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1、 2018年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 英语(二)英语(二) 解析解析 Section I Use of English 解析人:解析人:He Wanggang Why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things that will obviously be painful? Because humans have an inherent need to _1_ uncertainty, according to a recent study in Psychological Scien

2、ce. The new research reveals that the need to know is so strong that people will _2_ to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will _3_. 为什么人们会阅读负面的互联 网评论,做其他显然会让人痛苦的事 情? 根据心理科学最近的一项研 究,因为人类天生就有解决不确定性 的需要。 新的研究表明,人们需要 知道的是如此的强烈,以至于人们会 试图去满足他们的好奇心,即使很清 楚会受到伤害。 词汇溯源词汇溯源 negative negt

3、v 释义 n. 否定,负数,底片 adj. 否定的,消极的,负的,阴性的 vt. 否定,拒绝 (接受) 构词 neg 否定,-ative 形容词后缀 否定的,消极的 同根词 negate neglect negligence negligible 同义词 blackball minus veto disconfirming 反义词 positive affirmative neutral painful -fl 释义 adj. 疼痛的,使痛苦的 同义词 atrocious sore irritating afflictive 反义词 painless inherent nhrnt, -her-

4、 释义 adj. 固有的,内在的,与生俱来的 构词 in- 加强意义,her 粘,-ent 的 生来的,固有的,原有的 同根词 hesitate hesitation hesitant adhere adherence 同义词 integral constitutional built inbuilt accord k:d 释义 n. 一致,符合,调和,协定; vt. 一致,给与; vi. 符合 构词 ac- 表示 to,cord 心; “心心相印” 一致,协调,符合,使一致 同根词 accordance cardiac cardinal cordial core 同义词 conformity

5、 agreement treaty accordance 反义词 disagreement In a series of four experiments, behavioral scientists at the University of Chicago and the Wisconsin School of Business tested students willingness to _4_ themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity. For one _5_ each participant w

6、as shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment. The twist? Half of the pens would _6_ an electric shock when clicked. 在一系列的四项实验中,芝加 哥大学和威斯康星大学商学院的行为 科学家测试了学生们是否愿意暴露在 不愉快的刺激下,以满足好奇心。 在一次试验中,向每位参与者展示了 一堆笔,研究者称这些笔是先前实验 的结果。 转折吗? 当使用的时 候,有一半的笔会产生电击。 词汇溯源词汇溯源 experime

7、nt kspermnt 释义 n. 实验,试验 vi. 进行实验,做试验 构词 ex 出+per+i+ment 实验 同根词 peril empirical experience 同义词 try out experimentation behavioral 释义 adj. 动作的 同义词 behavioural stimulus stmjuls 释义 n. 刺激物,促进因素,刺激,刺激 同义词 input stimulation stimulant twist twst 释义 n. 一扭,扭曲,盘旋,曲折,歪曲,手法,螺旋状 vt. 拧,扭曲,绞,搓, 捻,使苦恼,使转动,编织 vi. 扭弯,

8、扭曲,缠绕,扭动,呈螺旋形 同义词 turn of events device gimmick turn 反义词 unbend untwist Twenty-seven students were told which pens were electrified; another twenty-seven were told only that some were electrified _7_ left alone in the 27 个学生被告知哪些钢笔是带 电的;另有 27 个只被告知一些是带电 的,当独自一个人在房间的时候,那 room, the students who did no

9、t know which ones would shock them clicked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew what would _8_. Subsequent experiments reproduced this effect with other stimuli, _9_ the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects. 些不知道会产生电击的学生比那些知 道的同学点击更多的笔。

10、随后的实 验用其他刺激来重现这种效果,比如 指甲敲击到黑板时的声音和恶心的昆 虫的照片。 词汇溯源词汇溯源 reproduce ri:prdju:s 释义 v. 繁殖,再生,复制,使.在脑海中重现 构词 re- 再,produce 生产 再生产,再造,复制 同根词 abduct abduction educate education induce 同义词 regurgitate procreate multiply photograph futgr:f 释义 n. 照片 构词 photo 光,影,graph 写纪录, “用光写” 相片 同根词 grammar gram graph graphi

11、c geography 同义词 exposure pic photo picture insect nsekt 释义 n. 昆虫,卑鄙的人 adj. .虫的,虫子一样的,对付虫子的 构词 in- 入内,sect 切,割, “切入” , “切裂”昆虫躯体分节,节与节之间宛 如“切裂” 、 “割断”之状,故名 昆虫 同根词 sect sectarian section dissect intersect 同义词 worm louse dirt ball The drive to _10_ is deeply rooted in humans, much the same as the basic

12、drives for _11_ or shelter, says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago. Curiosity is often considered a good instinctit can _12_ new scientific advances, for instancebut sometimes such _13_ can backfire. The insight that curiosity can drive you to do _14_ things is a profound one. Unhealthy

13、curiosity is possible to _15_, 芝加哥大学的 Christopher Hsee 说,探索的动力深深扎根于人们心 中,就像食物或住所的基本驱动力一 样。 好奇心常常被认为是一种不错 的本能它能带来新的科学进步, 但有时这种探究会适得其反。 好奇 心会驱使你去做自我毁灭的事情,这 是一个深刻的见解。 然而,不健康 的好奇心是可以抵抗的。 在最后一 项实验中,那些参与者被鼓励去试想 however. In a final experiment, participants who were encouraged to _16_ how they would feel af

14、ter viewing an unpleasant picture were less likely to _17_ to see such an image. These results suggest that imagining the _18_ of following through on ones curiosity ahead of time can help determine _19_ it is worth the endeavor. “Thinking about long-term _20_ is key to reducing the possible negativ

15、e effects of curiosity.“ Hsee says. In other words, dont read online comments. 一下观看不愉快照片的感受,他们就 不太可能会选择看这样的图片了。 这些结果表明,在满足自己好奇心之 前想一下后果,可以帮助自己确定是 否值得付出努力。 Hsee 教授说到, “考虑长远的后果是减少好奇心可能带 来负面影响的关键。” 换句话说, 不要在线评论。 词汇溯源词汇溯源 deeply 释义 adv. 深深地 同义词 deep profoundly scientific santfk 释义 adj. 科学的 构词 sci 知知识,-i-,-fic 的 科学(上)的,符合科学规律的 同根词 science scientist conscious consciousness conscience 反义词 unscient



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