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1、我们在这里,召开私营企业家联谊会,借此机会,我代表成都市渝中工商局、渝中区私营企业协会,祝各位领导新年快乐、工作愉快、身体健康,祝各位企业家事业兴旺Unit 7Lesson 41 Were People Healthy Then?学习目标能力目标能够了解古代与现代的不同,能用英语简单描述周围的环境,号召同学们保护环境。 知识目标单词: nation hunt, spend, natural, 短语: at that time; there be; spend; how long 的用法句子:1. Dena Morin and her grandfather, Mr. Morin, are fi

2、shing at the lake.2. Our people always went finishing and hunting for food.学法指导本课单词和短语较多,注意巩固音标,提前解决词汇任务。有问题及时与老师沟通。 预习任务: 1. 预习课文,通读全文后画出重点句式,句子。对疑问处做好标记 2. 用所给单词的适当形式填空. natural,health,read,fish,spend aDoing more sports can make you . b a book in the sun is not good for your eyes cThey 2 hours in

3、finishing their homework dMy son likes to go . ePeople want to discover the wonders of the 教学过程: 1. 新课导入 New words: 2. 听录音,完成Lets do it.1并核对答案。 3 听力训练-听录音回答课本P107的练习题2. 【合作探讨】 一、重点单词与短语 1Spend v用(钱);花(钱)既可以表示花费金钱,也可以表示花费时间。它的过去式和过去分 词都是spent。主语多指“人”, He always spends a lot of time in reading books。他

4、总是花大量的时间在读书上 常用句型:.Sb时间或者金钱on sth ,意思为“某人在某事物上花费多少时间或者金钱” Children _ (spend) a lot of time outdoors yesterday. Would you _(spend) 20 yuan on the MP3 ? We _ (spend) over five years on the work. .Sb. spend 时间(in ) doing sth “某人花时间做某事“ in 可以省略,而且可以用spend on 互换。 The teacher told the boy not to _ too muc

5、h time_ games. 老师告诉这个男孩,不要在玩游戏上花费太多的时间 2natural adj自然的;天然的 它的名词形式为nature,意为“自然”。 It is difficult to be natural when one is tense人在紧张的时候很难泰然自若。 3go fishinghunting钓鱼/捕猎We go hunting in the forest sometimes.我们有时候去森林里捕猎。 4at that time那时通常用于一般过去时当中 His uncle was very poor at that time他叔叔那时很贫穷。 5make a fi

6、re生火 I usually made a fire to cook when 1 was a boy小时候我经常生火做饭。 6a long time ago:long long ago很久以前 二、重点句型 1Dena Morin and her grandfather,MrMorin,are fishing at the lake 迪娜莫林和她的外祖父莫林先生正在湖边钓鱼。【精解】本句中的at the lake意为“在湖边”,这样的词组有:at the table在桌子旁边。 at the computer在电脑旁边。2. Our people always went finishing

7、and hunting for food.我们人类总是去钓鱼并且寻找食物。“hunt for”意为寻找,表示试图找到某物。A student is hunting for a book on history。一名学生正在找一本关于历史的书。 【当堂训练】 I. 单项选择 ( )1. He spends a lot of time taking care of his parents. A. in B. on C. to D. at ( )2. They want to go . A. fish B. fishes C. fishing D. fished ( )3. The little gi

8、rl can make fire. A. a B. an C. the D. ( )4. At time she was a little girl and now she is a beautiful girl. A. this B. that C. these D. those ( )5. The scientists are hunting a book about Chinese culture. A. at B. with C. for D. on II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. It is _ (nature) that he can be a success.2. To k

9、eep _ (health), more and more people take exercise.3. Many years ago, people went _ (hunt) for a living.4. My brother _ (eat) too much and got sick.5. I like eating _ (vegetable).答案:I. 1-5 ACABCII. 1. natural 2. healthy 3. hunting 4. ate 5. vegetables 作业布置: 1. Find out the important sentences of thi

10、s lesson 2. Finish off the exercises of this lesson on their activity book 板书设计: Lesson 41:Were people healthy then? 单词: nation, hunt, spend, natural 短语: at that time; there be; spend; how long 的用法 句子:1. Dena Morin and her grandfather, Mr. Morin, are fishing at the lake. 2. Our people always went finishing and hunting for food.教后反思: 认真组织会员学习,及时将党的路线、方针、政策,及时将新的法律和规章,传达到会员,协会编印了会员之家宣传资料共四期


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