2019版高考英语 unit 2 the united kingdom(词汇考查+词汇应用)(含解析)新人教版必修5

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1、Unit 2李仕才 一、词汇复习(一)单句语法填空1. The man sat in his empty restaurant _ _ _(感到非常沮丧).2. The two old and rich brothers knew he was hard-working. That was _ they had given him the letter. 3. We could not have the naughty boy _ _ _ (做坏事不受惩罚)breaking the window on purpose.4. To keep fit, we must have a _(balan

2、ce) diet.5. Children are not _ (permit) into a cinema without their parents.参考答案1.feeling very frustrated 2why3getting away with4balanced 5. permitted(二)英汉互译68.unite vi. & vt. _69.kingdom n. _70.consist vi. _71.consist of _72.London Heathrow Airport_73.province n. _74.River Avon _75.River Thames _76

3、.River Severn _77.divideinto _78.Wales _79.Scotland _80.Northern Ireland_81.clarify vt. _82.accomplish vt. _83.conflict n. _84.unwilling adj. _85.break away (from) _86.union n. _87.the Union Jack _88.credit n. _89.to ones credit _90.currency n. _91.institution n. _92.educational adj. _93.convenience

4、 n. _94.rough adj. _95.roughly adv. _96.Midlands _97.nationwide adj. _98.attract vt. _99.historical adj. _100.architecture n. _101.Roman n. adj. _102.collection n. _103.administration n. _104.port n. _105.Anglo-Saxon _106.Norman n. adj. _107.Viking n. _108.countryside n. _109.enjoyable adj. _110.lea

5、ve out _111.opportunity n. _112.description n. _113.fax n. vt. _114.possibility n. _115.plus prep. adj. _116.quarrel n. vi. _117.alike adj. _118.take the place of _119.break down _120.arrange vt. _121.wedding n. _122.fold vt. _123.sightseeing n. _124.delight n. vt. _125.royal adj. _126.uniform n. _1

6、27.St Pauls Cathedral _128.splendid adj. _129.Westminster Abbey _130.statue n. _131.Buckingham Palace _132.Greenwich n. _ 133.longitude n. _134.imaginary adj. _135.navigation n. _136.Highgate Cemetery _munism n. _ 138.original adj. _139.thrill vt. _140.pot n. _141.error n. _142.tense n. _143.consist

7、ent adj. _二、完形填空When you give thanks for help,everyone benefits.And the _1_ will last longer than youd expect:researchers have found that writing thankyou notes raises peoples _2_ levels for up to six months.“If you express gratitude in a diary,it makes you happier,but if you _3_ it with the person

8、who helped you,it has the _4_ to bring you two closer together,”says researcher Jeff Tsang.Lawyer John Kralik experienced this personally.Hed been feeling depressed and _5_ about his life:Hed been divorced and wasnt _6_ with his children.He felt tired from the _7_ hours he devoted to work.At a/an _8

9、_ low point,he remembered his grandfather telling him about the importance of _9_.He decided to write 365 thankyou notes over 365 days,hoping for a/an _10_ change.Immediately,he noticed his _11_ begin to improve.“The first effects are that you realise that your life is much better than you thought a

10、nd you become more positive,”Kralik says of his _12_ acts of expressing thanks._13_ by Kraliks experience,I decided to try the _14_ myself.I chose someone from my past whom Id _15_ thanked before:my wonderful highschool English teacher.I wasnt sure if Id be able to _16_ him,but eventually I found wh

11、ere he lived.In my letter,I thanked him for the _17_ and support that hed given me years earlier.I may never hear from him _18_,but that isnt the _19_.The letter helped me _20_ my life,and Ive been happy now for months.1A.timeBthoughtsCeffects Drelationship2A.education BhappinessCincome Dhealth3A.sh

12、are BcompleteCcompare Dleave4A.method BdesireCenergy Dpotential5A.discouraged BdishonestCimpatient Dsurprised6A.bored BstrictCclose Dhonest7A.limited BvaluableCdelightful Dlong8A.importantly BparticularlyCphysically Dexactly9A.forgiveness BachievementCgratefulness Dpatience10A.positive BunexpectedCpossible Dinstant11A.wealth



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