2019版高考英语 unit 2 healthy eating(词汇考查+词汇应用)(含解析)新人教版必修3

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1、Unit 2李仕才 一、词汇复习(一)单句语法填空1Little _ she care what she looks like; all she cares about is her job performance. 答案:does句意:她不在乎外表,她在乎的是自己的工作表现。表否定意义的little位于句首,句子要用部分倒装。2Only after Mary read her composition the second time _ she notice the spelling mistake. 答案:did句意:直到第二次读了她的作文之后玛丽才注意到那个拼写错误。“only状语从句”置

2、于句首时,主句要部分倒装,即助动词置于主语前。其次,根据after引导的从句的时态可知,该句要用一般过去时。3Only when he reached the teahouse _ he realize it was the same place hed been in last year. 答案:did句意:直到他到了茶馆的时候,他才意识到这就是他去年来的地方。only修饰状语(从句)置于句首时,句子(主句)需部分倒装。4Find ways to praise your children often,_ youll find they will open their hearts to yo

3、u. 答案:and句意:设法常常表扬你的孩子,这样你就会发现他们会向你敞开心扉。根据句意可知,前句后表顺承关系,故填and。5Was it on a lonely island _ he was saved one month after the boat went down? 答案:that句意:他是不是在船沉了一个月之后在一个孤岛上被人救出来的?结合句意可知,这里用It was . that强调句结构,被强调的是地点状语on a lonely island。(二)英汉互译1、Diet n. vi. _1、 spaghetti n. _2、 nut n. _3、 muscle n. _4、

4、protective adj. _5、 bean n. _6、 pea n. _7、 cucumber n. _8、 eggplant n. _9、 pepper n. _10、 mushroom n. _11、 peach n. _12、 loemn _13、 balance vt. n. _14、 balanced diet _15、 barbecue vt. & n. _16、 mutton n. _17、 kebab n. _18、 roast adj. vt. & vi. _19、 stir vt. _20、 fry vt. & vi. _21、 stir-fry vt. _22、

5、ought v. aux. _23、 ought to _24、 bacon n. _25、 cola n. _26、 sugary adj. _27、 sign n. _28、 lose weight _29、 slim vi. adj. _30、 curiosity n. _31、 hostess n. _32、 raw adj. _33、 vinegar n. _34、 get away with _35、 lie n.vi. _36、 tell a lie _37、 customer n. _38、 discount n. _39、 win back _40、 weakness n.

6、_41、 strength n. _42、 consult vt. _43、 fibre n. _44、 digest vi.& n. _ 45、 poisonous adj. _ 46、 carrot n. _47、 scurvy n. _48、 rickets n. _49、 obesity n. _50、 vitamin n. _51、 protein n. _52、 earn ones living _53、 debt n. _54、 in debt _55、 glare vi. _56、 spy vi. & vt. n. _57、 spy on _58、 limit vt. n. _

7、59、 limited adj. _60、 benefit n. _61、 vt. & vi. _62、 breast n. _63、 garlic n. _64、 sigh vi. n. _65、 combine vt. & vi. _66、 cut down _67、 before long _68、 put on weight _69、 cooperation n. _70、 ingredient n. _71、 flavour n. _二、完形填空Im sitting at the airport watching people in the last minutes before t

8、heir loved ones arrive or depart.A woman is running in circles trying to gather family members together for a _1_.When the final moment comes before _2_,she wraps her arms around her son,giving him a _3_ hug that should protect him until he _4_.I sit with a book in my hands,waiting my turn to leave

9、_5_ because the ones I love have a different _6_ from mine.I think of other departures and arrivals.I _7_ seeing my daughter.I wrapped myself around her as if shed been _8_.That year she was in her first year at university,coming home for the first time.Today my flight is two hours late.When my flig

10、ht is _9_ called,I gather my book and luggage._10_ there is no one to see me off,I do not _11_ to see where I have come from._12_,I think of my husband at work _13_ if I have left yet.As I head towards the plane,I find myself _14_ yet another arrival and departure.That year,my 91yearold grandfather

11、died.After returning from his funeral,I arrived at the airport _15_.My husband of only a year was waiting at the gate to take me in his arms.Because of my tears,_16_ was looking at us,but I didnt _17_.Life needs the important _18_ all the time.I wish that all the people who went on a _19_ could come

12、 back to find someone _20_ them.I also wish they could leave with someone to see them off.1A.lecture BgoodbyeCdinner Dparty2A.gathering BboardingCannouncing Dlanding3A.powerful BgentleCwarm Dcommon4A.leaves BsurvivesCreturns Drecovers5A.frightened BanxiousCrelaxed Dalone6A.schedule BattitudeCposition Dtarget7A.imagine BenjoyCrecall Dconsider8A.stolen BcheatedClost Dpunished9A.punctually BfinallyCabruptly Drepeatedly10A.Although BWhileCTill DSin


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