高考英语大一轮复习 module 4 music born in america课件 外研版选修

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1、Module 4 Music Born in America,基础知识梳理,考点知识导练,基础知识梳理 抓主干 固双基,decline,decline,otherwise,devote,devotion,devoted,approach,approachable,touch,touching,touched,arise,arose,arisen,harmony,harmonious,refreshing,refresh,refreshed,humorous,humo(u)r,tight,quit,vain,pace,schedule,截止时间,最后期限,than,from,in,of,with

2、,out,with,to,by,it,doesnt,matter,The,moment,As,well,as,考点知识导练 解疑难 提知能,1.decline v.下降,减少,衰退;婉拒,谢绝 n.下降,减少,衰退,英文典例: In spite of many invitations,he would always decline to visit Oxford.尽管多次受邀,他总是拒绝造访牛津。 Many older people dont begin to experience physical and mental decline until after age 75.(2015广东,完

3、形填空) 很多老年人到75岁之后才开始经历身体和精神上的衰退。 The number of robberies in the area is . 这个地区的抢劫案在减少。,on,the,decline,词语辨析:,He was by the army because of his bad eyesight. 他因为视力不好而被拒绝入伍。 I asked him to attend my party,but he my invitation. 我请他参加我的聚会,但他谢绝了我的邀请。 To his disappointment,his suggestion was . 令他失望的是,他的建议被否

4、决了。,rejected,declined,refused,特别提示: 表示“增加”的动词或动词短语常见的有:rise,increase,go up等。 表示“减少”的动词或动词短语常见的有:fall,drop,decrease,go down,decline等。 The price of the oil has gone up by 10%. 汽油的价格已经上涨了10%。 The number of the students in my school has declined to 2,000.我校学生的数量下降到了2 000。,2.otherwise adv.以其他方式;其他方面;除此之外

5、;否则,英文典例: Hurry up.Otherwise youll be late. 快一点,否则你会迟到。 We were going to play football,but it was so hot that we decided to do . 我们原打算踢足球,可是天很热,我们就决定干别的了。,otherwise,3.devote v.把(时间、精力等)贡献给,致力于,英文典例: Neighbors devoted their spare time to helping others rebuild.(2016北京,阅读理解B) 邻居们把他们的业余时间都投入到帮助别人重建家园上面

6、。 He is devoted to both his people and country. 他深爱着自己的国家和人民。 Thanks for your our school. 谢谢你对我校的奉献。,devotion,to,4.rather than 而不是,英文典例: He rather than you is willing to help others. 他,而不是你,乐于助人。 excited by this drive through the mountains,I found it depressing. 我发现这次穿过大山的驾驶令人沮丧,而不是让人感觉兴奋。 Very quic

7、kly ,she learned to appreciate life rather than to judge everything so harshly.(2015福建,完形填空) 很快地,她学会了欣赏生活而不是如此刻薄地评判每一件事。 We all went in his car,or rather his fathers. 我们都是坐他的车走的,更确切地说,是他父亲的(车)。,Rather,than,feeling,5.far from 完全不,远非;不但不(反而);离远,英文典例: Far from taking my advice ,he went and did just wha

8、t I had warned him against. 他不但没听从我的建议,反而去做了我警告他不要做的事。 Michael walked in,looking . 迈克尔走了进来,看上去一点也不高兴。(朗文P686) But your new neighbors may be feeling lonely and unsure, especially if theyre far from home. 但是你的新邻居可能会感觉孤独无助,尤其是如果他们离家很远 特别提示:当表示“离某地远”且有具体的路程时,用away。如: It is five miles away from here. 它离这

9、里有5英里远。,far,from,happy,6.As well as attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home, Cantopop has spread offshore,and its stars are known in Beijing,London and New York.粤语流行音乐不仅吸引了香港本地的 大量听众,而且传到海外的其他国家,香港的歌星在北京、伦敦和纽约都 很有名。,英文典例: As well as raising money for the local charity,the company provides ne

10、cessary help for those in need as well. 除了为当地的慈善机构募捐,这家公司也为那些处于困境中的人提供 必要的帮助。 Science can be a force for evil as well as for good. 科学可以成为善的推动力,也可以成为恶的推动力。 Tom, his parents,often to the park. 汤姆经常和他的父母一起去公园。,as,well,as,goes,7.My message is that it doesnt matter if youre black,white, fat,thin,old and

11、young. 我想告诉大家的是,不管你是黑人还是白人,肥胖还是瘦小,年长还是年 幼,这些都不重要,英文典例: It doesnt matter to her what other people think of her.其 他人怎么看她对她来说并不重要。 ,we can see this principle at work in people of all ages. 事实上,在各个年龄段的人们身上我们都能看到这一行为准则在起 作用。 Its only a matter of time before somebody gets hurt. 有人受伤只是时间早晚的问题。 The car had broken down,and to make matters worse,it was beginning to rain. 车子坏了,更糟糕的是,天开始下起雨来。(朗文P1212),As,a,matter,of,fact,


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