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1、国际私法 英文名解汇总 纲目版第一章 国际私法概述Civil and commercial legal relations with(involving) foreign elements = international civil and commercial legal relations 具(含)有涉外(国际)因素的民商事法律关系/跨国民商事法律关系/国际民商事法律关系/涉外民商事法律关系Conflict rules = rule of application of law = choice of law rules = rule of private international law

2、 冲突规范/法律适用规范/法律选择规范/国际私法规范Substantive rules 实体规范Conflict of laws 法律冲突/法律抵触Interspatial conflict of laws 法律的空间冲突Interpersonal conflict of laws 法律的人际冲突Intertemporal conflict of laws = conflicts mobiles 法律的时际冲突/动态冲突Interregional conflict of laws 法律的区际冲突International conflict of laws 法律的国际冲突Horizontal c

3、onflict 平面冲突Vertical conflict 垂直冲突Jus civile 市民法Extraterritorial effect of laws 法律的域外效力Personal supremacy 属人优越权Territorial effect of laws 法律的域内效力Territorial supremacy 属地优越权Uniform substantive rules 统一实体法规范Supernational law 超国家规范Theory of statutes 法则区别说Post-glossarist 后期注释学者Private international law

4、= 【法】droit international priv = 【意】diritto international privato = 【西】deracho international privato = 【葡】direito internacional privado 私国际法International private law = 【德】internationalen privatrechts 国际私法Conflicts law = 【荷】de conflictu legum = the law of the conflict of laws = the conflict of laws 冲突

5、法/法律冲突法/法律冲突The Hague Conference of Private Internatioal Law 海牙国际私法会议第2章 国际私法的渊源Forum shopping 挑选法院Regulations 规定Directives 指令第3章 国际私法立法与学说的历史发展/国际私法的历史Theory of statutes 法则区别说Statuta 法则Statuta realia 物的法则Statuta personalia 人的法则Statuta mixta 混合法则Lex originis 出生地法Jus civile 市民法Jus gentium 万民法Period o

6、f racial laws = period of personal laws 种族法时期/属人法时期Post-glossarist 后期注释法学派Bartolus 巴托鲁斯Baldus 巴尔多(斯)Charles Dumoulin 杜摩林Autonomie de la volont = Lautonomie de la volont = autonomy of will 意思自治原则DArgentr 达让特莱Ulicus Huber 胡伯De conflictu legum 法律冲突Comitas gentium 国际礼让说Savigny 萨维尼Sitz des rechtsverhltni

7、sses 法律关系本座说Seat 本座Copernican revolution 哥白尼革命Mancini 孟西尼Story 斯托里Dicey 戴西Doctrine of vested rights 既得权说Theory of local law = local law theory 本地法说Cook 库克Judicial attitude 司法态度Theory of governmental interests analysis 政府利益说Brainerd Currie 柯里Principle of preference theory 优先选择原则说Cavers 卡弗斯Five-choice

8、-influencing considerations = Better law approach 法律选择五点考虑/较好法律的方法Leflar 莱弗拉尔Doctrine of lex fori 法院地法说Ehrenzweig 艾伦茨威格Forum shopping 挑选法院Forum conveniens 方便法院Proper forum 适当法院Doctrine of the most significant relationship 最密切联系说Fuld 富德Reese 里斯Bartiffol 巴迪福Particularism-nationalism school 特殊主义国家主义学派Z

9、itelmann 齐特尔曼Universalism-internationalism school 普遍主义国际主义学派Rabel 拉沛尔Kegel 克格尔Interesse jurisprudenz 利益法学Francescakis 弗朗西斯卡基斯Loi dapplication immdiate 直接适用的法Exclusivnormen 专属规范Loi dapplication ncessaire 必须适用的法Spatial conditional rules 空间受调解的规范Legislatively localized laws 立法定位法Particular choice of la

10、w clauses 特殊法律选择条款Proper law doctrine “自体法”理论Functional analysis 功用分析说Comparative-impairment approach 比较损害方法Comprehensive interest analysis 综合利益分析Comparative private international law school 比较法学派第4章 冲突规范与准据法Conflict rules = rule of application of law = choice of law rules = rule of private internat

11、ional law 冲突规范/法律适用规范/法律选择规范/国际私法规范Lex causae = applicable law 准据法Category = Object of connection = classification of issue = operative facts 范围/连接对象/问题的分类/起作用的事实Attribution 系属Unilateral conflict rules 单边冲突规范Bilateral conflict rules = all-sided conflict rules 双边冲突规范Double rules for regulating the co

12、nflict of laws 重叠适用的冲突规范Choice rules for regulating the conflict of laws 选择适用的冲突规范Point of contact = connecting factor = connecting ground 连接点/连接因素/连接根据Natural connexion 自然联系Objective point of contact 客观连接点Subjective point of contact 主观连接点Variable point of contact 动态连接点Constant point of contact 静态连接

13、点Anknpfungsbegriff 【德】法律概念(作为连接点)/连接概念Open-ended 开放的(连接点) Black-letter 硬性(连接点)Open-ended conflict rules 灵活性冲突规范Softening process 软化处理Dpcage 分割规则Proper law of the torts 侵权行为自体法Formula of attribution 系属公式Lex personalis 属人法Lex patriae 本国法/国籍国法Personal law of a legal person 法人属人法Lex domicilii 住所地法Habitu

14、al residence 惯常居所Lex rei sitae = lex loci situs = lex situs 物之所在地法Lex loci actus 行为地法Locus regit actum 场所支配行为Lex loci contractus 合同缔结地法Lex loci solutionis 合同履行地法Lex loci delicti 侵权行为地法Lex loci celebratiois 婚姻举行地法Lex voluntatis 当事人合意选择的法律Autonomie de la volont = Lautonomie de la volont = autonomy of

15、will 意思自治原则Lex fori 法院地法Law of the flag 旗国法Law of the place of the most significant relationship 最密切联系地法Lex causae = applicable law 准据法Rule of law 法律规范Conflicts mobiles 动态冲突Preliminary question = incidental problem 先决问题/附带问题Principal question 主要问题/本问题Result-selecting rules = rules-selecting rules 结果选择(方法)/规则选择Jurisdiction-selecting rules 管辖权选择方法Dpcage 分割方法The Comparative-impairment approach 比较损害方法Kentucky method 肯塔基方法The Functional analysis approach 功能分析方法Substance 实体问



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