱和纪委举报等方式,增强人民群众通黑恶势力做斗争的决心,在全镇范围内营造了全民扫黑除恶的浓厚氛围I. 单项选择。(C)1. Do you know about San Francisco? Yes, its a

2、famous city the west coast of America.A. in B. of C. on D. above(D)2.Goodbye, John. Dont forget my best wishes to your parents. I wont, thanks.A. taking B. takeC. taken D. to take(B)3. I am nervous to give a talk in front of the class. . Believe yourself. You can do it. A. Sorry to hear that B. Come

3、 on C. Thats too bad D. Thats right(A)4.There a storm this afternoon. Youd better not go out.A. will be B. was C. has D. will have(C)5.When the autumn comes, the day shorter and the leaves yellow. A. changes; getB. turn; getsC. gets; turnD. becomes; gets(A)6. I felt very afraid and excited when I to

4、ok a plane the first time.A. for B. at C. with D. on(D)7. Must I bring my swimming suit? No, you . Were just going climbing.A. dont B. mustntC. shouldnt D. neednt(B)8. Mike, our school doesnt allow a boy student to have such long hair. Sorry, Mr Red. Ill have it this afternoon.A. cuts B. cutC. cutti

5、ng D. to cut(D)9. The boy has trouble his mother, so he is crying. A. find B. to find C. finds D. finding(C)10.The football be Teds. Look, his name is on it.A. can B.will C. must D. needII. 完形填空。Do you like to set goals for yourself? What important goals have you reached? Lets have a look at 11 the

6、following two people reach their goals.Balamurali Krishna Ambati was 12 burned at the age of three. He spent several 13in hospital. From then on, he wanted to 14 a doctor. A few years later, he knew that the 15doctor in the world was 18 years old. So he 16 to be a doctor by the age of 17. Many peopl

7、e17 it was impossible, but at 11 Ambati was in college. He graduated from medical school at 17. Now he is a doctor.Only a few students can get the Scholastic Achievement Award in America. One of those students is Jasmin Sethi. Her achievement is especially amazing 18 she is blind. She cant see anyth

8、ing, but she never 19 heart. To take the test, someone read the test questions to her, and she gave the 20. She even could solve difficult maths problems. Sethi is the editor of her school newspaper. She plans to go to a top university next year. (D)11. A. when B. what C. where D. how(A)12. A. badly

9、 B. nearly C. quickly D. only(C)13. A. seconds B. minutes C. months D. centuries(B)14. A. turn B. become C. help D. find(A)15.A. youngest B. oldest C. tallest D. shortest(C)16. A. agreed B. made C. planned D. offered(D)17. A. sang B. wrote C. likedD. thought(A)18. A. because B. while C. since D. bef

10、ore(B)19. A. keeps B. loses C. leaves D. takes(C)20. A. interest B. lessons C. answers D. adviceIII. 阅读理解。Kim Min-joo, 13,South Korea (韩国)Most children love skiing (滑雪) during the winter holidays. In the summer holidays, some students go on a trip in their country. Summer holidays: mid-Julymid-Augus

11、tWinter holidays: mid-December the end of JanuaryHayashi Misa, 13, JapanDuring the holidays, some children spend their time in school clubs. Other children may have a trip with their families.Summer holidays: mid-Julylate AugustWinter holidays: the end of December early JanuarySophie Shan, 14, Ameri

12、caIn the summer holidays, most kids like to go to summer camps. Some students choose to study abroad (在国外) during the winter holidays. Summer holidays: mid-June early SeptemberWinter holidays: mid-December early January(B)21. Summer holidays in South Korea last. A. half a month B. one monthC. one an

13、d a half months D. two months (C)22. In Japan, children like during the holidays. A. skiing B. campingC. joining school clubs D. going abroad(B)23.The winter holidays of America are that of Japan. A. shorter than B. longer thanC. the same as D. more boring than (D)24.From the form, we can know that

14、.A. the three children are of the same ageB. Hayashi Misa is a South Korean girlC. Kim Min-joo has two long holidays a year.D. Sophie Shans summer holidays are the shortest(A)25.The form is mainly about in different countries.A. school holidays B. school lifeC. students D. school clubs.补全对话。根据对话内容,从

15、方框中选出恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。其中有一项是多余的。A:_26_B:Its cold.A:I thought it was very warm.England looks so beautiful in many photos._27_B:Thats true.The weather is very good in summer.Its never too hot.Its cool.A:_28_B:Not now.But it rains a lot.And its quite cold in February.A:I see.When I visit England, I wont go in February.By the w


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