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1、系统掌握蕴含其中的马克思主义立场观点方法,要在系统学习、深刻领会、科学把握习近平教育思想上下功夫。精心组织开展学习宣传贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神知识问答活动。辽宁省大连普兰店市(普湾新区)2016届高三英语5月月考试题第I卷 (70分)第一部分 听力(略)第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A You may have heard a lot about the people collecting stamps o

2、r coins. However, have you heard about people who like to collect paper cups or wrapping paper, things that we see every day but might not have for once looked at seriously? Jeffrey Brown, a 32-year-old NET teacher from the UK, was very interested when he first saw the paper cups used in Chinese tea

3、 restaurants in Hong Kong. “You can see these orange and white pretty cups all the time when you buy takeaway drinks at a local tea restaurant. The patterns on the outside of the cups are unique. Yet people in Hong Kong just see straight through them,” he said. “They think these paper cups look all

4、the same, but in fact each of them looks a bit different from the others. If you pay attention, youll notice some of these paper cups have spiral(螺旋) patterns on them; some of them have patterns of waves. There is a large number of variations.” Jeffrey now owns over 200 paper cups, all in the colour

5、 of white and orange but with different designs. When people offer to buy his cups, he simply refuses. Another collector, Stacey Cheng, likes to collect sweets wrapping paper and uses it to make decorative art. Her work is among the most popular goods in local gift shops. “I started collecting them

6、when I was 4,” she said smiling. “When I finished a sweet, I wouldnt let my mum throw away the wrapping paper because it looked so pretty.” Now, whenever Stacey enters a snack shop, the first thing she does is to look for new products with special designs. “Once I finish the sweets , I keep the wrap

7、ping paper. Sometimes I treat my friends to the snacks just to get the wrapping paper sooner, ” she said. “They cant be happier when I do so.”21. You may find this text in a magazine about_. A. science B. travel C. history D. life22. What does“variations” in Paragraph 2 mean? A. collections B. hobbi

8、es C. differences D. cups23. Stacey collects the wrapping paper because it _. A. likes its patterns B. has wonderful designs C. is easy to collect D. can be a sweet memory24. This text mainly talks about _. A. special collections B. patterns of wrapping cups C. people who enjoy special collections D

9、. people who are fond of wrapping cups. B Tea farmers in Kenya are suffering because of low prices for their crop this year. So they have exchanged their tea bushes for a healthy new purple tea that they hope will sell for a higher price. But the farmers who planted the bushes are worried. Nelson Ki

10、bara is one of them. He says the prices this year have been so low that he has made almost no profit. He says he must grow different kinds of tea if he is to survive. Mr. Kibara and hundreds of other farmers have been removing some of their tea bushes and planting a new kind of tea developed by the

11、Tea Research Foundation of Kenya. Its leaves are purple and brown. When the tea is boiled the drink has a purple color. Medical researchers have studied the health benefits of the new tea. They say it is healthier than black tea and could be sold for a price that is three to four times higher than t

12、he price of black tea. But Mr. Kibara says he has not received a higher price for his purple tea crop. He says the market for the tea is unstable. And he is often forced to sell his purple tea for the same price as green tea leaves. He says there are not enough buyers willing to pay more for the pur

13、ple tea than black tea. Stephen Mutembei works at the Tea Research Foundation. He says farmers quickly changed from growing black tea to growing purple tea. But he also blames tea leaf processors for not making changes more quickly. Mr. Mutembei says purple tea is an important crop for the country a

14、nd its tea farmers. He says Kenya needs to find new products like purple tea to help its tea industry become more stable. Tea is the countrys top crop. Mr. Mutembei also says the countrys economy is too closely linked to the changing price of black tea. He says tea buyers and drinkers must be persua

15、ded that they should pay more for purple tea than black tea.25. What can we learn about purple tea? A. It is as cheap and healthy as the black tea B. It can make the drink brown when boiled C. It has been planted in some areas of Kenya D. it has helped some Kenyan farmers earn a lot of money.26. What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph3?A. The purple tea sells well in the market B. The market for purple tea in Kenya needs to be developed C. The price of the purple te


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