高考英语大一轮复习 module 5 great people and great inventions of ancient china检测 外研版必修

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1、“讲忠诚、严纪律、立政德”三者相互贯通、相互联系。忠诚是共产党人的底色,纪律是不能触碰的底线,政德是必须修炼的素养。永葆底色、不碰底线Module 5Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China.完形填空I had a dark moment earlier.The bad-tempered person that was once me 1.I hadnt killed her.Oh she isnt a fine piece of work.I dont like her at all.But I am grateful she co

2、mes out 2.She reminds me of how far Ive come and who I dont want to be,ever.I was at the dentists for treatment,a(n)3which I had organized and reorganized for months.I4it twice and called the day before to ensure the 5would be ready for the X-rays.Then I arrived.But the machine was broken.The lady o

3、n duty had no6what I was talking about and I7felt my blood boil.I was getting so mad.I didnt8her or curse but the way I was 9to her was not nice.My tone was so rude.I spoke down to her like she was a10,naughty and incapable.It was not a good moment.The whole time she11and was lovely to me.Everything

4、 was finally OK and only then was I nice.I sat down in the waiting area and12on it all.“How can I make it13?”I thought.I could gift her a chocolate bar I had on me,but this14more than that.It needed an honest15and that was exactly what I gave.I apologized for the 16I had spoken to her and told her i

5、t was wrong of me.She17.Again with a smile.God,help me be that woman,who smiles and forgives so18.I dont get it right every time.I can be19and when I am,I almost hate myself for it.I am not a person like her.20I have confidence in myself.I continue to grow and continue to learn.1.A.improvedB.changed

6、C.returnedD.disappeared2.A.on purposeB.at timesC.over timeD.ever since3.A.appointmentB.decisionC.choice D.order4.A.consideredB.recalledC.confirmedD.warned5.A.cure B.equipmentC.examinationD.pay6.A.suggestionB.mindC.care D.idea7.A.immediatelyB.continuallyC.normallyD.reasonably8.A.laugh atB.calm downC.

7、yell at D.turn to9.A.talking B.leadingC.listeningD.referring10.A.bossB.childC.nurseD.cheat11.A.escapedB.sufferedC.debatedD.smiled12.A.dependedB.keptC.reflectedD.carried13.A.better B.fairerC.happierD.worse14.A.meant B.neededC.wasted D.cost15.A.explanationB.excuseC.offer D.apology16.A.timeB.chanceC.wa

8、yD.place17.A.acceptedB.ignoredC.refusedD.regretted18.A.carelesslyB.easilyC.proudlyD.eagerly19.A.patient B.politeC.indifferentD.rude20.A.YetB.StillC.EvenD.Therefore语篇解读:作者按照预约去看牙医,结果那里没有按预约的准备好。作者大怒,用粗鲁的语气训斥了值班的女士,而对方始终以微笑回应。作者反省之后,真诚地向女士道歉,并决心要做一个像那位女士一样的人。答案及剖析:1.C那个曾经坏脾气的我回来了(returned)。由上句I had a

9、dark moment earlier得出。2.B这个坏脾气的我不时地(at times)出现,是对我的提醒。3.A我来到牙科医生处就诊,这是几个月前约好的。appointment预约,约定。4.C由5空前的ensure可推断此处应该填confirm(确认)。去之前我进行了两次确认。5.B后文But the machine was broken有提示,我打电话以确保拍X光片的设备(equipment)已经准备好。6.D值班的女士对此毫不知情,这让我很生气。have no idea不知道。7.A我去之前一再核实,去了之后值班人员竟然不知道有这么回事,所以我立即(immediately)就怒火中烧

10、。8.C空后的curse是提示,我没有冲她喊叫(yell at)也没有谩骂。9.A虽没有冲她大喊大叫,但我说话(talking)的方式非常不好。10.B我说话的语气相当粗鲁无礼,就像是跟一个孩子(child)说话。空后的naughty and incapable有提示。11.D我发火期间,这位女士一直微笑(smiled),对我态度很好,空后的lovely有提示。12.C问题解决之后,我情绪好多了。我坐在候诊区,反省刚才发生的一切。reflect on仔细考虑;反省。13.A反省了刚才发生的一切,我想:“如何才能把这件事处理得更好(better)呢?(之前说话的口气太恶劣了)”。14.B我可以送

11、给这位女士一块巧克力,但这件事需要(needed)做更多,远非一块巧克力就能解决。15.D这件事需要真诚的道歉(apology)。下一段的I apologized for有提示。16.C我为自己对她说话的方式(way)道歉,承认我错了。17.A女士接受了(accepted)我的道歉。空后的Again with a smile有提示。18.B我要成为像这位女士一样的人,一个时刻微笑着、极容易(easily)原谅别人的人。19.D我并不是每次都做得很好,有时还会粗鲁(rude)。20.A虽然我有时会表现得很粗鲁,不是一个像值班女士那样的人,然而(Yet),我对自己充满信心,我会继续成长,继续学习。

12、 .阅读理解If youre the kind of person who loves travel but finds it difficult to break down language barriers,you may want to check out Iconspeak,a T-shirt covered in basic pictographs(象形图画)ranging from clocks to bathrooms.Simply point to the symbol associated with your need,and hopefully,the person you

13、re talking to will understand you soon.I can tell you that its better than having to make gestures with strangers.Iconspeak is the brainchild of George Horn and Florian Nast.They were traveling through Asia in 2013 and found themselves in a remote village with no vehicle,no tourism,but just some loc

14、als.The problems they had while trying to express their needs to the locals inspired them to start working on a simple but effective solution to the language barrier.Two years later,they came up with the Iconspeak T-shirt.The Iconspeak collection is made up of three types of T-shirtslong,short,sleev

15、elessas well as bags and hats that feature fewer icons(符号).The products are available internationally through the Iconspeak website,with the founders proving that they work anywhere in the world.“I have used it in Norway,”said George Horn.“It works beautifullythe people you ask are surprisingly quick in getting what you want or mean since they are thinking in a certain context(背景).If you point to the bus and the clock on the shirt and you do this at a bus stopan


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