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1、Unit 6 Sad movies make me cry.The Fourth Period Section B 2a2eTeaching aims(教学目标)一、知识目标: 口、笔头掌握以下句型:1. He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone.2. He had let his whole team down.3. He was really worried that his coach might kick him off the team.4. If you have a

2、 good team, you should support each other. Besides, winning or losing is only half the game.5. Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.6. To his surprise and relief, his teammates all nodded in agreement.熟练掌握以下词汇:weight, shoulder, goal, let down, coach,kick, kick sb.

3、 off, besides, courage, rather than, guy, pull, pull together, relief, nod, fault, teammate, agreement, disappoint 二、能读懂文章,根据文章的内容,能够正确排列事情发生的先后顺序。并能简要复述事情发生的经过。三、通过本课的学习,正确看待“失败或令你失意的事情”,保持良好的心态变消极为积极,从失败中或失意中发现不足的同时,不轻易放弃,并能从中找到前进的教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词和句型。2) 能够用英语描述自己的情感。3)正确理解make 的用法。2. 教学

4、难点:掌握make的用法Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)多媒体展示图片How do you feel about these pictures?2. Work on 2a: Discuss. Have you ever made a mistake? How did it make you feel? Talk to your partner about what happened. e.g. I was so nervous during the math exam last week that I made a mis

5、take. It made me feel very angry.3. Presentation. Learn some new words.Before reading Group work: 小组讨论课前准备的内容。如:A: Have you ever made a mistake? B: Yes, I have.A: What happened?B: A: How did it make you feel? B: It made me .While reading 1. Work on 2b: SkimmingRead the story and number the events in

6、 the correct order._ Peter got home and went into his room._ Peter talked to his teammates._ Peter missed a goal._ Peters father gave him advice_ Peter realized that he was worried for no reason.2. Work on 2c: Scanning1) 细读2b第一自然段,回答下面的问题:(1) What happened to Peter?_(2) Did Peter feel very angry or

7、worried? Why?_2) 细读2b第二、三、四、五自然段,回答下面的问题:(1) What kind of advice did Peters father offer him?_.(2) Do you agree with Peters father? Why or why not?_3) 细读2b第六、七、八自然段,回答下面的问题:(1) What happened after Peter told his teammates that he was sorry?_(2) Why did Peter think that he was on a winning team even

8、though they lost the last game?_3. Work on 2d: Detailed reading再读2b,从文中找出相应的短语或词组替换划线部分的句子。1)He could not believe that he did not get the ball into the basket.2)She was worried because she disappointed her parents.3)Tony was sad that he was asked to leave the team.4)You should learn to relax and not

9、 put so much pressure on yourself.5)The teacher told the students to work hard together and not give up.4. 朗读课文,小组内解疑答惑。观察与思考:1)He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone.此句中的weight为_ 词,其意思是_,类似于“高”的用法。weigh为_词,其意思是_.如:The pillars (柱子) couldnt support the w_ of th

10、e roof.You should w_ the vegetables to find out how much they cost.This rock w_ one ton.2) Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.此句中的courage为_ 词,其意思是_, 如:He does not have thec_to face it and wants to give up.此句中的 rather than可翻译为_.它是_词。 rather than 不与would连用时,表示客观事实

11、,意为“是而不是;与其倒不如说”。它是连词,它前后的成分在词性上应该一致,它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。如:我们是在教室里开会,不是在大厅里。We will have the meeting in the classroom _ _ in the great hall.她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。She enjoys singing _ _ dancing. 3) To his surprise and relief, his teammates all nodded in agreement.此句中的 agreement可翻译为_.它是_

12、词。其动词为_。如;我们同意他们的决定。We are _ _with their decision.我们同意马上离开。We _ _ _ at once. 他们可能不同意他的意见。They might not _ _ his opinion. After readingI. Work on 2e: Pair work Role-play a conversation between Peter and his father.Father: Whats wrong, Peter? You look sad.Peter: I missed scoring a goal. I made my team

13、 lose the game.II. 根据事情发生的先后排列顺序,你能简要复述一下本故事吗?当堂检测I单项选择:1. He likes eating fruit and vegetables _ junk food.A. more than B less than C. rather than D. than2. If we continue to _ as a team, success is certain. A. get together B. go together C. back together D. pull together 3. _Tom, no one else passed the exam. A. Except B. And C. Besides D. But 4. He is worried that his coach will _ him _ the team. A. turn off



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