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1、七、说明文写作,写作指南,常用句型,写作实例,佳作向导,范文体验,写作指南,高考英语说明文内容集中在透视社会现象、介绍方位地点和指导如何做事情这些方面。要求考生能够按照一定的顺序进行介绍和说明,以达到实际应用和交际的目的。 写说明文宜采用三段式:第一段主要介绍要说明的对象及说明的目的;第二段说明事物的主要特征或做事情的方法步骤;第三段进行总结概括。时态通常用一般现在时。写作时应注意以下几个方面: 1.仔细审题:明确说明对象,要主次分明,抓住要说明的事物或事理的主要特征。 2.选择合理的说明顺序:比如时间顺序、空间顺序或逻辑顺序,分层次进行说明,注意条理清晰。 3.选择恰当的说明方法:比如定义法

2、、举例法、比较法和细节描述法等,来增加文章的色彩,注意不要遗漏主要内容。 4.语言:既要确切无误,又要通俗浅显。尽可能使说明的内容有趣、生动,选用典型、新颖的素材,吸引读者。为提高语言表达效果,可适当使用一些结构比较复杂的表达方式,如定语从句、名词性从句、倒装句、强调句及非谓语动词等。,常用句型,It carries articles written by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries.(2015全国) 它刊登着外国朋友们写的关于他们家乡文化的文章。 Spring,the symbol of beauty

3、and hope,is the season I like best.(2016四川) 春天,美丽和希望的象征,是我最喜欢的季节。 One is called “wild release” and the other “controlled release”.(2015重庆) 一种是所谓的“自由分享”,另外一种叫做“定向分享”。 Its because spring arouses everyones hope that Im keen on spring most.(2016四川) 因为春天会唤起每个人的希望,所以我最喜欢春天。,According to the rule,every stu

4、dent can borrow as many as 5 books each time and keep them for ten days. 根据规定,每个学生一次可以借5本书,可以看10天。 The county is well-known for its beautiful lakes,of which the water is clear and looks colorful. 这个县以美丽的湖泊而著称,湖水清澈,流光溢彩。 Protecting our eyesight is not only a personal concern but also a public one. 保护

5、视力不仅是个人关心的事,而且也是一个公共问题。,写作实例,高中开设了一门新的课程通用技术。请你给某英文报纸写一份100词左右的通讯稿,介绍这一课程及其实施情况。内容要点如下: 1.对象:高二学生 2.目的:培养基本技能,提高设计能力 3.要求: (1)能使用不同类型的常见工具,修理、设计和制作一些物品。 (2)毕业前通过书面测试。 4.同学们的反响、体会或评价。 参考词汇:通用技术 General Technology,佳作向导,1.文体信息 (1)体裁:说明文 (2)时态:一般现在时为主 (3)人称:第三人称为主 2.思路点拨 这篇书面表达题干已经清楚地说明了写作的基本要求,考生可以在阐述这

6、些要点的同时适当地加以拓展,从而将通用技术这一新课程的开设对象、开设目的、开设要求及开设的效果清晰展现。 本文写作要点: (1)开设该课程的目的; (2)开设该课程的对象; (3)该课程的学习要求; (4)同学们的反响、体会及对该课程的评价。,3.要点表达 (1)高中学生现在有一门新课程叫做通用技术。 Senior high school students are having a new course called General Technology. (2)这门课程已被推荐给所有高二年级的学生,目的是教学生基本的技术技能,提高他们的设计能力。 The course, which has

7、been introduced to all Senior 2 students,aims to teach students basic technical skills and improve their designing abilities. (3)本课程要求学生安全使用各种常用工具。 The course requires students to use various types of common tools safely.,(4)然而,更重要的是,他们被期望能够设计和制作出在他们的生活中非常有用的一个物品。 However,more importantly they are e

8、xpected to be able to design and make an item that/which is very useful in their lives. (5)因为它与传统课程完全不同,该课程非常受学生们的欢迎,因为此课程与日常生活紧密相关。 As its totally different from the traditional courses, the course is very popular with students,who enjoy it mainly because the course is closely related to everyday l

9、ife. =Being totally different from the traditional courses,the course is very popular with students,who enjoy it mainly because the course is closely related to everyday life.,范文体验,Senior high school students are having a new course called General Technology.The course, (已被推荐给所有高二年级学生),aims to teach

10、 students basic technical skills and improve their designing abilities. The course (要求学生使用) various types of common tools safely.Some basic life skills,such as repairing,cooking etc.,are also included in the lectures.However,more importantly they are expected to be able to design and make an item .

11、(在他们生活中非常有用的).They also have to attend a written test for the course before graduation. (由于它与传统课程完全不同),the course is very popular with students,who enjoy it mainly (因为此课程与日常生活紧密相关).,答案:which has been introduced to all Senior 2 students requires students to use that/which is very useful in their lives As its totally different from the traditional courses because the course is closely related to everyday life,


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