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1、我们在这里,召开私营企业家联谊会,借此机会,我代表成都市渝中工商局、渝中区私营企业协会,祝各位领导新年快乐、工作愉快、身体健康,祝各位企业家事业兴旺山东省济南市历城区遥墙镇2016-2017学年高二英语3月月考试题(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)第一部分 发展卷:满分100分(本部分共三个大题,均为选择题,请将答案填涂在答题卡的相应位置)I. 听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. What present does the woman get from her mom?A. A hat. B. A shirt. C. A bag.2. What

2、s the weather like these days?A. Fine . B. Rainy. C. Dry .3. Where is Barbara now?A. In a restaurant. B. In a hotel. C. At home.4. What does the woman mean?A. She has to work too.B. She will be on vacation.C. She likes boating with him.5. What will probably happen to the man?A. Be fired by the boss.

3、 B. Give up the job himself. C. Apologize to the customer.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What is the News Group Service Center?A. A news service station. B. A bank service company. C. A phone answering system.7. What should you do if you want to check your account?A. Enter 1. B. Dial 2.

4、 C. Press 3. 听第7段材料, 回答第8至9题。8. Which of the following is the thief?A. A man with short curly hair, a medium build.B. A man with short straight hair, shout and fat.C. A man with long curly hair, thin and high.9. What might the woman do later?A. Go through her old photos.B. Make records of the theft.

5、C. Help pick out the thief.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. How did the speakers know each other?A. They were classmates.B. They met at a party.C. They met in a club.11. Who might Otis Isley probably be?A. A singer. B. Their friend. C. A music fan.12. What time does the show start?AAt 6:45 p.m. B. At 7:15 p.m.

6、C. At 8:00 p.m.听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。13. How much did the woman pay?A. $28. B.¥30. C.¥60.14. Why is it easy for the man and his friend to pay their own meal?A. Their bill amount is always the same.B. Their main food is always separate.C. All their food is shared together.15. What does the man think of t

7、he idea of sharing food?A. It seems less wasteful.B. It means close friendship .C. It sounds very interesting.16. Why did the woman misunderstand the man?A. The reason of cultural differences.B. The reason of educational differences.C. The reason of sex differences.听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。17. Where is Ma

8、ria?A. Shes at the Jazz Festival.B. Shes in Montreal.C. Shes visiting a friend.18. Why is she in Canada?A. Shes visiting her aunt.B. Shes there to study music.C. Shes studying English.19. Why did Maria go to the outdoor concerts?A. She loves jazz.B. She didnt have to pay for it.C. She enjoys playing

9、 music.20. The passage is _.A. A business letter. B. A letter of information. C. A personal letter.II阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ALONDON Tuesday April 11Dustin Hoffman fan Pamela Crack got the shock of her life when the movie star telephoned her as she was doing her

10、 housework. Crack, 58, said she was flabbergasted when she picked up the phone and heard the star at the other end.“Its not every day you get a Hollywood superstar phoning you when youre doing the housework,” Crack told the Sun. “It was a moment Ill never forget.”Hoffman was in the back of a London

11、taxi driven by Cracks husband, Dave, when he made the call after being told Pamela was a fan. Dave Crack later became the star of Hoffmans speech at the Bafta award ceremony Sunday, where the 62-year-old American actor presented the Best Film award.“He said to give him a mention,” Hoffman told the a

12、udience to a burst of laughter. “Cheers Dave.” Taxi driver Crack said the Hollywood star was a joy to drive from the moment he got into the taxi eating a cheese and tomato sandwich.“I said Youre that Dustin Hoffman, arent you? and he said, Yes I amwould you like a sandwich? I was a bit surprised but

13、 I took a sandwich from him and ate it hungrily.”21. What does the word “flabbergasted” in the first paragraph probably mean?A. Pleased.B. Honored. C. Frightened.D. Surprised. 22. How did Dustin Hoffman learn that Pamela was a fan?A. He learned it at a dinner party. B. He learned it from Dave Crack.

14、C. He learned it when he was at the Bafta ceremony.D. He learned it when he was watching a Hollywood movie.23. What was Hoffman doing when he talked about Dave Crack?A. He was riding in a taxi. B. He was presenting the Best Film award.C. He was talking to Pamela on the phone. D. He was eating a chee

15、se and tomato sandwich.24. It is most likely that Dustin Hoffman came to London .A. to meet Pamela Crack B. to spend a sight-seeing holidayC. to attend the Bafta award ceremony D. to meet a Hollywood superstar from AmericaBColumbus made four voyages to the west between 1492 and 1504 in his vain(徒劳的)search for a sea route to Asia. The mystery of why he failed to find it haunted(萦绕心头的) him and filled him with sadness.Wherever he went to Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, South America,


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