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1、“讲忠诚、严纪律、立政德”三者相互贯通、相互联系。忠诚是共产党人的底色,纪律是不能触碰的底线,政德是必须修炼的素养。永葆底色、不碰底线Unit 7 Its raining!学习目标:1、复习重点单词,短语和句型。2、复习有关天气的话题。3、复习现在进行时的用法及打电话用语。Guide One一: 词型转换 1. rain形容词:_ 2.windy名词: _3.cloudy名词:_ 4.sunny名词:_5.snow形容词:_ 6.weather同音词:_7.bad反义词:_ 8.cold反义词:_ 9.visit名词:_ 10.Canada形容词:_ 11.sit现在分词_ 12.Europe

2、形容词:_ 13.country复数:_ 14.Russian名词:_ wind rainy cloud sun snowy whether good hot Canadian visitor sitting EuropeanCountries RussiaGuide Two1.Howistheweather.?=Whatstheweatherlike.?天气怎么样?2.be+Ving e.g.:beraining Be + adj e.g.:bewindy3.talkabouttheweatherwithfriends和朋友谈论天气 4.Hows it going?一切还好吗?5.notba

3、d不坏,不错 6. at the park = in the park在公园7.soundlike 听起来像 8.haveagoodtime玩得开心;过得愉快9.studyatsbshome 在某人的家中学习 10.takeamessageforsb. 为某人带消息11.tellsb.todosth.告诉某人做某事 12.callsb.back 给某人)回电话13.noproblem 没问题 14.dooneshomework做某人的作业15.rightnow 现在;/立即;马上 16.studyEnglish学习英语17.have a great time + Ving 开心做某事 18.s

4、ummer school 暑期学习班19.visit someofmyoldfriends拜访我的一些老朋友 20.behappytodosth.高兴做某事 21.sitbythepool坐在游泳池边22.drinkorangejuice 喝橙汁 23.summervacation暑假24.studyhard 努力学习 25.beonvacation 在度假26.writetosb.给某人写信 27.in your country在你的国家28.nextmonth 下个月 29.forthreehours三个小时30. wear hats戴帽子 31.wear sweaters穿毛衣32.ta

5、keaphotoof sb. 给某人照相 33.take photos照相34.speaktosb.给某人谈话 35.callsb.at.给某人回电话36.intherainyweather在下雨天气里Guide Three语法探究.有关天气的表达: 询问天气的句型: Hows the weather? Whats the weather like? 常见天气的描述: 1. 晴朗: Its sunny./The sun is shining brightly. 2. 阴天: Its cloudy. 3. 刮风: Its windy./The wind is blowing. 4. 下雨: It

6、s raining/rainy. 5. 下雪: Its snowing/snowy.电话常用语 1. 我是 This is (speaking) 2. 你是吗? Is that (speaking)? 3. 是的,我就是。 Yes,speaking. 4. 请问您是谁? Who is that speaking? 5. 我可以和讲话吗? May I speak to ? 6. 他不在这儿。 Hes not here.7. 我能给捎口信吗? Could I take a message for ? 8. 你能告诉他给我回电话吗? Could you tell him to call me bac

7、k? 9. 当然,没问题。 Sure,no problem.10. 别挂断。 Hold on. 11. 请稍候。 Just a moment, please.【练习吧】( c )1 Hello, may I speak to John, please? _ A. Who are you? B. Whats the matter? C. This is John speaking. D. He is John.( B )2. May I speak to Annie, please? _. A. Yes, youre right B. Speaking C. Thank you D. She i

8、s fine当堂训练. 单项选择( C )1.Why not _ to the movies tonight? _ fun. I am free this evening. Ago; Sound Bgoing; Sounds Cgo; Sounds Dgoes; Sound( A )2. They enjoy _ English this way. I want to have a try. Aspeaking BSay Cto speak Dto say.翻译句子 这个计划听起来很有趣。 The plan sounds _like_an interesting one. The plan _sounds _ _interesting_. .同义句转换 1. He has a great time talking with me. He _ enjoys _ _ himself_talking with me. He _has _ _fun_ talking with me. 2. Whats the weather like today? _Hows_ the weather today?政德才能立得稳、立得牢。要深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想特别是习近平总书记关于“立政德”的重要论述,深刻认识新时代立政德的重要性和紧迫性。


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