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1、2018-2019学年上学期高一英语期中试卷本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。第I卷(选择题,共100分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AAbout aspirin (阿司匹林):Aspirin is a commonly used drug which can be taken to relieve discomfort caused by numerous medical probl

2、ems including headaches, toothache, inflammation(发炎) and infections. It is also suitable to treat colds and flu-like symptoms(症状), and to reduce a high temperature.Who can take aspirin? Adults and children over 16 years of age.Who should not take aspirin? Women who are pregnant, or plan to become pr

3、egnant. Aspirin may harm your unborn baby.Women who are breast-feeding. Aspirin can pass into your breast milk and may harm your baby. People who have any problems with the way the liver works or with the way the kidneys work.How to take aspirin. Take aspirin after meals, with a full glass of water

4、or milk.The recommended dose (剂量) ranges from two to three tablets at a time. Never take more than 4g 12 tablets) in any 24 -hour period. You must not take these tablets with any other medicine which contains any aspirin or painkiller.How to store aspirin. Keep all medicines out of the reach and sig

5、ht of children.Store aspirin in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and light.Do not put aspirin in the bathroom because the dampness there can cause it to lose its effectiveness. Throw away aspirin that smells strongly of vinegar.Possible side effects. Feeling sick, increased risk of bleeding,

6、 stomach pain, indigestion and heartburn are common. If these effects continue, contact your doctor. Ringing in the ears, difficulty breathing, dizziness, and mental confusion are rare. If these occur, stop taking the drug and contact your doctor for further advice.21.What type of writing is this te

7、xt?AA hospital announcement. BA medical report.CA doctors suggestions list. DMedical instructions.22.In which case will you take aspirin according to the text?AStomachache. BFever. CBreathlessness. DNosebleed.23.It can be inferred from the passage that.A. Adults and children over 12 years old can ta

8、ke aspirin.B. Store aspirin in a warm, wet place.C. Aspirin doesnt harm unborn baby.D. If any possible side effects continue, contact your doctor.BMost American students go to traditional public schools. There are about 88,000 public schools all over the US. Some students attend about 3,000 independ

9、ent public schools called charter schools.Charter schools are selfgoverning. Private companies operate some charter schools. They are similar in some ways to traditional public schools. They receive tax just as other public schools do. Charter schools must prove to local or state governments that th

10、eir students are learning. These governments provide the schools with the agreement called a charter that permits them to operate.Charter schools are different because they do not have to obey most laws governing traditional public schools. Local, state or federal governments cannot tell them what t

11、o teach. Each school can choose its own goals and decide the ways it wants to reach them. Class size is usually smaller than in traditional public schools.Governments strongly support charter schools as a way to reorganize public schools that are failing to educate students. But some education agenc

12、ies and unions oppose charter schools. One teachers union has just made public the results of the first national study comparing the progress of students in traditional schools and charter schools.The American Federation of Teachers criticized the governments delay in releasing the results of the st

13、udy, which is called the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Union education experts say the study shows that charter school students performed worse in math and reading tests than students in regular public schools.Some experts say the study is not a fair look at charter schools because st

14、udents in those schools have more problems than students in traditional schools. Other education experts say the study results should make charter school officials demand more student progress.24. If a private company wants to operate a charter school, it must _.Aget the governments permission Bprov

15、e its management abilityCobey all local and state laws D try new methods of teaching25. Charter schools are independent because_.A. they make greater progress Btheir class size is smallerC. they enjoy more freedom Dthey oppose traditional ways26. Whats the governments attitude toward charter schools

16、?A. Doubtful B. Supportive. CSubjective DOptimistic.27. What can we learn from the text?AMore students choose to attend charter schools.BCharter schools are better than traditional schools.CStudents in charter schools are well educated.DPeople have different opinions about charter schools.cDust storms appear when


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