高考英语二轮复习与策略 专题限时集训21 词义猜测题

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《高考英语二轮复习与策略 专题限时集训21 词义猜测题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语二轮复习与策略 专题限时集训21 词义猜测题(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、系统掌握蕴含其中的马克思主义立场观点方法,要在系统学习、深刻领会、科学把握习近平教育思想上下功夫。精心组织开展学习宣传贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神知识问答活动。专题限时集训(二十一)词义猜测题A(2016无锡第一学期期末考试)A strange army of giants stands around the edges of a remote island in the Pacific Ocean.Or at least thats how it might appear.The figures lining Easter Island are actually hu

2、ge stones carved to look like hulking (笨重的) human figures.The statues have “guarded” these coasts for centuries.But not even the islanders are sure how they got there. Join scientific detectives as they investigate this historical mystery.The MysteryNearly a thousand giant stone figures stand side b

3、y side on Easter Island,now a part of Chile.Called moai (MOHeye) by the locals,the statues can weigh more than 80 tonsabout as much as ten whalesand some stand as tall as a threestory building.Scientists think islanders began creating the moai some 800 years ago to honor their ancestors.In land,scie

4、ntists found a volcanic crater(火山口) and dug out ancient tools there used to carve figures from the volcanic rock.But the crater is far from where most of the statues now stand.And scientists know the people didnt have wheels or animals to move the rock giants.So how did the stone figures travel as f

5、ar as 11 miles from the crater to the islands coasts? Some ideas are pretty wildpeople have suggested that the moai walked by themselves,or even that space aliens beamed down to lend a hand.Scientists struggled to Easter Island to find out the truth.The Detectives“Heaveho!” cry a group of scientists

6、 as they pull on ropes tied to a huge statue.The investigators are seeking clues about the moai in one of Easter Islands green valleys.Wondering if the islanders could have transported the statues upright with just rope and muscle power,they wrapped three strong ropes around the forehead of a tenfoo

7、ttall moai copy.With several people pulling each rope,theyre able to rock the 10,000pound figure side to side,moving it forward with every tug (拖拽)“The statues shape makes this movement fairly easy,” team leader Carl Lipo says.In the past,researchers have tried other moving methods.One group tied ro

8、pe to the top and base of an actual moai and attempted to drag it forward with twisting motions.Another team laid a real 13foot moai onto a giant log and pulled the log forward.All the experiments shared one result: The investigators got serious pain!The EvidenceAlthough various scientific sleuths(侦

9、查) found ways to move the moai,researchers still dont agree on what really happened.Some of these techniques might have only worked over short distances and on flat land.Others would have damaged the moai.Many people think the statues were laid horizontally on wooden sleds which were dragged with ro

10、pe across log tracks. “This would have been the safest way to move the moai,”archaeologist Jo Anne Van Tilburg says.“It explains why hardly any are damaged.”But the truth may never be revealed.(Experts are pretty sure,though,that aliens werent involved.)After all,the islanders stopped making the sta

11、tues at least 300 years ago,later hundreds of islanders left the island or caught deadly diseases brought by explorers.Many of the moais secrets disappeared with them.Today the only remaining witnesses to the events are the moai themselves.And the lips of these stonefaced giants are sealed.在智利的复活节岛的

12、海边矗立着一排既重又高的巨型石像摩埃石像。本文主要讲述了科学家们对摩埃石像的搬运方式的调查。虽然他们提出了种种解释,但也只能是猜测,不能令人信服。也许有关摩埃石像的真相永远不会被揭露,将一直成为未解之谜。1How many possible ways of moving the rock giants are mentioned in the passage?AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.B细节理解题。根据第五段第三、四句、第六段及第八段首句可知,文章提到了将摩埃石像竖着向两边晃动、上下扭动、依靠木头移动以及用木制雪橇沿着木头轨道移动这四种移动巨型石像的方法。故选项B符合题意

13、。2Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AThe moai was created by the islanders 800 years ago to wish for good luck.BSome of the rock giants were damaged while being moved to where they are now.CAll the witnesses to the secrets of the moai were infected with deadly diseas

14、es and died.DThe statues were made of volcanic rocks with some handmade tools by the locals.D细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句可知,这些雕像是由当地人使用手工制作的工具用火山石雕刻出来的。故选项D正确。3The underlined word “horizontally” in the last but one paragraph probably means _Atemporarily on the groundBparallel to the groundCsteadily on the groun

15、dDvertical to the groundB词义猜测题。根据文章第五段的倒数第二、三句,第六段前三句以及第八段的第二、三句可知,文章介绍了将摩埃石像竖着向两边晃动、上下扭动、依靠木头移动这些移动石像的方法,而石像几乎没有受到破坏。最安全的移动方式就是将石像水平放置在木制雪橇上,然后将木制雪橇从木头轨道的一边拖拽到另一边。故选项B符合题意。horizontally意为“水平地,横向地”;parallel意为“平行的”;vertical意为“垂直的,直立的”。4What is the best title of this passage?AInvestigation Under WayBMy

16、stery of the Stone GiantsCWays of Moving the Stone GiantsDThe Unrevealed TruthB主旨大意题。综览全文可知,本文主要介绍了对智利复活节岛上的摩埃石像的搬运方式的调查。虽然科学家们提出了种种解释,但也只能是猜测,不能令人信服。也许有关摩埃石像的真相永远不会被揭露,将一直成为未解之谜。故选项B符合题意。B(2016山东省实验中学一模)Nail art has become an international phenomenon and many are using their fingernails to display creativity and personality.Social networks are ove



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