中考英语 第一部分 教材知识梳理 第25讲 九下 modules 56课件

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1、第25讲 九年级(下)Modules 56,重点词汇拓展,1.agree (v.) _(n.)同意 2.need (v.) _(同义词)需要 3.harmful (adj.)_ (n.&v.)损害 4.invite (v.)_ (n.)邀请 5.painting (n.)_ (v.)绘画 6.heat (n.) _(现在分词) _(过去分词) 7.knife(n.)_ (pl.) 8.Italy (n.)_ (n.)意大利人 9.service(n.)_ (v.)服务 10.lady (n.) _(pl.) 11.gentleman (n.) _(pl.),agreement,require,

2、harm,invitation,paint,heating,heated,knives,Italian,serve,ladies,gentlemen,重点短语,1._ up _赶上 2._ to 多亏;归功于 3.health _医疗保健服务 4._ in a _偶尔;有时 5._ the _ of 在(范围内)的后面 6. _ help 呼救 7._ an effort 努力 8. _weight 体重增加 9.in _痛苦地,catch,with,thanks,care,once,while,at,back,call for,make,put on,pain,10.dance _随着跳舞

3、11.take an _对感兴趣 12. _doing sth.开始做某事;从事做某事 13.die _死于 14.heat _使变热;给加热 15.help _请自便 16.be _用制作的 17.be _被用于,to,interest in,take up,from/of,up,yourself,made of/from,used for,重点句型,1.I _we had an _stay together. 我认为我们都同意要待在一起。 2.He _ down the steps _ he_. 他正跑着下台阶,这时他摔倒了。 3.Ill _my phone. 我将用电话呼救。 4.Its

4、_. 没什么严重的事。 5. _better health care,most people are living healthier,longer lives. 多亏更好的医疗保健服务,大多数人活得更长更健康。,thought,agreement to,was running,when,fell over,call for help on,nothing serious,Thanks to,6.In the past,peoples jobs _more physical_. 过去,人们的工作需要更多的体力。 7.The schoolleavers party _on 30th May. 毕

5、业晚会将在5月30日举行。 8.Cheeseburgers are _ hamburgers and cheese. 干酪汉堡包是用汉堡包和奶酪制作的。 9.Knives and forks are _ most Western food. 刀叉用于大多数西餐食物。 10.Are you _order? 你准备好点菜了吗?,required,effort,will be held,made of,used for,ready to,语法 1.复习:时态(见本书P130) 2.复习:被动语态(见本书P133),require 【典例在线】 This job requires strength.这

6、份工作需要体力。 They required us to help them.他们要求我们帮助他们。 She required that I (should) go at once.她要求我立刻去。 The temples require repairing/to be repaired next month.这些庙宇下个月要修缮。 【拓展精析】 require及物动词,意为“需要,要求”。常用结构如下: 接名词作宾语; 接不定式作宾语补足语; 接that从句时,从句的谓语用“should动词原形”,should可省略; require doing sth.require to be done

7、.需要被,【活学活用】 1)The house requires _(paint) 2)They required that we _(discuss) the problem at the meeting.,painting/to be painted,discuss,effort 【典例在线】 His effort to reform her succeeded in the end.他要改造她的努力最终成功了。 Its a waste of time and effort.那是浪费时间和精力。 I will make efforts to arrive on time.我将努力按时到达。

8、 【拓展精析】 effort作不可数名词时,意为“力气;精力”;作可数名词时,意为“努力”,后可接不定式。常用短语make an effort/make efforts意为“作出努力”,后接不定式结构。,【活学活用】 3)She made efforts _(be) a good student.,to be,expect 【典例在线】 I expect a snowstorm.我预计会有一场暴风雪。 I expect a birthday present from my dad.我期待着收到一份来自父亲的生日礼物。 Do you expect him to teach you English

9、?你希望他教你英语吗? 【拓展精析】 expect动词,意为“预料,盼望”。常用结构如下: expectn./pron. 预计可能发生;期待某人或某物 expectto do sth.期待做某事 expect sb. to do sth.期望某人做某事 expect从句 预计/料想,【活学活用】 4)She expects _ (leave) tomorrow. 5)He is expected _(get) through the finals(决赛),to leave,to get,harm 【典例在线】 Eating too much junk food will harm your h

10、ealth.吃太多的垃圾食物会伤害你的健康。 Smoking does harm to your health.吸烟对你的健康有害。 The water from the factories is harmful to the living things in the river.那些工厂排出的水对河里的生物有害。 【拓展精析】 harm既可作动词,也可作名词,意为“损害,伤害”。其形容词为harmful,意为“有害的”。常用短语do harm tobe harmful tobe bad for,意为“对有害”。,【活学活用】 6)One of the opinions against smo

11、king is that it is _(有害的) to peoples health. 7)Playing computer games too often _(对有害) our eyes.,harmful,is harmful to/does harm to/is bad for,serve 【典例在线】 Please serve a cup of tea to the guest.请给客人上杯茶。 Wu Qilong ever served in the army for a few years.吴奇隆曾在部队服过几年兵役。 【拓展精析】 serve作及物动词时,意为“服务;任(职);提

12、供;端上”;serve作不及物动词时,意为“服役”。常用短语serve sb. sth.serve sth. to sb.,意为“给某人提供食物”。其名词为service。,【活学活用】 8)You should _(招待) the customers some tea before meals. But they said they couldnt wait to eat. 9)“We will provide the best _for you” means that we will try our best to _you.(serve),serve,service,serve,Oh,s

13、oups no good,then.哦,那么汤不行。 【典例在线】 These glasses are no good for champagne.这些玻璃杯不适合用来喝香槟。 Its no good buying him a watchhe never uses.给他买手表没用,他从来不用。 【拓展精析】 no good意为“不适合”,也可意为“没用”“没有好处”等。常用结构如下: Its no good doing sth.做某事没用 sth. is/are no good for sth.某物不适合 sth. is no good to sb. 某物/事对某人没有好处或没有帮助,【活学活

14、用】 1)A car is no good _ me,since I cant drive. 2)The medicine is no good _ headache.,to,for,It is even thought that.甚至有人认为 【典例在线】 It is thought that its a good job.有人认为那是一份好工作。 It was thought that the king was very cruel.有人认为那个国王很残暴。 【拓展精析】 It is/was thoughtthat从句意为“有人认为”。类似用法的句型还有:It is/was said that.据说;It is/was reported that.据报道,【活学活用】 3) _(据说) Chinese tea was discovered by Emperor Shen Nong. 4) _(据报道) Pakistan has 25 million childre


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