陕西省2019中考英语复习 知识梳理 课时22 九全 units 13-14(基础知识梳理)检测

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《陕西省2019中考英语复习 知识梳理 课时22 九全 units 13-14(基础知识梳理)检测》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《陕西省2019中考英语复习 知识梳理 课时22 九全 units 13-14(基础知识梳理)检测(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时22 九年级(全) Units 1314基础知识梳理3词汇拓展1.fisherman (n.) (pl.) 渔民;钓鱼的人2.advantage (n.) (反义词)不利因素;障碍3.law (n.) (n.) 律师4.instruction (n.) (v.) 指示;命令5.manager (n.) (v.) 完成(困难的事);应付 (n.) 管理;经营6.gentleman (n.) (pl.) 先生;绅士7.ugly (adj.) (反义词)美丽的8.wooden (adj.) (n.) 木;木头9.harmful (adj.) (n.v.)伤害10.scientific (adj.

2、) (n.) 科学;自然 (n.) 科学家11.thirsty (adj.) (n.) 渴望;口渴12.caring (adj.) (v.n.) 照顾;关心 (adj.) 小心的;细致的 (adv.) 细致地;谨慎地;小心地 (adj.) 粗心的;不小心的13.senior (adj.) (反义词)地位(或职位、级别)低下的14.thankful (adj.) (v.) 谢谢;道谢15.litter (v. & n.) (形近词) 小的;比较小的16.cost (v.) (过去式/过去分词) (现在分词)花费17.afford (v.) (过去式/过去分词) (现在分词)承担得起(后果);买得

3、起18.recycle (v.) (形近词) 自行车19.overcome (v.) (过去式) (过去分词) (现在分词)克服;战胜20.graduate (v.) (n.) 毕业21.congratulate (v.) (过去式/过去分词) (现在分词)祝贺 (n.) 祝贺;恭贺重点短语1.对有害 2.在顶端/顶部 3.食物链 4.采取行动 5.扔掉;抛弃 6.bring back 7.in a row 8.noise pollution 9.cut down 10.take a break 11.好好利用某物 12.拆下;摧毁 13.上下颠倒;倒转 14.回首;回忆;回顾 15.弄得一团

4、糟 16.separate from 17.make a difference 18.pay for 19.save the earth 20.deal with 21.沉住气;保持冷静 22.高中 23.(时间)逝去;过去 24.信任;信赖 25.对某人心存感激 26.work out 27.new journey 28.so far 29.set up 30.along with 31.在前面 32.对有责任 33.出发;启程 34.对有耐心 35.接受邀请 36.get poor grades 37.attend the graduation ceremony 38.cant affor

5、d to do sth. 39.guide sb. to do sth. 40.fail to do sth. 经典句型1.The air pollution is getting .空气污染变得越来越严重。2.Everyone in this town should cleaning it up!这个城镇里的每个人都应该参与清洁它(河流)!3.We should write to the government and ask them to the factories.我们应该写信给政府,要求他们关闭工厂。4.Many forget that begins with small things

6、.许多人忘记了拯救地球要从小事做起。5.For example, you can save electricity by the lights when you leave a room.例如,你可以通过离开房间时关掉电灯来节约用电。6.Our actions can and a better future!我们的行动能起作用并且创造一个更好的未来!7.I know that Ms. Lee always you in math class.我知道李老师在数学课上对你总是很有耐心。8.She helped you to the answers yourself difficult they w

7、ere.无论这些题有多难,她都会帮助你,让你自己算出答案。9.Because of her, I and my exam scores .因为她,我付出了更多的努力,我的考试分数翻倍了。10.How you since you started junior high school?自从你开始上初中起,你是如何改变的?11. these past three years, I remember many things.回顾过去的三年,我想起了许多事情。12.Im going to senior high school.我期待进入高中。13.Youll make mistakes , but th

8、e key is to your mistakes and never .一路上,你们会犯错误,但是关键是要从你们的错误中吸取教训,并且永不放弃。14.Never fail to the people around you.永远不要忘记感激你周围的人。15.Behind each door you open are chances to learn new things, and you have the ability to .在你们打开的每扇门后面都是学习新事物的机会,而且你们有能力做出你们自己的选择。情景交际谈论污染和环境保护1.What are your ideas for solvi

9、ng these problem?对于解决这些问题,你有什么想法?To cut down air pollution, we should .为了减少空气污染,我们应该乘坐公共汽车或者地铁而不是开车。2.The river was dirty. Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish.这条河很脏,甚至河底都是垃圾。 !但是过去它是那么清澈!3.We really shouldnt use paper napkins, you know.你知道,我们真的不应该使用餐巾纸。I know. .我知道。我去年就停止使用它们(餐巾纸)了。4.Wh

10、at can we do?我们能做什么?Well, .在日常生活中,我们可以通过节约用水开始。5.We can save paper. Making paper needs many trees.我们可以节约用纸。造纸需要许多树木。Right! .对的!每个人都可以为保护我们的环境做些事。分享过去的记忆和经历6. ?七年级发生了什么特别的事情?Our team won the school basketball competition.我们队赢得了学校的篮球比赛。7.What do you remember about Grade 8?关于八年级你记得什么? .我记得做过一名志愿者。展望未来8

11、.How do you think things will be different in senior high school? 你认为在高中,事情会有什么不同?I think that .我认为我将不得不为了考试而更加努力地学习。9. ? 明年你有什么计划?Im going to join the school volleyball team. 我打算加入学校排球队。语法结构复习句子的时态和语态(见本书P140)话题梳理1.保护环境(Protecting the environment)2.学校生活(School days)参考答案词汇拓展1.fishermen 2.disadvantage 3.lawyer 4.instruct 5.manage management 6.gentlemen 7.beautiful 8.wood 9.harm 10.science scientist 11.thirst 12.care careful carefully careless 13.junior 14.thank 15.little 16.cost costing 17.afforded affording 18.bicycle 19.overcame overcome overcoming 20.graduation 21.congratula


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