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1、九年级全册Unit5 Lesson25-26 随堂基础同步练习一、单选题1. WillDannygetwetifBrian_theexperiment?()A. willdoB. doC. doesD. did2. LiLeiis_tocarrythisbox()A. toostrongB. enoughstrongC. strongtooD. strongenough3. Areyousure_thecomingfootballmatch?()A. toB. withC. ofD. for4. The_oftheairkeepsthewaterinthejar()A. forceB. for

2、cesC. pressuresD. water5. Thisfilmisso_thatweallwanttoseeit()A. interestB. interestingC. interestedD. excited6. Theywaitedfortheirfather_9:00lastnight()A. forB. onC. untilD. at7. Idontlikethecoffee_milk()A. hasB. haveC. byD. with8. _ofthestudentsinourschoolareboys()A. TwothreeB. SecondthreeC. Twothi

3、rdsD. Twothird9. Britain_fourmainparts()A. ismadeupofB. ismadeofC. ismadefromD. ismadeby二、单词造句10. so,I,think,dont_11. books,his,filled,room,with,is_12. box,he,hand,takes,his,the,off_13. jar,does,stay,the,in,water,the_?14. conclude,what,you,can_?15. holder,put,candle,the,in,candle,the_16. interesting

4、,science,so,is_17. experiment,you,do,this,like_?18. jar,the,examine,in,water,the_19. rise,how,does,far,water,the_?三、选词填空experiment,upside,correct,fillwith,takeoff1. Can you answer the question _ ?2. We have done many _ in science class3. Dont _ your hand _ the cardboard4. He _ the bottle _ water jus

5、t now5. Never turn the box _ downIts dangerousburn,hold,shallow,match,use up6. Dont keep the candle _ all the time7. Can you light a candle with a _ ?8. Dont _ all the soapLeave me some to wash with9. You should use a _ dish with water to do this experiment10. A candle _ is holding the candle四、完成句子(

6、本大题共10小题,共30.0分)1. 你猜丹妮将发生什么事呢?Canyouguesswhatwill_Danny?2. 让我们检验一下哪个理论正确Letstest_iscorrect3. 李明穿上外套出去了LiMing_hiscoatandwentout4. 他推断出空气比他预想的强Heconcludedthatairis_hethought5. 他们已经发现了那架飞机They_already_thatplane6. 当蜡烛停止燃烧时,它已耗尽空气中所有的氧气Whenthecandle_,it_alltheoxygenintheair7. 请把那个有水的浅碟子递给我Pleasepassmeth

7、e_8. 他向瓶子里加入半瓶水He_thebottle_water9. 不要把瓶子倒过来,否则水会流出来Dontturnthebottle_,orthewaterwillbeout10. 昨晚直到完成作业,我才睡觉I_gotobed_Ifinishedmyhomeworklastnight答案一、1. C2. D3. C4. A5. B6. C7. D8. C9. A二、10. I dont think so11. His room is filled with books12. He takes his hand off the box13. Does the water stay in t

8、he jar14. What can you conclude15. Put the candle in the candle holder16. Science is so interesting17. Do you like this experiment18. Examine the water in the jar19. How far does the water rise三、1. correctly2. experiments3. take4. off5. filled6. burning7. match8. use up9. shallow10. holder四、1. happen to2. which theory3. put on4. stronger than5. have;discovered6. stops burning;has used up7. shallow dish with water8. filled;half full with9. upside down10. didnt;until3



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