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1、系统掌握蕴含其中的马克思主义立场观点方法,要在系统学习、深刻领会、科学把握习近平教育思想上下功夫。精心组织开展学习宣传贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神知识问答活动。河南省南阳市第一中学2017届高三英语上期第四次月考试题 满分150=(阅读40+完形20+语法填空15+完成句子10+改错10+作文25)*1.25第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AModern life can be stressful. Its full of pressure and

2、hardships, worries and annoyances. But after years of being dosed up by doctors and seeking solutions on the self-help shelves, can most common complaints be cured through your next holiday?The festival doctor will see you now.ComplaintPrescription(处方)Dosage(剂量)GuiltyRestart yourself at theWanderlus

3、t Festival.A weekend at any Wanderlust Festival should restrain some of the shame you are feeling. Empty your mind with meditation(冥想) sessions in the mountains of America or adjust your feelings with a sound bath in Santiago, Chile.SadA healthy dose of laughter at Just for Laughs in Montreal, Canad

4、a in July.Have fun at the largest comedy festival, which attracts more than two million ha-ha hunters every summer. Apart from 250 comedy acts, there will be walkabout theatre, circus acts and lots of new comedy films to make you laugh to tears.Over-thinkingGet nourishing food foryour thought at the

5、 UKs How The Light Gets In in May.Spend a week or so in the company of like-minded individuals and you will see you are not the only one overthinking things. The worlds largest philosophy festival, held in Hareous Wye, will have talks, debates and classes on culture, philosophy, politics, art and sc

6、ience.Heart-brokenFind one of your favourite fish in the sea at Irelands Matchma-king Festival in June.A week at Liverpools matchmaking festival could be a choice as Irelands mythical matchmakers(媒人) have been pairing lovers together for centuries. Try to find Willie Dally, a fourth-generation match

7、maker, for your best chance of everlasting love. Those who touch his lucky book are said to fall in love and marry within six months.21. When celebrating the festival Just for Laughs in Montreal, you will _. A. empty your mind with meditation sessions B. be thrilled and your depression will not be r

8、emoved C. burst into tears by watching comedy films D. have discussions on the meaning of life22. If you are thinking too much about work, you can spend a few days at _. A. Wanderlust Festival B. How The Light Gets In C. Just For Laughs D. Irelands Matchmaking Festival23. According to the passage, w

9、e can learn the festival doctor specializes in _. A. treating people falling ill during festivals B. listening to peoples complaints during festivals C. offering a cure through the festival form D. celebrating the festivals with the patientsB“Now stretch over your right leg!” my dance teacher yells

10、over the music. “If it doesnt hurt, youre not trying hard enough. Hold that stretch for 30 seconds! My dance teacher works hard to form us into the dancers we desire to be. In order for this to occur, we stretch hard a lot!Dancing is a real passion of many people, including me. I work hard to make m

11、yself better, and prove that I am good enough. Performing a dance routine is more than just a performance. Dancers tell stories when they dance. It is a way for us to express our personal feelings. Just letting go and letting your body move with the music can create your emotions. Dance tells us thi

12、ngs that our mind secretly hides. “Get up and do it again! You need to keep your spirits up!” Even though I am completely worn out after my dances, I love to hear those words. It gives me a sense of relief knowing that I can again express my feelings out on the floor. “Practice makes perfect! Come o

13、n. We have a competition this weekend, and we need to work harder!” Competitions are the best possible example of fun. For a dancer, life cannot get better than competitions. The thrill of losing yourself onstage is a rush of energy rushing through your body! The feeling is unexplainable. As you sit

14、 there putting on your makeup, fixing your hair, and putting on your costume, the rush just gradually grows until it is ready to be released onstage. Finally the time comes to tell your story. Standing backstage waiting for your name to be called is one of the scariest moments. You are ready to show

15、 the world what you are capable of and what you have been perfecting for a while. Once your number is called, you walk out onstage. The applause at the end tells each dancer that their story has been received, and that the dance has been brought to life.24. What does the authors dance teacher require her to do during the dance class? A. Build up her confidence. B. Keep encouraged and cheerful. C. Train her body to the fullest. D. Understand the music.25. How does the author understand dancing according to the text? A. It is a good way to release stress. B. It takes talent, confidenc


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