新视野第一册unit 6 新年快乐

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1、Celebration of Holidays,Unit 6,目 录,Theme: Happy New Year,Vocabulary,Phrases and Expressions,Grammer:1)how to use “be true of”and “so that” 2)punctuation(basic Writing skills),点击添加标题,New York City: It is the largest city in the United States and on of the largest in the world, situated on New York Ba

2、y at the mouth of the Hudson River. Five boroughs行政区 Manhattan曼哈顿the heart of the city,an island The Bronx布朗克斯区 Queens 昆斯区 Brooklyn 布鲁克林区 The Staten Island 斯塔滕岛区,Background Information,点击添加标题,Time Square纽约时代广场 It is in New York city. Tourists flock to New Yorks neon heart for the flashing lights, Br

3、oadway shows, megastores, and sheer spectacle. Pedestrian-only areas with caf tables introduced in 2009 have only made it easier and more appealing to hang out here. Times Square can even be a convenient, if chaotic, base, thanks to hotels at every price point and easy access to public transportatio

4、n: subways, rails, buses, and more yellow taxis than you can count. 游客密集的时代广场是纽约的霓虹中心,这里有闪烁的灯光,百老汇演出,大型卖场和都市胜景。2009年引入设有路边咖啡桌的行人区后,时代广场更成为游客趋之若鹜的游览景点。广场设有不同价位的旅店,交通出行也很方便,可以便捷地乘坐地铁、有轨电车、公交或出租车,时代广场也因此成为一个举行庆祝狂欢的场所。,Topic Exploration What do holidays mean to you? How do you usually spend your holiday

5、s? What is the most inportant holiday to you?,Main body: The ways to celebrate the New Year in the USA. (P2-6) A: Having a big (usually noisy) party at home or in a hotel. B: Watching the New Years Eve celebrations in Times Square on TV. (P4-5) C: Making a New Years resolution (P6),Eve: 1、前夜 He went

6、 to bed on Christmas Eve very early. 2、(重大事件发生的)前夕 He felt very nervous on the eve of his examination.,Celebration : 庆祝 庆祝会 Annual celebration party 年度庆祝宴会 The party was in celebration of their parents golden wedding annuversary. Celebrate: 庆祝 举行 They celebrated his 80th birthday yesterday.昨天他们庆祝他八十

7、大寿。,Ancient: 1)古代的 In ancient Greece 2)古老的,旧的 In Rome, we visited some ancient temples.古庙 Measure:,Measure: 1、量出或者记录 Time is measured by the hour, minute,and second.时间是以小时、分秒来计算的。 2 度量(大小、长短、数额、程度等) The nurse measured his body temperature. N. 1、措施 We must take measures right away.我们必须马上采取措施。 2、度量单位

8、An hour is a measure of time. 小时是时间的度量单位,Importance Important 重要、重大;重要性 We shouldnt ignore the importance of agriculture in a country 我们不应该忽视农业在一个国家的重要地位。 Give importance to 重视 我们应该更加重视英语学习 Give much more importance to festival 1、节日 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 3、音乐节 戏剧节等 电影节 film ,P

9、rivate 私下的 ,私有的 私立学校 私人企业 enterprises Recent 最近的 不久前的 最近的事件表明犯罪率有所上升 The events show that the crime rate has gone up in this city. 上次的沙尘暴极大地影响了人们的生活 The recent sandstorm has greatly affected peoples lives. 最新消息,Common 1、常见的 普遍的 这是常识,人人都该知道。 Everybody should know in ,as it is common sense. 2、共同的、共有的

10、共有财产 property 谈到流行音乐的时候,我们见解一致。 When it comes to pop music, we are on common ground.,Trandition 1、传统、传统习俗 我们认为我们应该保持这种文化习俗 keep the cultural tradition. 2、惯例;老规矩 他的教学方法是对传统的挑战 His teaching was a challenge to . Traditional 传统的 century 1、一百年 a 2、一世纪 故事发生在18世纪末。 The story took place at the end of the 18

11、th century.,Drive away 赶走 大风把乌云吹散了 The strong wind drove away the dark clouds away. Evil 1、不道德的,邪恶的,有害的 他是一个不道德的人 an evil man 噩耗 2、邪恶、不幸 我们必须学会分辨善恶。 Tell good from evil,Gather 1、聚会、集合 除夕夜,人们聚集在纽约时代广场 On New years Eve, crowds gather in Time Square in New York City. 2、采集;收到 They have a lot of informat

12、io on the subject. Cheer: 1、欢呼、喝彩 At the end of the game ,the whole crowd jumped to their feet and cheered wildly. 2、名词 欢呼 His speech was greeted with cheers.,Electric 电动的 用电的 an train 电气火车 an blanket electronic broadcast 1、N. 无线电 广播 She is used to listening to the radio broadcast every day. 2、V 传播

13、广播 The message was broadcast all over the world via radio.,Imagine 1、想象 Can you a life without water? 2、设想、猜想 Try to that you are all alone in that room. Activity 1、活动(尤其是指娱乐或者兴趣方面的) Young children cant focus on one activity for long. 2、 活动性 能动性 活跃 a sudden rush of activity,resolution 1、决心 He made a

14、 resolution to lose weight through exercising. 2、决心、果断 He is a man of resolution. 3、解决 We need quick resolution of this problem. Involve: 1、包含 需要 It would involve a lot of time and energy. 2、使别人或者自己 卷入 使介入 This war involved seven countries.,Expert n.专家 内行 She is an expert in cooking Chinese food. 英语

15、方面的专家 Adj.专家的 内行的 She is expert at dealing with this kind of person.,1、The government is going to put up a new shopping center in the neighborhood. 2、One foolish mistake can involve you in a good deal of trouble. 3、He knew the importance of learning from mistakes. 4、Success can not be measured in te

16、rms of money.,1、Bring in 把带进;引入 They brought in different customs and cultures. 2、take place发生 The story took place in a small town. 3、let off 放枪炮等 使爆炸 They let off their guns at the enemy. 4、in the shape of以的形状(形式) The cake is in the shape of a heart. 5、light up开灯点灯 When the play ended , all the light lit up. 照亮,使生辉 The candles lit up the room.,6、put up 盖起 搭起 Have you put up the tent? 7、join in参加 加入进来 May I join your conversation? 8carry out


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