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1、“讲忠诚、严纪律、立政德”三者相互贯通、相互联系。忠诚是共产党人的底色,纪律是不能触碰的底线,政德是必须修炼的素养。永葆底色、不碰底线Module 5The Conquest of the Universe一、单元跟踪过关.单句语法填空1An increasing number of people are consulting about the tax laws.2Farmers will have a good harvest,assuming(assume)that the weather is favorable.3He was arrested last December, accu

2、sed of corruption and abusing his powers.4Accustomed(accustom) to living in the countryside, Mr. King found it hard to live in the city.5His teaching style is similar to most of the other teachers in our school.6It is difficult to be patient(patience) when you are stuck in a traffic jam.7We were gre

3、atly relieved(relief) to learn that his condition was not serious.8We set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.9He refused to acknowledge having_made(make) such a mistake.10Though he had tried to climb to the top of the mountain several times, he didnt make it.单句改错1

4、People can use advancing computer techniques to experience life in the future.advancing改为advanced2I sometimes take part in performances at our school, that I really enjoy very much.that改为which3Darcy left word with his assistant who he would see me off at the airport in the afternoon.who改为that4He had

5、 become accustomed to live without computers.live改为living5By the time Jack returned home from England, his son has graduated from college.has改为had6We have some doubt that they can complete the work on time.that改为whether7The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and accused him with speeding

6、.with改为of8It took me a lot of patience to teach the naughty boy to dance hip hop, but it was an interesting experience.patiences改为patience9She went upstairs to her bedroom, and there she burst out tears.out改为into10They think homework helps them review that has been taught in class.that改为what.完成句子1Th

7、ey are accustomed to_not_talking(不交谈) at meals.2The driver sat there motionlessly, aware_of(意识到) how serious the traffic accident was.3Many young people are_enthusiastic_about(对狂热) pop music.4My bike is_similar_to(与相似) yours in color.5We are trying to set_the_plan_in_motion(使这项计划开始启动)二、高考模拟写作(2017陕西

8、检测)假如你是学生会主席李越,你校将在下周一接待来自美国某中学的学生访问团。请你写一封邮件给该团的领队Smith先生,介绍整个活动安排。要点:1.对代表团表示欢迎;2具体活动安排:参观学校、联谊会和篮球赛等。注意:1.词数100左右;2开头和结尾语已为你写好。Dear Mr Smith,_Yours sincerely,Li Yue答案:范文赏读Dear_Mr_Smith,_Im Li Yue, chairman of the students union.Im delighted to hear that your students visiting group will pay a vis

9、it to our school next Monday for the cultural exchange activity.On behalf of my school, I want to show our warm welcome.Here are some details about this activity.On the morning of your arrival, we will show you around our school and then a discussion will be held, which may cover such topics as scho

10、ol life, cultural differences and so on, aiming to improve mutual understanding, broaden our horizons and enrich our life. At 3 oclock in the afternoon, a basketball match between the two schools will be held on the playground.No doubt it is a good chance for us to learn from each other and know mor

11、e about each other.What do you think of the plan?Can you give me some advice on how to make the activity better?Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours_sincerely,_Li_Yue大题巧练47Module 5The Conquest of the Universe授课提示:对应学生用书第373页一、阅读理解AEl Nio,a Spanish term for “the Christ child,”was named by Sou

12、th American fishermen who noticed that the global weather pattern,which happens every two to seven years,reduced the amount of fishes caught around Christmas.El Nio sees warm water,collected over several years in the western Pacific,flow back eastwards when winds that normally blow westwards weaken,

13、or sometimes the other way round.The weather effects,both good and bad,are felt in many places.Rich countries gain more from powerful Nios,on balance,than they lose.A study found that a strong Nio in 199798 helped Americas economy grow by $15 billion,partly because of better agricultural harvests:fa

14、rmers in the Midwest gained from extra rain.The total rise in agricultural incomes in rich countries is greater than the fall in poor ones.But in Indonesia extremely dry forests are in flames.A multiyear drought(干旱) in southeast Brazil is becoming worse.Though heavy rains brought about by El Nio may relieve the drought in California,they are likely to cause surface flooding and other disasters.The most recent powerful Nio,in 199798,killed a


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