高三英语下学期第一次模拟考试 试题

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《高三英语下学期第一次模拟考试 试题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三英语下学期第一次模拟考试 试题(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、我们在这里,召开私营企业家联谊会,借此机会,我代表成都市渝中工商局、渝中区私营企业协会,祝各位领导新年快乐、工作愉快、身体健康,祝各位企业家事业兴旺甘肃省武威市2017届高三英语下学期第一次模拟考试试题第I卷(选择题,共70分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑ASwimming in the water of Hawaiis Big Island is a fun experience. But it can be more exciting if t

2、here are dolphins swimming around and jumping out of the sea too. For many people, it would be a wonderful dream to swim with these lovely animals! However, this may not be good for dolphins. They may get hurt because of human interaction .Dolphins are active and usually look for food at night. In t

3、he day, they like to rest in shallow bays(浅湾). Many people think the dolphins are awake during the day as they swim. But when they sleep they rest half of their brain and keep the other half awake to breathe, so they may be sleeping even when theyre swimming in the water.From 2010 to 2013, spinner d

4、olphins (飞旋海豚) of Hawaiis Big Island were exposed to human activities more than 82 percent of the time, according to Julian Tyne, a researcher at Australias Murdoch University.The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says disturbing the animals in their near-shore habitat could for

5、ce them to swim to less favorable places, putting them at risk of attack by sharks and other animals. Besides, when people are around, dolphins become more active. Thus, they cant get enough sleep. “Disturbing their resting behaviors can actually affect their long term health and the health of the d

6、olphin population,” Ann Garrett of NOAAs National Marine Fisheries Service told the Associated Press.As a result, the NOAA wants to make rules to help protect the dolphins. For example, the agency (机构) may ban swimming with the Hawaii spinner dolphins. Or they may stop people from swimming in shallo

7、w bays when the dolphins are resting. Tour operators must also be taught to watch for signs to know when the dolphins are in their resting state. 1Which of the following about dolphins is NOT true?A. They spend most of their time sleeping at night.B. They like to stay in shallow bays during the day.

8、C. They keep half of their brain awake while sleeping.D. They may be sleeping even when theyre swimming.2When dolphins are disturbed in their near-shore habitat, they _.A. would swim to a crowded place B. could move closer to sharksC. could become less active D. could likely sleep longer3Which activ

9、ity is against the rules?A. Swimming with the Hawaii spinner dolphins.B. Swimming in bays where the dolphins live.C. Making signs that show the dolphins resting state.D. Making signs that show where the dolphins are.4What does the article mainly talk about?A. What habits dolphins have. B. What spinn

10、er dolphins are.C. How the animals live in the sea. D. How to protect dolphins near the shore.BRobert Owen was born in Wales in 1771. At the age of ten he went to work. His employer had a large private library so Owen was able to educate himself. He read a lot in his spare time and at nineteen he wa

11、s given the job of superintendent(监工) at a Manchester cotton mill. He was so successful there that he persuaded his employer to buy the New Lanark mill in Scotland.When he arrived at New Lanark it was a dirty little town with a population of 2,000 people. Nobody paid any attention to the workers hou

12、ses or their childrens education. The conditions in the factories were very bad. There was a lot of crime and the men spent most of their wages on alcoholic drinks.Owen improved the houses. He encouraged people to be clean and save money. He opened a shop and sold the workers cheap, well-made goods

13、to help them. He limited the sale of alcoholic drinks. Above all, he fixed his mind on the childrens education. In 1816 he opened the first free primary school in Britain.People came from all over the country to visit Owens factory. They saw that the workers were healthier and more efficient than in

14、 other towns. Their children were better fed and better educated. Owen tried the same experiment in the United States. He bought some land there in 1825, but the community was too far away. He could not keep it under control and lost most of his money.Owen never stopped fighting for his idea. Above

15、all he believed that people are not born good or bad. He was a practical man and his ideas were practical. If you give people good working conditions, he thought, they will work well and, the most important thing of all, if you give them the chance to learn, they will be better people.5For Owen, his

16、 greatest achievement in New Lanark was _.A. improving workers houses B. providing the children with a good educationC. helping people to save money D. preventing men from getting drunk6From the passage we may infer that Owen was born _.A. into a rich family B. into a noble familyC. into a poor family D. into a middle class family7


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