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1、 阿克托盖铜选厂硫化铜厂项目阿克托盖铜选厂硫化铜厂项目 Aktogay Copper Project Sulphide Plant 35003500 精矿仓挡土墙施工缝加固施工方案精矿仓挡土墙施工缝加固施工方案 Method Statement for Strengthen Retaining Wall Construction Joint in Area 3500 Concentrate Silo 11250-ZB-NFC-3500-MS-C-0172 A 12-May-2016 Issued for Review/Comment He Kai Lin Liu Ming Guan Cheng

2、Ming Rev # Date Reason for Issue Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Page 2 of 15 Method Statement for Strengthen Retaining Wall Construction Joint in Area 3500 Concentrate Silo 11250-ZB-NFC-3500-MS-C-0172 Rev. A 目 录目 录 Contents I. 工程概况 General Situation for Project 3 II. 施工部署 Construction Deploymen

3、t 3 2.1 技术准备 Technique Preparation 3 2.2 施工部署 Construction Arrangement . 4 2.3 劳动力资源配置 Allocation of Labor Resources . 4 2.4 施工材料准备 Preparation of Construction Materials 5 2.5 施工工具、机具准备 Construction Tool and Equipment Preparation 5 III. 施工方法 Construction Method 6 3.1 挡墙施工缝加固施工流程 Construction Joint S

4、trengthen Process 6 3.2 主要施工注意事项 The Main Construction Matters Needing Attention . 6 3.3 施工缝加固施工 Construction Joint Strengthen 6 IV. 加固图示 Strengthen Diagram 8 V. 风险评估 Risk Analysis . 10 VI. 安全管理方案 Safety Management Program 12 6.1 总要求 General Requirements . 12 6.2 防止高处坠落措施 Measures to Prevent Falling

5、 from Height 13 6.3 防止高处落物伤人措施 Measures to be Taken to Prevent from Falling Damage13 6.4 相关注意事项 Others 14 Page 3 of 15 Method Statement for Strengthen Retaining Wall Construction Joint in Area 3500 Concentrate Silo 11250-ZB-NFC-3500-MS-C-0172 Rev. A I. 工程概况工程概况 General Situation for Project 本工程为哈萨克铜

6、业公司投资新建的项目,处理矿石2500万吨/年。 本工程为哈萨克斯坦阿克托盖铜矿选矿厂3500铜精矿浓缩精矿仓挡墙的施工缝 加固方案,该挡墙沿南北成L型布置,总长约为110m.高度为5.5m,施工缝按间距8.05 m设置,为保证挡墙的整体性,故对该挡墙的施工缝加宽处进行加固处理。 This project is a new investing project for KAZ Minerals PLC, which dealing with minerals 25 million tons per year. This method statement is for strengthening

7、retaining wall construction joint in area 3500 copper concentration silo. The wall is situated in L-shape with a length of 110m and height of 5.5m. The construction joint gap is settled as 8.05m. In order to ensure wall entity, it is going to strengthen the widen construction joint. II. 施工部署施工部署 Con

8、struction Deployment 2.1 技术准备技术准备 Technique Preparation 2.1.1根据设计图纸,进行设计图纸自审和会审,明确施工范围。 2.1.1 According to the design drawings, please conduct design drawings of self-examination and joint triage. The construction range should be clear. 2.1.2 熟悉设计图纸,了解相应的国家规程和规范要求,结合现场实际情况,根 据施工工期要求,编制各专业的施工作业指导书和质量

9、计划。 2.1.2 Familiar with design drawings, workers need to understand the relevant national regulations and regulatory requirements. Combined with the actual situation, according to the construction schedule requirements, establish a professional construction work instructions and quality plans. 2.1.3

10、 施工图自审、会审后,认真组织施工班组熟悉施工过程及有关技术要求, Page 4 of 15 Method Statement for Strengthen Retaining Wall Construction Joint in Area 3500 Concentrate Silo 11250-ZB-NFC-3500-MS-C-0172 Rev. A 并集中进行一次全面技术交底,明确整个管道施工的质量及进度要求。 2.1.3 After the design drawings of self-examination and joint triage, seriously organize t

11、he construction team to be familiar with the construction process and the relevant technical requirements, and make a comprehensive technical tests. The entire pipeline construction quality and progress requirements should be make clear. 2.2 施工部施工部署署 Construction Arrangement 挡墙施工缝加固安排一个作业队,下设三个班组。一个

12、班组负责挡墙开孔工作; 一个班组负责钢板下料及运输工作;另一班组负责钢板安装定位工作。 The project of strengthen retaining wall construction joint need to be arranged with an operating team, following with three groups. The first group is responsible for opening the hole on the retaining wall. The second group is responsible for steel plate

13、reshipment and lying off. The third group is for steel plate position and installation. 2.3 劳动力资源配置劳动力资源配置 Allocation of Labor Resources 施工人员需求根据安装任务合理安排, 根据实际情况及时调整人员需要, 作业人 员初步安排见下表: The need for works should be reasonably arranged according to installation tasks and schedule requirements, proper

14、adjustment need to be made with the actual situation timely, preliminary arrangements for workers in the table as below: 专业 Profession 人数 Number of people 专业 Profession 人数 Number of people 决 策 层 Decision layer 管 理 人 员 Administrative staff 1 作业层 Worker layer 焊 工 Welder 4 执 行 层 Executive layer 技 术 员 T

15、echnician 1 普工 General worker 4 质量员 The quality engineer 1 电工 Electrician 1 Page 5 of 15 Method Statement for Strengthen Retaining Wall Construction Joint in Area 3500 Concentrate Silo 11250-ZB-NFC-3500-MS-C-0172 Rev. A 安全员 Safety officer 1 合计 Total 13 2.4 施工材料准备施工材料准备 Preparation of Construction Ma

16、terials 该材料为施工措施和方法中使用的材料,材料数量及规格见下表(部分材料可循 环使用): The material for the construction measures and methods used in the material, material number and specification see table (part of the materials can be recycled) : 序 号 No. 材 料 名 称 Material Name 规 格 /型 号 Size/Model 单 位 No. 数 量 Quantity 备 注 Remark 1 钢 板 Steel plate t=12 kg 200 2 圆 钢 Round steel 20 kg 70 2.5 施工工具、机具准备施工工具、机具准备 Construction Tool and Equipment Preparation 安装使用工、机具种类见下表。设备进场投入使用前应进行全面检修,


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