2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练27 unit 2 poems 新人教版选修6

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1、题组提分练27 Unit 2 Poems限时70分钟完形填空(2018江西名校联盟)体裁:记叙文话题:社会难度:1A. applied for B. made forC. put on D. commented on2A. agreement B. appointmentC. performance D. acceptance3A. ignored B. deniedC. existed D. permitted4A. sank B. slippedC. scanned D. flew5A. how B. whatC. when D. where6A. Anxiously B. Curious

2、lyC. Gratefully D. Instantly7A. effort B. goalC. memory D. development8A. save B. produceC. donate D. preserve9A. evaluate B. checkC. exchange D. transform10A. programmed B. fittedC. described D. inspired11A. decision B. differenceC. choice D. living12A. reports B. talentsC. understanding D. express

3、ion13A. experience B. confidenceC. adventure D. restriction14A. action B. tasteC. voice D. impression15A. live B. meetC. agree D. communicate16A. requesting B. decoratingC. arranging D. buying17A. location B. comparisonC. ownership D. size18A. without B. forC. on D. beyond19A. patient B. doctorC. as

4、sistant D. passenger20A. have B. helpC. make D. take答案与解析【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。一次偶然的机会使故事的主人公开始改造化疗病人的病房,让病房里的陈设更有利于病人积极乐观地与病魔抗争。1D故事的主人公南茜去看史蒂芬大夫的时候,一个护士“无意中”谈到她手上拿着的一幅画。comment on “谈论;评论”,符合语境。apply for“申请”;make for“有助于”;put on“穿上”。2B根据语境的visiting Dr. Stephen和a nurse,可判断出南茜是预约来看医生的。appointment“约会”,符合语境。a

5、greement“同意”; performance“表演”;acceptance“接受”。3C听到护士说他们医院的化疗室,南茜才知道还有这样的病房存在。exist“存在”,符合语境。ignore“忽略”;deny“否认”;permit“允许”。4A看到这家医院的病人化疗室的情景之后,南茜心里感到十分失落。sink“下沉”,ones heart sinks表示“某人感到失望;某人心里凉了半截”。slip“溜走”;scan“浏览”;fly“飞行”。注意四个选项涉及的动词的动词形式变化。5A“我”难以想象,在这样的房间里,人们怎么可能想到要恢复健康呢?根据语境可知应用how引导宾语从句表示方式。6D

6、南茜马上就意识到自己下一步要做什么。instantly “立刻”,符合语境。anxiously“焦急地”;curiously“好奇地”;gratefully“感激地”。7B南茜看到化疗室的情景,就知道自己下一步应该做什么。goal “目标”,符合语境。effort“努力”;memory“记忆”; development“发展”。8C根据本空后面宾语搭配的time and money判断选C项donate“捐献;奉献”。save“节省”;produce“生产”; preserve“保存;维护”。9D南茜求助这些当地的设计师,希望在他们的帮助下,改造那些病房。该空用transform“改造”,符合

7、语境。且与上文的improve the rooms呼应。10C这些曾在她描述的这种病房里待过的设计师们感激她给予他们这次发挥作用的机会。describe“描述”,符合语境。programme“计划”;fit“适合”; inspire“鼓舞;启发”。programme在此为动词。11B解析见上一题。make a difference“使不一样;有作为”,符合语境。make a decision“决定”; make a choice“选择”;make a living“谋生”。完形技巧7左顾右盼找搭配一记短语:解决固定搭配问题,最根本的是短语的日常积累和记忆,尤其是短语意思与字面意思有出入的短语。

8、二看左右:注意所填词与空格前后词语的习惯搭配,尤其是空白处前后的名词、动词、介词等与选项之间的搭配关系。小题补练【考例】(2017北京卷)Hannah is one of many examples of young people who are making a _ in the world. You can, too!A. choiceB. profitC. judgment D. difference答案与解析DHannah是通过自己的努力影响世界的年轻人中的一个例子。make a difference构成固定搭配,意思是“起作用,有影响”,故选D项。(2016全国卷)The man w

9、ho had his bright lights on came over and told Larry he had _ an emergency call.A. returned B. receivedC. made D. confirmed答案与解析C根据上下文意可知,那位亮着车灯的车主走过来告诉Larry他已经打了急救电话。“打电话”用make a call,故选C项。12B下文说“一切都得到改进”,因此这里表示史蒂芬大夫很感激这些设计师的才华, talents “才华”,符合语境。report“报道”;understanding“理解”;expression“表达;词语”。13A史蒂

10、芬大夫说,病人来到现在这样装饰过的化疗室的感受不一样。 experience“感受;经历”,符合语境。confidence“信心”;adventure“探险”;restriction“限制”。14C大夫自己在这样的病房里与病人交流的语气都会发生变化。tone of voice“说话的语气”。action“行为”;taste“品味”; impression“印象”。15D解析见上一题。communicate“交流”,符合语境。live with“和生活;忍受”;meet with“遇见”;agree with“同意”。16A很快病人们开始要求住在这样的病房里。request “请求;要求”,符合

11、语境。decorate“装饰”;arrange“安排”;buy“购买”。17D改造这样的病房的时间,长的需要几年时间,短则只要几个月,这取决于房间的大小。size“尺寸;大小”,符合语境。location“位置”;comparison“比较”;ownership“拥有”。18B这些陈设的改变带来的影响本身就是很好的证据。for oneself “靠自己”。19A从下文这个女士说的话判断,这是一位病人。patient “病人”, 符合语境。doctor“医生”;assistant“助手”;passenger“乘客”。20C该处与前面的wasnt going to beat the disease

12、呼应,应用make it “成功;成功地做成某事”。 词汇微存accidentally adv.意外地 语法填空(2018湖北五市十校联考)体裁:说明文话题:社会难度:Today Id like to introduce a traditional Chinese folk art, the shadow play, 1._ is also called “yingzixi”or“dengyingxi”Mixed with opera, music, fine art and craftsmanship (手工), the shadow play 2._ (consider) to be a

13、predecessor (前身) of the movie and has existed in China for centuries.As for the origin, the shadow play can date back to the Han Dynasty. Once Emperor Liu Che lost his beloved wife Li 3._ a deadly disease. Much 4._ (depress) about her death, he even ignored the state affairs, worrying his officials.

14、 Then they made a puppet with the image of Lis, and 5._ (perform) before the Emperor. He was pleased and asked them to spread the art form.But 6._ (fortunate), the ancient art gradually fell due to the impact of modern audiovisual 7._ (medium) like television and movies. BothChinese artists and the

15、government are making great efforts 8._ (preserve) the ancient art form. And , China 9._ (apply) to the UNESCO for a certification as an intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产). So as the constructors of Chinas future, we are responsible to preserve 10._ precious heritage.答案与解析【语篇解读】文章介绍了传统文化皮影戏的历史和现状。1which考查定语从句。本句是非限制性定语从句。从句先


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